19-08-1876: Memorial Church, Brisbane, Queensland.

The Brisbane Courier, Queensland, Saturday 19th August 1876, page 4.

“Several of the Anglican clergy who came down for the Synod are still remaining in town. Of these the Rev. H. J. Hughill, of Leyburn, will preach to-morrow at the Memorial Church, in the morning; and the Rev. E. Moberly, of Gympie, in the evening. The occasion is, we believe, the improvement of the church by various additions, and especially by windows, the gift of an anonymous gentleman, which were ordered specially from Messrs. Ferguson and Urie, of Melbourne, and are highly ornamental.”

14 Oct 2013 – A great clue from Dianne Parker reveals this is the historic wooden church located in the shadow of Suncorp Stadium at Milton…..investigations continue!

07-12-1885: St. Stephens Roman Catholic Church, Brisbane, Queensland.

The Brisbane Courier, Queensland, Monday 7th December 1885, page 4
also, The Queenslander, Brisbane, Saturday 12th December 1885, page 943.

“The Murphy memorial window in St Stephen’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, Elizabeth-street, has just been completed, and enhances the interior beauty of the building to a degree that should be highly gratifying to those who subscribed so liberally for the work. The Gothic window is 35ft high by 14ft in width, whilst the long lights which form the lower square are about 18ft in length and seven in number. The stained glass work has been most artistically executed. The centre light bears a representation of St Stephen, whilst at the feet of he patron saint is a representation of his martyrdom. The other lights bear representations of Saints Matthew, Peter, Mark, Paul, and Luke, whilst the glass below their feet is decorated with evangelistic emblems – the representations of “The Keys” (St. Peter), “The Eagle” (St. John), “The Winged Lion” (St. Mark), “The Sword” (St. Paul), The Winged Bull” (St. Luke), and “The Angel” (St. Matthew) – all being separate studies. The chief feature of the graceful tracery is a beautifully stained representation of “The Ascension”, and on either side are medallions of Mary and Joseph. The other and smaller spaces in the tracery are suitably decorated with representations of Cherubim. The shading and wise combination of colour throughout the window produce a splendid effect, more especially when viewed from the body of the church. The decoration of the window is the design of Messrs. Ferguson and Urie, Collins-street, Melbourne. The artistic portion of the work was done in that city, whilst the fitting up, which has been well and carefully executed, was intrusted to Messrs. Alexander Young and W. Urie, jun, representatives of the contracting firm. The cost of the decoration of the window, which is the largest but one of its class in the colonies, was something like £1000”.

BRISB St Stephen's 01a

At thirty five feet in entire height, the Murphy Memorial window in Brisbane is undoubtedly the largest window ever created by Ferguson & Urie and also the most expensive. This must have also been considered one of the companies most important works as it’s also the only article mentioned to-date where representatives from the company travelled such a long distance to Queensland to supervise the installation of the window.

Alexander Young and William Urie were employees of the Melbourne firm Ferguson & Urie. William was the son of principal partner James Urie, and Alexander Young was James Urie’s brother in law.

Alexander Young & William Urie, from Ferguson & Urie. June 1887

St Stephens Cathedral also included a copy of my Ferguson & Urie company history in their newsletter of August 2011.St Stephen’s Brisbane [Newsletter August 2011]

The Cathedral “Guide News August 2011, page 1.

“[…] I am also very grateful to Ray Brown who is a descendant of James Ferguson of Ferguson & Urie fame. He provided the Ferguson & Urie story which features on pages 6 to 11 […]”

The photos were taken on the 1st of March 2011.

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05-03-1881: Brisbane Boys Grammar School, Gregory Terrace, Brisbane, Queensland.

The Queenslander, Brisbane, Saturday 5th March 1881, page 309.

“New Grammar School Windows.”

“THE setting of the stained glass windows in the great hall of the new Grammar School has been completed. These windows which have been supplied by a Melbourne firm, Messrs. Ferguson and Co., at a cost of about £300, are works of really high art, and that rich modulation of the light, which is the peculiarity of stained glass, adds immensely to the interior effect of the fine hall. The windows are of Gothic form, and are 24ft high by 12ft wide. Below the arch they are divided into five compartments for the panes. The window acing Gregory-terrace is of a pattern of gothic tracery, in colours that blend into a rich and harmonious combination. But that at the northern end of the hall is by far the most magnificent and costly of the two. The central compartment of this window is occupied by a life-size representation of the Queen, in a purple robe trimmed with ermine, a scroll in her left hand, and in her right a wreath. Just below her Majesty’s effigy are the arms of Great Britain, and surrounding her are medallions of the famous men who have assisted to shed lustre on the crown she inherited. Statesmen and poets, men of science and warriors, will look down on our Grammar School boys and invite them to emulate their noble deeds. These medallions are a neutral tint like engravings, backed up by some rich dark colour that makes them stand out in clear relief, and the celebrities pourtrayed (sic) are Chaucer, Bacon, Burleigh, Cook, Shakespeare, Milton, Newton, Chatham, Somers, Nelson, Wellington, and Faraday. The circle in the arch of the window represents, in its three counterfoils, the shields of England, Ireland, and Scotland, while the two counterfoils on either side below it contain the arms of Queensland. Along the base of the window the centre of the five panels contains the seal of the school, with the arms of the Prince of Wales and Duke of Edinburgh on either side, and, flanking these, the arms of the city of Brisbane and of the Governor. The excellence of the work reflects great credit on the manufacturers, as also upon those whose taste decided the form it should take. It is very gratifying to find that such work can be done in Australia”.

