19-02-1874: The Hotham (North Melbourne) School of Art.

In 1873 the Hotham School of Art[1] has been established and operates from premises in Chetwynd Street North Melbourne. Prominent figures from the stained glass firm Ferguson & Urie are involved in its inception.

Ferguson & Urie’s senior stained glass artist, David Relph Drape (1821-1882), lends his expertise as a teacher in the field of “Ornamental and Figure Drawing” as well as being a member of the Board of Advice. The principals of the Ferguson & Urie stained glass company, James Ferguson (1818-1894) and James Urie (1828-1890) are also members of the Board of Advice. In 1877 the school moved to more suitable accommodation within the North Melbourne Town hall and at that time maintained an average of 95 scholars during the terms[2].

In 1877, Drape’s eldest sons, Isaac Selby Drape (1866-1916) and John Campbell Drape (1866-1920), are mentioned amongst the recipients of prizes in the category of “Ornamental Outline”[3]. Neither continued a career in art.

In 1879, Ferguson & Urie apprentice Frank Clifford Lording (1860-1944) was awarded a prize as a senior student in the category of “Ornamental Shaded”[4]. After the closure of Ferguson & Urie in 1899, Lording joined another fellow employee of Ferguson & Urie named Charles William Hardess (1858-1949) to form ‘Hardess & Lording’ as lead-lighters. Hardess’s father, George Matthew Hardess, was also treasurer of the Hotham School of Art and Chairman of the Board of Advice in 1874[5].

In 1883, Ferguson & Urie apprentice George James Coates (1869-1930), was awarded a prize in the senior class for Landscape drawing[6]. Coates was apprenticed to Ferguson & Urie at the age of 15 and later became an accomplished artist in his own right as well the unofficial war artist to the Australian Government during WW1.

The photos of Frank Clifford Lording, Charles William Hardess and George James Coates appear amongst the photo collage of the employees created for the company dinner held at the North Melbourne Mechanics Institute on the 22nd of June 1887.

Principal partner in the Ferguson & Urie stained glass company, James Urie, continued the promotion of the arts as a founder and committee member of the Flemington and Kensington School of Art founded in 1884[7].


Ferguson & Urie members.
Sepia photos dated June 1887, photo of Drape circa late 1870’s.

North Melboure Advertiser, Vic, Thursday 19th February 1874, page 3.

“Under the Auspices of the Commission for Promoting Technological Education.

HOTHAM SCHOOL OF ART, held AT ST. MARY’S SCHOOLROOM, Chetwynd street. Terms: two shillings per quarter. The following classes meet every THURSDAY EVENING, at eight p.m. :- Practical Geometry, Teacher, J. Ingamells; Mechanical Drawing, J. Buncle and R. Bodycombe; Architectural Drawing, T. Caine; Ornamental and Figure Drawing, D. R. Drape; Landscape and Elementary Drawing, J. M. Kennedy. The committee consists of the following gentlemen:- The Mayor of Hotham, Mr. Cr. Carroll, Mr. Cr. Thomas, Mr. Cr. White, Mr. Cr. Barwise, Mr. Cr. Clarke, Mr. Cr. Laurens, Mr. Cr. Ryan, Mr. Cr. Paton. The following Members of the Board of Advice:- Mr. G. Hardess (chairman), Mr. Alcock, Mr. W. Clarke, Mr. Beasley, Mr. Cook, Mr. Laurens, and Mr. Buncle, Mr. Bodycombe, Mr. Drape, Mr. Caine, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Kurz, Mr. Walker, Mr. White, head, Mr. C. E. Randall, Mr. Marley, Mr. Gilchrist, Mr. McGrotty, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Kirkus, Mr. Atkin, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Urie, Mr. Chrystal.

Mr. G. M. HARDESS, Treasurer.
Mr. H. WARNER, Secretary.”

31-08-1878: St. Matthews Church, Dunedin, New Zealand.

A rare Ferguson & Urie stained glass window exists in St Matthews [1] Church at Dunedin, New Zealand.

