29-10-1875: Intercolonial Exhibition, Melbourne, 1875.

The Argus, Melbourne, Friday 29 October 1875, page 7.


“[…] GROUP IV – GLASS AND MANUFACTURES OF GLASS. Special Awards By Commissioners. Ferguson and Urie, 10 Collins-street east – Wall windows and staircase windows, silver medal. Lyon, Cottier, and Co, Sydney – Stained glass stair case window, medal.[…]”

An interesting article that shows former employee and partner, John Lamb Lyon, competing alongside Ferguson & Urie at the exhibition.

29-08-1873: Dissolution of Partnership with John Lamb Lyon.

Victorian Government Gazette, Friday 29th August 1873, No: 64, page 1553.

DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP – THE partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned James Ferguson, James Urie and John Lamb Lyon, as stained glass manufacturers, at Curzon street, Hotham, in the colony of Victoria, under the style of “Ferguson; Urie, and Lyon.” Has been this day dissolved by mutual consent, so far as regards the said John Lamb Lyon. All debts owing to and by the said late firm will be paid to and by the said James Ferguson and James Urie. Dated this fifteenth day of August 1873. JAMES FERGUSON, JAMES URIE, JOHN LAMB LYON. Witnesses to all the signatures – Saml Gillett, solicitor, Melbourne; J. C. Stewart, solicitor. No. 3709”

After ten years with the firm, John Lamb Lyon had decided to head to Sydney where he would team up with a long time friend and former fellow apprentice, Daniel Cottier, to form the Sydney stained glass firm “Lyon & Cottier”.

Victoria Government Gazette 64, Friday 29th August 1873 Page 1553

Victoria Government Gazette 64, Friday 29th August 1873 Page 1553

Related posts:

27-08-1873: The sale of Lyon’s Dudley street house.

External links:

♦ Wikipedia: Daniel Cottier

♦ Biography: John Lamb Lyon

Short link to this page: http://wp.me/p28nLD-kZ

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27-08-1873: John Lamb Lyon sells his house in Dudley Street West Melbourne.

The Argus, Melbourne, Wednesday 27th August 1873, page 2.

John Lamb Lyon has decided to depart the Ferguson & Urie firm. On the 27th of August 1873 at “twelve o’clock noon”, as reported in the Argus, an auction was conducted for his house and contents at, 38 Dudley street West Melbourne.

Lyon then left for Sydney where he teamed up with a long time friend Daniel Cottier to start the Sydney stained glass firm of Lyon, Cottier & Co.

Related posts:

29-08-1873: Dissolution of partnership with Ferguson & Urie.

1916: John Lamb Lyon, Stained Glass Artist, (1835-1916)

External links:

♦ Powerhouse Museum: Stained glass window by John Lamb Lyon, 1879 – 1889

♦ Wikipedia: Daniel Cottier

♦ Biography: John Lamb Lyon 1835-1916

Short link to this page: https://wp.me/p28nLD-kX

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