 In 1868, Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, laid the foundation stone of the original building in Roma street Brisbane. Due to the expansion of the Roma street railway yards the school was forced to move to its current location at 24 Gregory Terrace. The building was designed by James Cowlishaw and was built W McFarlane for £12,000 and opened in 1881. The Ferguson & Urie windows are located in the Great Hall.

Images of a  School: Art and Architecture as Symbols of Ideals at Brisbane Grammar School 1869-1989,  Pamela Barnett (published 1989).

“[…] James Cowlishaw presented the designs for the first window to a Trustees’ meeting on 13 February 1880, the decision to obtain the windows through public subscription being made at the next meeting, on 19 March. The second window was not approved until 16 July, when the cost of both windows was estimated at £500 […]”.

“[…] When the windows were finally installed in the Great Hall, they were acclaimed by the Royal visitors to the School in 1881 as ‘some of Australia’s finest stained glass windows. […]

Images: The first two historical photos are from the Queensland State Library collections. The photos following the historical ones have been graciously contributed by Mrs Noelle Nathan, taken 17th Oct 2011. The last image shows a comparison of the completed image of Queen Victoria with the initial pencil design sketch done by the firms senior stained glass artist David Relph Drape (1821-1882)

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Related posts: 26-02-1881

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26-02-1881: Brisbane Boys Grammar School, Gregory Terrace, Brisbane, Queensland.

The Queenslander, Brisbane, Saturday 26th February 1881, page 261.

“THE new Grammar School not yet being complete, it has been decided by the trustees to postpone the prise day from 28th February (foundation day) to 28th March, when it is expected that the stained glass windows, which have arrived from Melbourne, will have been put in their place.”

The stained glass windows mentioned were made by Ferguson & Urie in Melbourne. The next post includes a very descriptive and fascinating article about the windows as well as photos.

Related posts: 05-03-1881

26-04-1879: St Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Creek Street, Brisbane, Queensland.

In April 1879  Ferguson & Urie stained glass was represented in the Creek Street Presbyterian Church in Brisbane and was the gift of the Premier of Queensland, Sir Thomas McIllwraith (1835-1900).

In 1885 the Creek Street Presbyterian congregation were persuaded to sell their land to the Queensland National Bank for the sum of ₤18,750. As a result, the congregation acquired the Spring Hill property, which had been the site of the first Children’s Hospital. Much of the stonework from the demolished Creek Street Church was used in the new building as well as iron railings and gates, and the stained glass windows.

The foundation stone of the new church was laid at Spring Hill on the 8th of October 1887 and was dedicated in May 1889. The church is now known as St Paul’s, Spring Hill and still contains the original historic Ferguson & Urie windows which are now installed in pairs high up on the right and left above the chancel. The windows are arranged in pairs with the old testament characters ‘Isaiah’ & ‘Jeremiah’ on the left and ‘Ezekiel’ & ‘Daniel’ on the right.

Photos taken 01/03/2011.

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The Brisbane Courier, Queensland, Saturday 26th April 1879, page 5.

 “A HANDSOM donation in the shape of four stained glass windows, has recently been made by a member of he congregation of the Creek-street Presbyterian Church. The windows which have been placed in the southern end of the building over the pulpit contain representations of the four Major Prophets – Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel – the distinctive characteristics of each being beautifully illustrated, while the colors in each instance are so arranged as to have a very pleasing effect. The space in each window surrounding the design itself is filled in with an elegant geometric pattern, the whole being edged with a chaste bordering. In size the windows are each 12ft by 2ft, and are certainly on the whole the finest specimens of this branch of he art as yet to be seen in this city. The manufacturers are Messrs. Ferguson and Urie, of Melbourne, and their style in which they have turned out their work will compare favourably with that shown by the best English makers”.

Western Star and Roma Advertiser, Toowoomba, QLD, Monday 21st April 1879, page 2.

“Brisbane. [from our own correspondent] April 20.
The hon T. McIllwraith, Premier and Colonial Treasurer, has just presented a stained glass window to the Creek-street Presbyterian Church.”

