29-01-1866: St George’s Anglican Church, Queenscliff, Victoria. Australia.

The Anglican Church of St George at Queenscliff contains a magnificent chancel window made by Ferguson & Urie that was installed in early 1866. The original design for this window was also found amongst the State Library collections and images of it are included in this article.

The Australasian, Melbourne, Vic, Saturday 3rd February 1866, page 6.

“A stained-glass window, admittedly the handsomest ever manufactured in the colony, has just been placed in the Anglican church of St. George, at Queenscliff. It is a three-light window, and contains illustrations of some fifteen different subjects, all memorable passages in the life of Christ, arranged in the order in which they are mentioned in the Litany of the Church of England; the sentences from which, together with the prayer, “Good Lord deliver us.” being included in the design. It is the work of Messrs. Urie and Co., of North Melbourne. The window cost about 300, and was presented to the church by the Hon. T. H. Fellows, M.L.C.”

This is undoubtedly my favorite window of all Ferguson & Urie windows. It’s also the only stained glass window I have seen, so far, that depicts the ‘Devil’ in a modern recognizable form in fiery red with wings resembling the prehistoric Pterodactyl.  The window has fifteen scenes from the litany starting from the immaculate conception to the Holy Ghost coming down.

The entire window is displayed in the slideshow below with detailed photos of each element of the fifteen scenes from the litany displayed in order as they appear in the window. The order of each appears to be correct but there are doubts about the ‘Bloody Sweat” being after the “Agony in the garden” scene.

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The newspaper article was also published in;

The Argus, Melbourne, Monday 29th January 1866, page 4.
The Sydney Morning Herald, Friday 2nd February 1866, page 2.

Related posts about the Ferguson & Urie windows at St George’s:
22-02-186429-01-186613-08-186712-02-1881 07-04-1882 >18-10-1884 > 30-12-1893

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