19-08-1870: Immaculate Conception Church, Hawthorn, Melbourne, Victoria.

South Bourke Standard, Friday 19th August 1870. page 2.

“A meeting of the Catholics of Hawthorn was held in the church of the Immaculate Conception on Sunday last, for the purpose of alloting the eight stained glass windows to those parishioners who had volunteered subscriptions for their purchase. The Rev. Edward Nolan, S. J., occupied the chair, and the windows were alotted as follows:-1. “The Annunciation”, Hon. J. O’Shanassy, M.L.C.; 2. Marriage of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, Robert Hepburn, Esq.; 3. Nativity, and Adoration of the Magi, Hon. M. O’Grady, M.L.A.; 4. The visitation, John McDonald, Esq.; 5. The flight into Egypt, Michael Lynch, Esq.; 6. The Carrying of the Cross, Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Norton; 7. Crucifixion, Wm. Henry Archer, Esq.; 8. Entombment and Taking Down from the Cross, Mrs. Conran, and Mrs. E. J. Prevot, per Hon . M. O’Grady. The reverend chairman received warm congratulations from his flock on his return from New Zealand invigorated with renewed health”.

The slideshow of the windows has been arranged in order as per below:

1.”The Annunciation“, Hon. J. O’Shannassy, M.L.C.
2.”The Marriage of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph“, Robert Hepburn, Esq.
3.”Nativity and Adoration of the Magi“, Hon. M. O’Grady, M.L.A.
4.”The Visitation“, John McDonald, Esq.
5. “The Flight into Egypt“, Michael Lynch, Esq. [1]
6. “The Carrying of the Cross“, Mrs Walsh and Mrs Norton  [2]
7. “Crucifixion“, Wm. Henry Archer, Esq
8. “Entombment and Taking Down from the Cross“, Mrs. Conran and Mrs. E.J. Prevot,, per Hon. M. O’Grady.

All eight windows were created by Ferguson & Urie. There are 42 photos in this slideshow showing various detailed close-ups. The links above (1 to 8) will display the main window image on it’s own.

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Related posts: 11-10-1869

[1] Michael Lynch was the builder of Grace Park House in Hawthorn. In the 1860s he donated the land on the corner of Burwood road and Glenferrie road to the Catholic Church for the purpose of constructing the Immaculate Conception church. Inside the church are two memorials to the family, a small plaque the front of the church and the stained glass window “The Flight into Egypt” on the left as you go in the main entrance.

[2] The window “The Carrying of the Cross”, actually has the names Scott & Norton on it and not Walsh and Norton.

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11-10-1869: Immaculate Conception, Grace-Park, Hawthorn, Melbourne, Victoria.j

The Argus, Melbourne, Monday 11th October 1869, page 5.

“The Opening of the Church of he Immaculate Conception, Grace-park, Hawthorn, took place yesterday forenoon. …”

 “… With the view of having the church ready for the ceremony of yesterday, some work had to be left undone. For instance, only the windows in the clerestory have been permanently filled in. They are filled in with stained glass having various emblems of the Virgin Mary, St Joseph and the Apostles. This is the work of Messrs Ferguson and Urie. The stained glass for the lower windows has yet to be filled in. It will be of a larger and more handsome pattern, and will represent different incidents in the life of Jesus…”

Photos taken 13th March 2011.

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Note: There is some confusion about this window. The window described as being by Ferguson & Urie above contains the Virgin Mary, St Joseph and the Apostles but it is obviously not installed as a clerestory window. The church has this great west window recorded as being by Mayer of Munich, which is correct and was not installed in readiness for the church opening in October 1869. No ‘clerestory’ windows were identified with similar depictions. The liturgical west window was erected in 1875 and most likely only installed by Ferguson & Urie.

The noticeboard just inside the church records the following information:

Immaculate Conception Church, Hawthorn, Noticeboard historical articles, 13th March 2011.


The large window at the back of the ICC is called the Ascension Window since it depicts this event. Mary and the eleven apostles are shown in the lower part of the window.(Mathias has not yet been been chosen to replace Judas). In the upper part of the window, angels welcome and escort the ascended Christ into heaven. It was made by Mayer of Munich (Germany). It represents the Ascension of Our Lord copied from a celebrated painting by the artist Raphael. The window was installed in the church in readiness for the opening in October 1869 [sic]”.

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19-08-1870 (The eight Ferguson & Urie windows in the nave)

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