13-08-2012: All Saints Anglican Church, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

All Saint’s Anglican Church at South Hobart is restoring the church and it’s historic stained glass windows. The restoration of the stained glass windows will be carried out by Tasmanias restoration and Conservation expert Gavin Merrington over a period of more than a year. The church contains stained glass by Ferguson & Urie of North Melbourne, William Wailes of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, London and Charles Clutterbuck, London.

ABC News, Monday 13th August 2012. Interviews include, Ray Brown, Gavin Merrington and Duncan Foster.

1. Ray Brown: 3xGreat Grandson of James Ferguson of the Colonial Victorian Stained Glass firm Ferguson & Urie. The church contains three two light stained glass windows by the firm.

2. Gavin Merrington: Tasmania’s own historical restoration and conservation expert with over 30 years experience in stained glass.

3. Duncan Foster: Tasmania’s expert heritage Stone Mason

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1868: All Saints Anglican Church, South Hobart, Tasmania.

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