22-10-1872: St Andrews Church, Walkerville, South Australia.

The Argus, Melbourne, Tuesday 22nd October 1872, page 5 & Border Watch, Mount Gambier, Saturday 26th October 1872, page 3.

 “A very handsome stained glass memorial window in memory of the late Lady Edith Christian Fergusson, wife of Sir James Fergusson, Bart, Governor of South Australia, who died about a year ago, has just been finished by Messrs. Ferguson, Urie, and Lyon of this city, and is to be forwarded to Adelaide today with the view of it being erected in St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church there by the 28th inst, the anniversary of her ladyship’s death. The principal figures in the window are life size representations of Christ ascending to Heaven from Mount Olivet, with St. Peter on one side holding the keys of Heaven and the Scriptures, and St. Andrew, the patron saint of the church where the window is to be erected, on the other side. The window also displays in large size the emblems of the four evangelists, and over the central figure the Holy Spirit is represented by the dove, while under it is a large artistic monogram of the letters I.H.S, surrounded by vines. The whole design is filled in with stained-glass devices of various colours; one corner having the arms of the Marquis of Dalhousie, of whom Lady Edith was a daughter, and at the bottom in large letters is the name Edith Christian Fergusson. The work is all executed in the old mosaic style, each different colour being one separate piece of glass, the whole being joined together by lead at the back. The ground colour of the design is blue, which is selected as being the most appropriate for a northern aspect, which the window is to have. The three principal figures are extremely handsome, the colours of the faces and the garments being well and clearly brought out, and the other accessory designs mentioned assist in forming a beautiful allegorical picture. Messrs. Ferguson, Urie, and Lyons’ reputation as stained glass window artists is fully established, and this last work of theirs is well calculated to support the name they have earned in their special line.”

South Australian Register, Adelaide, Wednesday 23rd October 1872. page 2.

“A stained glass window for St. Andrew’s Church, in memory of the late lady Edith Fergusson was shipped to-day. It is very handsome.”

Photos kindly provided by Kerry Kroehn 24/01/2011.

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