08-10-1887: ‘Ayr Cottage’, 1 Leonard Street, Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria.

The North Melbourne Advertiser, Saturday 8th October 1887, page 2.

“Mr. Harry Lording the well known local architect and builder, announces in our advertising columns that he has removed to a more central office at 18 Errol street near Victoria street. Mr. Lording’s works are characterized by good taste and boldness of design, one of his best efforts being the residence of Mr. James Ferguson at Royal Park. The Pavilion at the Recreation Reserve is another construction that will bear inspection, and proves the architect possesses considerable ability as a good designer and economical arranger.”

James Ferguson’s home “Ayr Cottage” at 1 Leonard Street Parkville (formerly Royal Park) still exists to this day. In 1901 it was purchased by the Victorian Children’s Aid Society and in 1966 changed into the hands of International House, the University of Melbourne, who still own it as at 2014.

Coincidentally, the architect/builder of ‘Ayr Cottage’, Harry Lording, had a son named Frank Clifford Lording (1860-1944) who was an apprentice of the Ferguson & Urie stained glass company.

Significant research detail on the history of Ayr Cottage can be seen via the links at the bottom of this page.

Ayr Cottage, 1st January 1888, Royal Park, Melbourne.

Ayr Cottage 2009

Related posts:

1886: The History of ‘Ayr’ Cottage, 1 Leonard St. Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria.

01-01-1888: The Ferguson Clan at Ayr Cottage, Parkville.

20-04-1894: James Ferguson (1818-1894)


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6 comments on “08-10-1887: ‘Ayr Cottage’, 1 Leonard Street, Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria.

  1. How can I find out of my Gramdmother Lilly Patterson was there in
    the years of 1912 to 1920.

  2. I also was there in 1950s. .for a short memorable time.i didn’t want to be there so I was always in trouble. . What is it used for now? Cheers Ruth.. I

    • Hi Mary,
      As you may have gathered, the main building was my 3xGt Grandfathers home which he had built in late 1886. I think he would have been amazed at what transpired after his death in 1894.

      There are a few articles about Ayr Cottage on this web site so use the search option and type ‘Ayr Cottage’ and see what is revealed!



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