20-01-1868: Mona Vale Mansion, Ross, Tasmania, Australia.

Mona Vale mansion, at Ross in Tasmania, was built in 1868 for the wealthy land owner and Tasmanian Parliamentarian Robert Quayle Kermode and he entertained the Duke of Edinburgh there shortly after it was completed. The stained glass windows were created by the Ferguson & Urie stained glass company of North Melbourne and were selected by the architect of Mona Vale, Henry Hunter, during a visit to Victoria in 1867.

The Mercury, Hobart, Monday 20th January 1868, page 3.

“THE JOURNEY TO THE NORTH. (From our Special Reporter)


 “In my last article I concluded my description of the trip of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh to the northern side of the island, and landed him safely once again at the threshold of Government House. The narrative would, however, be very incomplete unless accompanied by some kind of description of the mansion at Mona Vale, where His Royal Highness stayed on his upward and downward journey, and where every provision was made for his comfort, which the real genuine hospitality of an English gentleman could devise, or Princely munificence accomplish. The mansion of Mona Vale is, I have no hesitation in saying, one of the most splendid and magnificently furnished residences in the whole of the Australian colonies, and it is replete with every comfort and conveniences that modern art has yet suggested.…”

 “… Retreating to the main corridor we arrive at its junction with the main hall, and here for the first time I observed the beautiful windows of stained glass, which surround the front door. The fanlight is especially worth mention, having in the centre Mr. Kermode’s crest, an arm and dagger surrounded by a handsome design. The side lights have a stained glass bordering, with centre pieces in frosted glass of floral design. Arrived at the foot of the grand staircase, I observed that the whole of the windows by which it is lighted were also of stained glass, showing groups of flowers most tastefully arranged. The whole of these windows are in the style known as enamel painting, and were executed by Messrs. Ferguson and Urie, of Melbourne, some of them being selected for Mr. Kermode by Mr. Henry Hunter, during a late visit to Victoria…”.

Unfortunately I don’t have any photos of the stained glass windows. Only copyright images exist in a handful of publications. The property is now owned by the Cameron family.

Mona Vale, Ross, Tasmania,c,1880’s In-line image from: http://www.utas.edu.au

Robert Quayle Kermode was also a substantial benefactor and instrumental in the erection of St John’s Church in Ross which also has a complete cycle of Ferguson & Urie stained glass windows.

Related posts:

1869: St John’s Anglican Church, Ross, Tasmania.

External Links:

Biography – Robert Quayle Kermode (1812-1870)

Obituary – Robert Quayle Kermode (19 May 1870)

Article – ‘Fine Old Country Residence is Landmark in Northern Tasmania’

Obituary – Robert Crelin Kermode (1847-1927) [son of R. Q. Kermode]

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