03-03-1868: Wesleyan (Pilgrims Uniting) Church, Patterson street, Launceston, Tasmania.

Illustrated Australian News for Home Readers, Tuesday 3rd March 1868, page 3


“The new Wesleyan Church, in Patterson-street, Launceston, Tasmania, of which we give an engraving in the present number, was opened for worship on Friday, the 21st…”
“… The principal windows, front and rear, are fitted with stained glass, by Ferguson and Urie, of Melbourne…”

Launceston Examiner, Tasmania, Saturday 24th August 1867, page 4.

“WESLEYAN. Two stained glass decorative windows have been ordered from Melbourne for the Wesleyan Church now building in this town. They are to be of very handsome design and will be placed at either end of the edifice.”

This is now the Pilgrims Uniting Church, Launceston. The windows were ordered circa August 1867 from Melbourne. The large five light window facing Patterson street is twenty two feet high and absolutely stunning. No stained glass window was seen in the opposite end of the church on my visit in 2010 but Gavin Merrington from ‘Original Stained Glass’ at South Hobart has confirmed its existence and is hidden by the organ loft.

Photos taken 10th October 2010.

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Related posts: 13-08-1867: James Urie visits Tasmania on Ferguson and Urie business. 

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