On the afternoon of the 21st of May 1878, a young boy by the name of James Ernest Maitland died as the result of a horrific coach accident that occurred between Palmerston and Moeraki.

The memorial stained glass window to the Maitland boy was designed by Ferguson & Urie’s senior stained glass artist David Relph Drape and was selected by Mr. Thomas Austin of New Zealand in 1878. The Otago Witness newspaper in New Zealand ran an article about the window on the 31st of August 1878, with the mention of Ferguson & Urie as the makers. On the 6th of January 2010, the original pencil sketch design for the window was found amongst a collection of Drape’s stained glass designs at the State Library of Victoria. The window has the memorial text at the bottom “IN MEMORIAM JAMES ERNEST MAITLAND 22 MAY ____”. At some time the window’s history the bottom right corner that contained the year “1878” was broken and was replaced with a plain coloured piece of glass.

Photo of the window by Errol Vincent, New Zealand, 5th October 2010.

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The following are historical accounts of the coach accident as reported in the tabloids of the time:

Otago Witness, New Zealand, Issue 1396, 31st August 1878, page 7.

“A stained-glass window has lately been placed in St. Matthew’s Church, in memory of James Ernest Maitland, son of Mr J. P. Maitland, who was killed in the late terrible coach accident. The window was erected by the choir of St Matthew’s, of which the deceased was a chorister for a long time, and the Carisbrook Cricket Club, in which Ernest Maitland’s name will long be remembered as one of the most promising juniors. The chaste design and colouring of the window reflect credit on the builders, Messrs Ferguson and Urie, of Melbourne, and on Mr Thomas Austin, who selected the plan when recently in Melbourne”.

Otago Witness, New Zealand, Issue 1382, 25th May 1878, page 10.


Oamaru, May 23rd.

