17-04-1867: St Paul’s Anglican Church, Latrobe Terrace, Geelong, Victoria.

St Paul’s Anglican Church in Latrobe Terrace, Geelong has a two light Ferguson & Urie stained glass window dedicated to the memory of Frederick & Emma Hawkes who perished in the wreck of the ‘Jane Elizabeth’ off the coast of Tasmania in 1867.

The window depicts Christ as the Saviour of the doomed, appearing at the scene of the wreck of the ‘Jane Elizabeth’. It has the memorial text:


Photos taken: 18th December 2010.

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On the afternoon of the 17th of April 1867 the schooner, ‘Jane Elizabeth’, left the Circular Head wharf for Launceston at half-past 1 o’clock with a light westerly wind [1]. Later in the evening the ship was seen just off ‘Table Cape”. The wind had changed to west nor’-west and soon reached a gale. Amongst the passengers were the Geelong couple, Frederick Hawkes and his wife Emma (nee Horwood) who had only eighteen months earlier married in London.[2]

The following day some wreckage from the Jane Elizabeth was found near Tamar Heads, amongst which, was a broken case with a shirt marked “F. Hawkes” and a lady’s handkerchief marked “E. Horwood.”[3]

These were the only remaining identifying items of the couple.

No survivors or bodies were ever found.

The stained glass memorial window depicting St Peter and St Paul was erected in St Paul’s by Thomas Hawkes, who was Frederick’s brother and also a member of the Geelong hardware an Iron Mongers firm “Hawkes Bros” [4], to whom Frederick also belonged.

Significant transcriptions:

The Cornwall Chronicle, Launceston, Tas, Wednesday 24th April 1867, page 3.

“The following telegram was received from the Tamar Heads at one o’clock yesterday. Messrs. J. H. and B. H. Stutterd of table Cape report the following list of crew and passengers per “Jane Elizabeth.” Crew – Mr. Andrew Soresson, (master and owner); Seamen – Miller, and cook known as George. Passengers from Table Cape – Frederick Hawkes, aged 32; Emma Hawkes, age 30; Charlotte Rebecca Stutterd, aged 16. From Circular Head – One man from the wrecked schooner Rose Ann, Constable Shanassy and Michael Dempsey a prisoner.”

The Argus, Melbourne, Vic, Friday 26th April 1867, page 5.

“It is believed at Geelong that there is great reason to fear that Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hawkes of that town, were amongst the passengers of the schooner Jane Elizabeth, which is supposed to have been lost during the recent gales on the passage from Circular Head to Launceston.

The Cornwall Chronicle, Launceston, Tas, Wednesday 1st May 1867, page 5.

“The Melbourne Age says – There is some reason to fear that Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hawkes, of Geelong, were amongst the passengers of the schooner Jane Elizabeth, which is supposed to have been lost during recent gales, on her passage from Circular Head to Launceston. Ten days ago, as we learn from the ‘Advertiser,’ Mr. Thomas Hawkes received a letter from his brother, who was then staying at Circular Head with his wife’s uncle, Mr. Stutterd, to the effect that there were no other means of reaching Launceston to catch the steamer than by making a journey across the country which would have to be done on horseback, and would occupy six days, or to go round in the schooner, and that he would come by the latter route, if the weather was fine. Among other articles found on the beach was a pocket-book, evidently belonging to young Mrs. Stutterd, Mr. Hawkes cousin. From subsequent accounts, it would appear that the rumoured loss of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hawkes is only too true. This young couple had not been long from England, and were very happy and prosperous in Geelong.”

The Argus, Melbourne, Vic, Wednesday 1st May 1867, page 4.

“HAWKES.- Lost at sea, on the 17th ult., by the wreck of the schooner Jane and Elizabeth, Frederick Hawkes, of the firm of Hawkes Brothers, of Geelong, aged thirty-five. Also, at the same time, his wife Emma, daughter of the late Henry Horwood, Esq., London, aged thirty. Both sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends.”

Geelong Advertiser, Vic, Tuesday 18th February 1868, page 3.


This church has during the last week received an addition to its treasures in the form of a handsome stained glass window, placed in the north aisle opposite to the reading-desk, the work of Messrs Ferguson and Urie of Melbourne. This window represents the figures of St Paul and St Peter, both life size – St Paul habited in a dark tunic and holding the double headed sword of the Spirit in his hand; his more delicate features (drawn from reliable authority), seeming to indicate tenderness of feeling and depth of thought. St Peter, a more ordinary figure, according to the usual tradition. with the keys of the Church in his hand. Over their heads an angel is holding a scroll with these words upon it, “Praise ye the Lord.” Below is the inscription of the window;- “Erected by the brethren of the Masonic Order and Geelong Volunteer Fire Brigade and other friends, in affectionate remembrance of Thomas Thompson, who died march 20, 1887, aged 35 years.” Immediately above the inscription are the emblems of the Masonic Order and the initials of the Geelong Volunteer Fire Brigade.   It is in contemplation to complete the series of windows in the church, numbering twenty-four loghts. The subjects are to represent the rest of the Apostles, and scenes from Scripture alternately.  At the present time Messrs Ferguson and Urie are executing a window to be erected in Memory of Mr and Mrs Frederick Hawkes, who perished last year by drowining on the coast of Tasmania.”

Geelong Advertiser, Vic, Saturday 25th April 1868, page 3.


Sometime ago we gave our readers a description of the “Thompson Memorial Window” which has been placed in this church by the friends, of the deceased. Another window has, been placed by the side of this- to the memory of Mr and Mrs Frederic Hawkes, who perished at sea, off the coast of Tasmania, about this time last year, a disastrous event which was generally so much deplored. In looking at the window we are much struck with the appropriateness of the design, as well as the manner of its execution. The window is divided into two lights; in the eastern light there is an illustration of the narrative of the “Walking on the sea,” as given by St. Matthew, in his Gospel, (chapter 14, verses 22—33). The artist has thrown into St. Peter’s face an expression of terror as he feels himself sinking, and as we view the figure of the Saviour laying hold of the doubting disciple with His left hand, while he has the forefinger of His right hand erect, we feel that the illustration brings out the idea of the sacred words—”And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand, and caught him, and said unto him, ‘Oh thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” In this light, of course, the chief figures are those of the Saviour— which is 3 ½ feet in length—and that of St. Peter, but in the distance can be seen the boat which St. Peter has just left, and three men, brother disciples, in charge of it. In the western light there is an artistic description of the miraculous “Stilling of the Tempest,” founded on the narrative of St. Matthew (chap. 8, vers. 23—28). The expression of the sleeping Christ in the fishing boat, weary with the toils of the day, is well given, and the fear in the hearts of the disciples, and the possible consequences resulting from the “great tempest in the sea,” may be read from the marked expression of their countenances while we can well imagine their earnest words, “Lord save us, we perish.” At the top of these two lights is an angel with outstretched wings, holding a, scroll with the divine inscription, “The sea gave up the dead.” The filling up is good in design, and the colours harmonise well throughout. There are twelve figures in all in this window, with floral decorations. At the base of the window is the following inscription:—” In memory of Frederic Hawkes, aged 35 years, and his wife Emma, aged 30 years, who were lost at sea, April 17,1867.” – This window has been placed in this church by Mr Thomas Hawkes, of this town, as a small tribute of brotherly affection for the many estimable qualities they both possessed.”

Note: The Thompson memorial window described in the first part of the report is included in another article which can be seen [here]

Related posts:

14-02-1868: The Thomas Thompson window at St Paul’s Anglican Church, Latrobe Terrace, Geelong.

Foot notes:


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