External links:

Biography: Sir Thomas McIllwraith (1835-1900)

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14-11-1875: St. Mary’s Church, Kangaroo Point, Brisbane, Queensland.

The Brisbane Courier, QLD, Saturday 29th October 1904, page 12.

1904 ‘BRISBANE’S HISTORIC CHURCHES.—II.’, The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933), 29 October, p. 12, viewed 14 February, 2012, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article19329758


“[…] The Rev. Mr. D. A. Court continued his able ministrations in the church, which had been so successfully built under his care, until death overtook him. During his ministry the church was presented with a handsome credence table by Mr. G. R. Suter; a stained glass window, representing the Crucifixion, presented by Bishop Tufnell; another representing the nativity, presented by Mr. C. C. Horrocks, in memory of his daughter Grace; and a third representing the Resurrection, presented by the Rev. D. A. Court, in memory of his father, who attained his 91st birthday on the day the church was consecrated. […]”

The Nativity, Crucifixion and Resurrection windows were made by Ferguson & Urie of Melbourne and were dedicated in the church on Sunday 14th November 1875.

The foundation stone for St Mary’s was laid by the Governor of Queensland, George Augustus Constantine, Marquis or Normanby, on the 29th of April 1872 and was consecrated on the 5th of November 1873. After significant storm damage in 1892, subsequent reconstruction included a two bay transept completed in 1893.

Photos courtesy of Mrs Noelle Nathan (taken 16th Oct 2011).

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10-09-1870: All Saints Church Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, Queensland.

The Brisbane Courier, QLD, Monday 3rd October 1870, page 3.
(repeated in  The Brisbane Courier, QLD, Saturday 10th September 1870, page 5.)

 “A VERY handsome stained-glass east window has been presented to All Saints’ Church, Wickham-terrace, by Sir R. R. Mackenzie and other members of his family. The window is intended to commemorate the decease of the late Mr. Richard Jones, Mrs. Mary O’Connell, and Mr. John Stephen Ferriter. The work has been executed by Messrs. Ferguson, Urie, and Lyon, of Melbourne. The window consists of what is technically termed seven lights, representing the Crucifixion, the Ascension, the Virgin, and Mary Magdalene. The work is beautifully executed, both as regards the excellence of the design and the richness of the colouring, and reflects great credit on all concerned in its manufacture. The window greatly adds to the beauty of the building, and is a gift well worthy of the donors, whose munificence will no doubt be appreciated by the congregation”

Photos taken 1st March 2011.

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The Darling Downs Gazette and General Advertiser, QLD, Wednesday 14th Sep1870, page 3.

“A HANDSOME stained glass window has been presented to All Saints’ Church, Brisbane, by Sir R. R. Mackenzie, and other members of his family. The window is intended as a memorial of the late Mr Richard Jones, Mrs Mary O’Connell, and Mr John Stephen Ferriter. The work has been executed by Messrs Ferguson, Urie, and Lyons [sic], of Melbourne”.

All Saints’ Church Brisbane 1862-1937 by D. L. Kissick B.A., page 30.

“The first anniversary of the dedication of the new church was kept on September 18th,the Bishop and the Rev. T. Jones being the preachers and the offertories being devoted to the building fund. At about this time the, beautiful east windows were put in place, for they were described in the “Courier” of October 3rd, 1870. They ‘were the gift of Sir Robert R Mackenzie, the Rev. T. Jones and. other members of the family of Mr. Richard Jones (father-in-law of the Rev. T. Jones), in memory of him, his daughter, Mrs. Mary O’Connell and Mr. John Stephen Ferriter. In. that famous Queensland poem by W. Wilks, “The Raid of the Aborigines,” Mr. John Stephen Ferriter is described under the name of “Justice Fairit of Tenthill,” a station originally owned by Mr. Richard Jones (“Merchant” Jones)”.

“The work was executed by Messrs. Ferguson, Uril [sic] and Lyons [sic] of Melbourne, the design and the richness of the colouring being excellent. The windows represents the Crucifixion with Mary Magdalene at the foot of the Cross, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. John, the Ascension and the Holy Spirit. On October 11th the congregation passed a vote of thanks to the Rev. T. Jones and his family for this munificent gift and each generation of worshippers has had cause to bless the generosity of the donors as it has drawn inspiration from this work of art. These windows are probably the oldest stained glass in Queensland”.

There is also a mention of this window in the book “Australia’s Historic Stained Glass” by Beverley Sherry, page 98, which states .”This Crucifixion, rejected by a low church in Melbourne, was installed in 1870 at All Saints” but no evidence has been found to date to indicate which church in Melbourne rejected it.

External Links:

Biography: Sir Robert Ramsay Mackenzie 1811-1873.

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