It is difficult to ascertain fully the extent of the injuries received by the passengers on the coach which met with the accident yesterday. The medical men have been too much engaged to attend to the numerous inquiries. It is equally difficult to arrive at any definite conclusion as to the real cause of the accident. Several passengers give different versions of the matter. Some say that one of the traces broke or got loose, and dangling about the horses legs, caused them to bolt; others that the boy Maitland fell from his seat on the box and dragged the reins out of the driver’s hands in his fall. Others state that a bolt came out, and that the two portions of the coach became severed, and that the horses bolted with fore part of the vehicle, leaving the main body to run down hill as best it might. The latter seems the most probable cause, as all agree in saying that the horses bolted with the fore part of the coach, and that the coach continued to run rapidly down hill, notwithstanding that the brake was applied with all force by the driver and the boy Maitland, who was sitting on the box on the near side. It appears that there were about twenty persons in the coach, including the driver. Of these, nine were inside, six on the box, and the rest at the back and on top. Those on the box were – Maitland, Hill, and Fulton, the two latter having Mr Strode’s two sons on their knees. Mr Nichols and Mr Hunter were on the outside seat at the back, and two others were on the rack below them, and one or two on the top. Most of the passengers had walked up the hill to relieve the horses, and had not long resumed their seats when the accident occurred. When the horses bolted several of the passengers at the back of the coach jumped off, none of them being severely injured by doing so. The coach appears to have run down the hill at a rapid pace. The driver applied the brake on one side, and Maitland did so on the other side, in obedience to the bidding of the driver, but failed to check the speed of the coach. After going about a hundred yards it seems to have swerved, and run off the road, tumbling over and over down the embankment, for a distance of some forty or fifty feet, its further progress being stopped by a wire fence. Just before the coach went over, Mr Bishop, of the Sun newspaper, who was on the top, jumped off and fell with his head against a rock, inflicting a nasty scalp wound. He also sprained his ankle, rolled over the embankment, and was picked up insensible, remaining in that state two or three hours. He is, however, progressing favourably. The extent of the injuries received by Mr Nichols and young Maitland you will find recorded in the evidence of Dr Hazard. The poor lad Maitland, after lying all night at the National Bank, whither he was taken at the request of the Manager, expired shortly after 10 o’clock this morning. From the first it was evident that he was beyond hope of recovery. He never regained consciousness. His body, and that of Mr Nichols, were forwarded to Dunedin this evening by train. Mr Nichols was thrown violently on his head, and expired about a quarter of an hour afterwards. Mr Francis Fulton, in addition to being severely shaken, had one of the small bones of his lame leg broken, and is likely to be laid up for some time. The two sons of Mr A. C. Strode escaped almost miraculously. In addition to bruises and severe shaking, it is said one of them dislocated his arm. They did not come on here, but resumed to Dunedin. I believe Messrs Hill and Hunter were both severely shaken and bruised, the former receiving a cut on the knee-cap which will cause him to be confined to his room for some time, while the latter had one of his arms badly hurt. Another passenger named Connor, brother to one of the witnesses at the inquest, also received severe injuries, but the extent of them I cannot find out. He is in the hospital, and doing very well. Mr Goddard, the driver, received several very severe wounds on the head, one of which is very deep, in addition to other injuries. He ha 3at times during the day teen out of his mind, but is much better this evening. When Borne of the uninjured passengers or those only slightly wounded lifted the coach up, Mr McNicol and others were found underneath it. How they escaped being killed or severely injured is a mystery. According to the statement of one of the passengers, the coach seems to have bounded over several persons in tumbling down the hill. Of all the passengers those inside seem to have fared best. None of them appear to have received any injuries worthy of mention. The spectacle presented after the accident is described as appalling. The sufferers were strewn in all directions, and lying; in every conceivable position, some insensible and some conscious, but unable to move. Blood was freely flowing from most of them. The feelings of those who were injured, but conscious, must have been terrible, seeing that they were far away from any source of help, or any means of sending for assistance, and dependent entirely upon any chance passer-by. It was fortunate that Mr Bell happened to pass by that lonely spot, and for his prompt action in driving to Hampden and telegraphing for assistance he is deserving of praise, as is also Mr Back for speedily responding to the call by tending a special train. Long before the special train arrived in Oamaru, arrangements of a perfect nature had been made at the Hospital for the reception of the sufferers, while abundance of cabs and expresses, with mattresses and blankets, were waiting at the railway station. Goddard has been driving on the same road for seven or eight years, and has always been looked upon as a careful driver. It is remarkable that the only accident of any note he ever met with was reserved for his last trip, and that too when his final journey to Moeraki had nearly been completed.

Otago Daily Times, New Zealand, Issue 5083, 3 June 1878, page 7


An inquest on the bodies of Mr Charles Nicholas and Master J. E. Maitland was commenced on May 22, before Mr Parker, Coroner.

The first witness called was Alexander John Fergusson, duly qualified medical practitioner residing in Dunedin, who deposed that he had seen the body lying in the premises of the Northern Hotel, and identified it as that of Charles Nichols, of the firm of Dalgety, Nichols, and Co. He had also seen the body lying at the National Bank. It was that of James Ernest Maitland, a son of Mr J. P. Maitland. He thought Mr Nichols between 50 and 60 years of age, and Master Maitland about 14 years[2].

John Hazard, duly qualified medical practitioner, at present residing at Oamaru, deposed that he made an examination of the body lying at the Northern Hotel, which had been identified as that of Mr Nichols. He found a comminuted fracture of the bones entering into the formation of the left orbit. The superior maxillary bone was broken into fragments. The left eye-ball was disorganised. These injuries were sufficient to account for death. He had also examined the body of James Ernest Maitland, and found a very severe lacerated wound commencing at the right eye brow and extending to the back of the head, entirely denuding the bone of the forehead. There was also a very extensive comminuted fracture of the frontal bone and right parietal bone. Deceased had also sustained a fracture of the right pelvis, with very severe laceration of the neighbouring parts, and a lacerated transverse wound on the left knee, in addition to several minor contusions in different parts of the body. The injuries received were quite sufficient to cause death.

