1870: The Convent of Mercy, Albury, New South Wales.

The Convent of Mercy at Albury, New South Wales, has remnants of original Ferguson & Urie stained glass. The main entrance doors originally contained the figures of St Bernard and St Bridget with the Virgin and child in the window above the doorway.

The convent was formally opened on the 4th February 1870 by the Bishops of Bathurst and Maitland and the Freemans Journal of 19th February published very a detailed account of the proceedings.

In December 2013 Fr. Joel Wallace sent me some photos of the entrance windows and the stained glass above the doorway appears to be the most intact. The St Bridget window in the right door panel looks to have had multiple fractures over the last 144 years and there is evidence of many additional lead lines introduced to arrest the past damage. The St Patrick window in the left doorway unfortunately no longer exists.

Photos were kindly supplied by Fr. Joel Wallace, 13th December 2013.

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Freeman’s Journal, Sydney, NSW, Saturday 19th February 1870, page 10.

(From a Correspondent)

“On Friday, the 4th February, their Lordships the Bishops of Bathurst and Maitland arrived in Albury to formally open and bless the Convent of Mercy…”

“…On Sunday the 6th the ceremony of opening and blessing the Convent took place, an event marking a new era in the Catholic history of this important and fast rising town not soon to be forgotten…”

“…Entering the hall under the verandah arches, the visitor is struck with the magnificent appearance of the stained glass in the upper panel of doors and fanlights over. In the centre of fanlight is a splendid medallion representing the Blessed Virgin and Child; on one side of the medallion the monogram of St. Bernard, on the other I.H.S. In one panel of the doors a full length figure of ‘St. Bridget,” whose name the Convent bears, the other panel the figure of St. Patrick, both in elaborately wrought canopies. The glass is from the manufactory of Messrs. Farguson [sic], Urie, and Lyon, of Melbourne, on whom it reflects great credit…”

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1993: St Matthew’s Anglican Church, Albury, New South Wales.

St Matthew’s Anglican Church in Albury originally contained many Ferguson & Urie stained glass windows as well as a five-light east window by Lyon & Cottier of Sydney.

The church was destroyed by fire on Saturday 14th September 1991 and it was resolved, where possible, to re-create the east window by Lyon & Cottier by Philip Handel based on photographs. The only remnant of a Ferguson & Urie window was incorporated into a new design depicting the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

Ausglass Magazine, Dr Bronwyn Hughes, Editor, Monday 30th August 1993, page 5.

“… A total of ten windows, mainly in the transepts, were the work of Ferguson & Urie of Melbourne and were installed from about 1876. Mainly grisaille work with inset medallions and small scenes, as well as two nativity windows, they epitomise the Ferguson & Urie style which used strong blues and reds in borders, brown paint and silver stain in the vignettes. Most of these windows will not be replaced to resemble the originals as the photographic evidence is simply not good enough to allow satisfactory reproduction. New transept windows, which recreate the spirit of the former windows through grisaille and monograms, are being made by Mr Philip Handel who also has family connections with the firm Lyon & Cottier through his father, Alfred Handel”.

The Albury Banner & Wodonga Express, NSW, Saturday 15th January 1876, page 6.
[Excerpt about the stained-glass windows]

“…The stained glass windows are in every instance choice specimens of one of the most beautiful of the decorative arts, and the largest of them – east window in the chancel – is one of the best in the Australian colonies. This window, the cost of which was kindly guaranteed by a member of another denomination – Mr. G. Day, M.P. for the district – 22ft. high and 10ft. in width at the base. It was made by Messrs. Lyon, Cottier and Co., of Sydney, the principal subject being the calling of St Matthew, while the side lights represent full-length figures of the four Evangelists. The principal point of excellence in this window is the design, which is particularly bold and well-conceived; the coloring, however, is also rich and harmonious, and, taken as a whole, the windows is probably surpassed by few in the colony, and certainly is not equalled by any outside Sydney or Melbourne. The two centre figures are especially good. The other windows, ten in number, have been made by Messrs. Ferguson and Urie, of Melbourne, and though smaller than the east window are equally distinguished by beauty of design, and harmony of color. Two of the largest are situated at the end of the south transept, and are the gift of the Sunday School pupils and Dr. R. N. Cobbett, respectively. Both are specimens of the modern style of art. The former contains two large full-length figures illustrative of the text “Suffer little children to come unto me;” the first figure representing the Saviour in the act of teaching little children, the second being an illustration of Christ as the Good Shepherd. The window given by Dr. Cobbett contains three figures personifying the cardinal virtues – Faith and Hope on the lower and larger lights, surmounted by Charity above; this window bears the legend “In Deo est nostra apes.” [in God is our hope] On the east side of the South transept are two windows ornamented with geometrical designs; these are presented by the masons and carpenters engaged upon the building. On the west side of the north transept, have been purchased with funds gathered for the purpose by Mrs. Husing and Mrs. Wilcox respectively. The second window on the east side of the north transept is the gift of Mr. W. N. M. Edmondson. This is a very chastely designed and tasteful memorial window, representing the Saviour conversing with children. The principal subject is surmounted by an angel, and a scroll at the bottom of the window bears the text “Suffer little children to come unto me.” Though last not least, comes the window presented through Mr. Crommelin, by Mr. Dufaure, of Sydney. This is placed on the north side of the nave, immediately below the north transept, and is the only window in the building of English manufacture. The subject of this window, two texts have been chosen, in the illustration of which the Saviour is represented first as fainting beneath the weight of the cross. The conception of this picture is remarkably good, every line in the face and figure being suggestive of meekness and long suffering in the Redeemer. In excellent contrast with this is the subject of the second picture, Christ in glory, all memory of the agony suffered during the Incarnation banished for ever from that celestial countenance. The text chosen here is “In my Father’s home are many mansions,” For brilliancy and purity of color this window is unsurpassed by any in the building; if it has any fault it is that of being too bright, and of almost requiring to be toned down by a background of some kind which would  render the gorgeous tints somewhat less dazzling to the eye in the glare of an Australian Summer…”

Photos taken 9th March 2014.

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