03-07-1869: St. John’s Anglican Church, Ross, Tasmania.

St John’s Anglican Church in Ross, Tasmania, was erected to the designs of architect Henry Hunter using some of the sandstone from the original church built in 1835.  The building was completed in 1868 and consecrated the following year on the 14th of May 1869  by the Bishop of Tasmania, Charles Henry Bromby (1814-1907).

Launceston Examiner, Tasmania, Saturday 3rd July 1869, page 4.

“THE NEW CHURCH AT ROSS.- From the Church News..”

 “… The nave is lighted on each side by cusped lancet windows, placed in couplets. The west end has three plain lancets, over which is a circular window filled with geometrical tracery; and a small circular window is placed in the gable of the transept. The east window is of three lights, the head being filled with rich tracery. The masonry throughout is of fine Ross free-stone. The roofs are of high pitch, finished internally with pine boarding, panelled and moulded. All the windows are filled with stained pattern-glass, manufactured by Ferguson & Urie, of Melbourne…”

 “… Everything was done by workmen employed by the chief benefactor of the church, Mr. Kermode, under the general direction of its designer and architect. Mr. Hunter…”

Photos: (updated) taken 12th August 2012. There are also some photos of restoration work, by Gavin Merrington. between June 2006 and Jan 2007. The August 2012 photos were taken during an awesome historical stained glass road trip with Gavin on the 12th Aug 2012.

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Note: Robert Quayle Kermode (1812-1870) also owned the mansion “Mona Vale” near the town of Ross in Tasmania, and it also contains stained glass windows made by Ferguson & Urie.

The Mercury. Hobart, Tas, Wednesday 12th May 1869, page 2.

“CONSECRATION OF ROSS’ CHURCH.- The Lord Bishop of Tasmania is to consecrate the new church at Ross on Friday, 14th inst., when divine service will be held at 11 o’clock. The clergy are invited to meet in the vestry at half-past ten and to bring their surplices”.

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