Thomas Hunter, commission agent, residing at Wellington, deposed that he was a passenger by the coach which left Palmerston about 2 p.m. for Moeraki on Tuesday. He could not say how many passengers were on the coach. He was sitting on the outside back seat with Mr Nichols, two more passengers sat below them on the rack, and two and two others on the roof just above witness and Mr Nichols. The inside appeared to be full. He knew the Horse range. Up to the time of reaching the hill nothing, so far as he was aware, was wrong with the coach. The driver was perfectly sober, and had driven at a steady pace the whole time. When the coach was about a quarter of a mile down the bill, witness became aware that the horses were bolting. Two men below witness dropped off almost immediately, and witness followed them, but Mr Nichols kept his seat. One of the passengers on the roof also dropped down. The coach then went down hill at full speed for about a hundred yards. When he got up he could not see the coach, but the horses with both fore wheels were some distance ahead of him. Three of the horses were standing and another lying down, the pole being partly entangles with its legs. After walking a little distance witness was the remains of the coach down an embankment about 40 or 50 feet from the road. It appeared to have been stopped in its descent by a wire fence. When witness left the scene of the accident the deceased, Charles Nichols, was not dead, but he was frightfully mangled and breathed with great difficulty. He (deceased) was lying at the bottom of the gully. The lad – Maitland was lying close by him.

To the Foreman: There were ten of twelve persons on the outside of the coach, including the driver, and with exception of two on the roof they appeared to be all comfortably seated.

To the Jury: There were only a few parcels on the roof. He did not know how many the coach was supposed to carry. The inside appeared to be full. In jumping off he (witness) sustained some slight bruises on his left side and arm. He could not say whether or not the brake was acting.

W. Connor, lately of Tokomairiro, deposed that he was a passenger by the coach from Palmerston to Moeraki yesterday. He left the latter place about two o’clock. Nothing went wrong until at the top of the Horse Range. He could not say how many were on the box seat or inside the coach. On the roof on the luggage were two passengers. The last witness, Mr Hunter, and Mr Nichols were on the back seat, and he and another sat on the luggage. There were six passengers outside, besides those on the box seat. There was not much luggage on the roof. They had just reached the crown of the hill when some one cried “Trace loose.” After he heard this the coach commenced to go very fast, and he dropped on to the ground, and held on to the vehicle, running behind it. He saw what he thought was a trace loose, flapping on the near side. He could not say whether the brake was acting or not. He heard it grating up to the time he left the coach. From the place where he jumped off to that where the coach fell over there was an embankment for a distance of six or seven chains. Before the coach went over last witness and two others jumped off. He did not see the vehicle fall. When he saw it next it was 40 or 50 feet down the embankment. The top was smashed, and the body on its side, some of the wheels were broken. He saw the fore carriage about five chains farther down the road, with what appeared to be two horses lying beside it. He went back along the road, and at the place where he heard the cry he found a piece of iron, called the tree, that holds the trace, with a link of the trace, lying on the road.

To the Jury: He did not pick them up. When he saw Mr Nichols he was lying three or four yards from the remains of the coach, bleeding profusely from the mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. He was alive then, but died about 20 minutes afterwards. Master Maitland was lying with his feet on Mr Nichol’s legs, and was fearfully cut above the abdomen and head. Witness did not know, of his own knowledge, when he died. Goddard was sober, and drove steadily and carefully. Witness could not say whether the cry came from inside the coach. The horses were, he thought, very steady. His brother, who was an inside passenger, was hurt.

To the Jury: He did not see the pole of he coach after the accident. He and another man removed the coach from the three passengers who were underneath.

The inquest was then adjourned till the 6th June to obtain the evidence of the driver and Mr Fulton.

The Funerals of the late Mr Charles Nichols and Master James Ernest Maitland, who were killed by the recent coach accident, took place on the 24th ultimo, at the Northern Cemetery. There was a large number of mourners, and the bodies were interred close to each other, and the service was read jointly by the Rev. R. L. Stanford and the Ven. Archdeacon Edwards.

Grey River Argus New Zealand, Volume 07, Issue 3061, 7 June 1878, page 2.


Wellington, June 8.

