22-04-1870: The Haymarket Theatre Dispute. Melbourne, Victoria.

The Argus, Melbourne, Friday 22nd April 1870, page 6.

Mr P.T. Conlon, Architect, writes to the Editor of the Argus in an attempt to correct a misinformed statement made by a Mr. Sullivan at a meeting of bondholders of the Haymarket Theatre..


 “Sir, – In the absence of Mr. George Coppin from the colony, will you permit me to contradict a statement made by Mr. Sullivan, at a meeting of bondholders held yesterday, at the office of Mr. Mackenzie. In your report of the meeting in this mornings issue of the Argus, it appears that Mr Sullivan made a statement to the effect that Mr. Coppin had four bonds given to him for certain articles that he provided when the theatre was built, amongst which was a stained glass window that was placed in front of the Apollo-hall. Upon this subject Mr. Sullivan must have been misinformed. The history of the stained glass window, of which so much has been said of late, is simply that in my original specification for building the Haymarket Theatre the whole of the windows in front were to be of plate glass. Messrs. Ferguson and Urie being anxious to introduce their exceedingly beautiful system of imitating stained glass, made an offer to Mr. Coppin to fill in the spaces with their workmanship, at atleast two thirds less than Its actual cost. Mr. Coppin accepted their offer and paid the difference between that and the plate-glass, and to my certain knowledge there was no source from whence Mr. Coppin could obtain the bonus (of four debentures) spoken of by Mr. Sullivan. – I am, Sire, yours, &c. P.T. CONLON, Architect. April 21, 1870.”

Note: The Shakespeare window now is on display at the State Library in Swanston St Melbourne and was restored by Geoffrey Wallace Stained Glass in 2005.

Shakespeare Window 01

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