The adjourned inquiry into the cause of the recent coach accident, by which Mr Nicholls and young Maitland, were killed, took place to-day. Goddard, the driver appeared in court with his head bandaged up. He gave evidence, that when the coach had descended the Horse Range about two or three hundred yards, the trace of the offside pole horse came loose, and this caused the horses to take fright, and they broke into a gallop. In crossing a water course on the road the coach jerked violently and the king bolt came out, and the brake then had no control. After going a short distance the coach capsized. The Jury returned the following verdict: “That Chas. Nicholls and James Ernest Maitland, met their death accidentally, and that there is no blame to be attributed.”

Foot notes:

[1] The foundation stone of St Matthews was laid, with Masonic honours, on the 11th of July, 1873 and was opened on the 3rd of December, 1874, costing £4,854 4s 3d.

[2] James Ernest Maitland was age 16 at time of death. Born 1862 (NZ BDM:1862/1889), died 1878 (NZ BDM: 1878/2211)


My gratitude to the late Errol & Ann Vincent for undertaking the massive 2,000 km round trip to follow this up and take the photos of the stained glass window.

Short link to this page: http://wp.me/p28nLD-11u

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30-03-1882: David Relph Drape, Stained Glass Artist, (1821-1882)

In the nineteen year period between 1863 and 1882, an English artist by the name of David Relph Drape can lay claim to being one of the Ferguson & Urie stained glass companies most talented in the field of glass painting and staining.

Drape was born at Greenrow, Cumberland, England in 1821, the son of Quaker parents, Isaac Drape and Catherine Relph.

David Relph Drape c1880

David Relph Drape c1880

Little is known of his early life or what steered his artistic talents. His father Isaac (1790-1822) died when he was only one year old but his family would assure his education. Many members of his father’s family were from a long line of educators with interests in mathematics and navigational astronomy. A number of them had close ties to the Greenrow Academy which was founded in 1780 by his grandfather John Drape (1751-1793) who was a principal of the establishment until his death. It was then followed by John’s brother-in-law, Joseph Saul (1769-1842),  then Saul’s son John (1804-1853). Isaac Drape (1813-1870), a grandson of the academy’s founder, (David’s first cousin) took over as headmaster of the Academy in 1853 and it eventually closed after his death 1871.

It hasn’t been proven as to whether David was a student at the academy, but it would certainly seem highly likely during the period when his mother’s brother, Joseph Saul, was headmaster of the school until 1842.

Drape’s early thirties start to reveal his business exploits and talents. He was in the employ of a local Carlisle painter named William Atkinson from circa 1845 and in February 1854, Mrs Mary Atkinson, the widow of the late William Atkinson, decorative painter of 5 Abbey Street Carlisle, placed an advert in the Carlisle Patriot tabloid stating that she had engaged “Mr. David R. Drape, who was for a number of years Foreman for her late husband…” [1] Drapes association with William Atkinson may be the clue as to where he gained his first apprenticeship as a decorative artist, but his continuation as a foreman for the widow Mary Atkinson was very short. By early 1855 he had formed a partnership with another Carlisle tradesman named John Scott whose father, John Scott Snr, had retired and passed the business to his son. A dual advertisement for John Scott Snr’s retirement and the new Scott & Drape business appeared in the Carlisle Patriot, 3rd March 1855.

The Scott & Drape’s business advertisements began to appear in the Carlisle Patriot as:-


In November 1855 Scott & Drape created a stained glass window to the memory of Drape’s cousin, John Saul[3] who was principal of the Green Row Academy from 1842-1853. The window was to be erected in the west end of St Paul’s Church, Holme Cultram (now known as St Paul’s Causwayhead):

“ST. PAUL’S CHURCH, HOLME CULTRAM.- A very beautiful window of stained glass has just been inserted in the west end of this church, as a memorial to the late Mr. John Saul [4], of Green Row. The background is a rich mosaic of azure and ruby, upon which two large medallions are placed, representing the Adoration of the Shepherds, and the Presentation in the Temple; in the upper part of the window is a cross of a golden hue in the midst of a floriated ruby background, surrounded by the motto Hoc Signo Vinces[5]. A Latin inscription at the base states that the window has been placed there by the friends and pupils of Mr. Saul. The grouping, drapery, and expression of the various figures are remarkably fine, and reflect great credit upon the artists, Messrs. Scott and Drape, of this city.”[6]
[My research to-date indicates that this window no longer exists.]

A significant clue as to the style of glass painting Scott & Drape adopted is revealed in their advertisements; “S. and D., respectfully invite an inspection of their unique Specimens of Glass painting, in the style as now practiced by the Bavarian Artists at Munich.” This was undoubtedly in response to the debacle at Glasgow Cathedral in 1856 where the Cathedral authorities had awarded a large contract to the Royal Bavarian Glassworks to provide 60 or more stained glass windows for the Cathedral. English and Scottish stained glass craftsmen and artists were enraged with the decision and considered it as robbing them of their birth right. The Master Glazier to the Cathedral, David Kier, who installed the Bavarian windows, even felt compelled to adopt the same style of glass painting in his own windows and this seemed to force varying degrees of adaption to the Munich style that spread amongst the English and Scottish stained glass establishments until late into the 19th century.

Over the next four years Scott & Drape expanded their business and employed a number of tradesmen and apprentices. Their workshops at 23 Rickersgate, Carlisle, became well known and it was frequented numerous times by the local tabloids who were eager to report on their ecclesiastical decorations.

In 1855 Carlisle Cathedral was undergoing significant renovations but there was considerable debate amongst the authorities as to the proposed “highly ornamental” decorations which were opposed by the Bishop who had a preference for a more subdued tone. After a number of months had elapsed without a decision, the famous architect and designer Owen Jones was consulted to break the impasse; “Accordingly that gentleman visited Carlisle, examined the respective specimens and has just sent in his recommendation, which have been adopted, and are to be carried out forthwith by Messrs. Scott & Drape, carvers, gilders, and decorators, of this city.” [7] One of the major tasks to be undertaken for these renovations included the decoration of the Cathedral ceiling which Jones recommended to be in a blue azure dusted with gold stars and gilded angels;

“The panels are to have a ground work of bright azure, powdered with gold stars (that is the technical phrase); the ribs and bosses are to be painted various colours, red, blue, &c., and the coats of arms and other armorial bearings are to be restored after the most accurate heraldic designs; the angels which surround the cornices are to be gilded and coloured, and the large angels on the hammer beams are to be treated in a similar manner…” [8]

At the same time Scott & Drape were working on the Carlisle Cathedral renovations, they had completed a stained glass window for St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, Dundee in April 1856 and they were permitted to display it in the north transept of the Carlisle Cathedral;

“A beautiful stained glass window, executed by Messrs. Scott & Drape, of this city, for the New Church, at Dundee, has been exhibited in the north transept of our [Carlisle] Cathedral during the past week…”[9]

The window was described as 18ft high, excluding tracery windows, and consisted of two lights. In the left light depicted the Good Shepherd with Christ’s Charge to Peter below and in the right light, the Saviour as the Sower with the Sermon on the Mount below.[10] As at August 2015, this window has been identified as extant in St Paul’s Cathedral at Dundee.

In July 1856 Scott & Drape completed a single light memorial window for a church at Brough, Westmorland. “The subject is a panel formed by the interlacing branches of the vine, and represents the resurrection of our Lord…” [11] Evidence as to the existence of this window has not yet been ascertained.

In January 1857 a letter was penned to the editor of the Carlisle Patriot by “A.B”. The writer was specifically making a point about “Powell’s Glass” being the most successful imitation of ancient glass and that the firm of Scott & Drape were “in the habit of using it for some considerable time…” The author mentions that Scott & Drape; “directed my attention to a Rose window in the north transept, and one in the clere-storey of our Cathedral, both executed by them with Powell’s Glass.” [12] This indicates that the Rose window in the north transept of Carlisle Cathedral and clerestory window(s) were also the work of Scott & Drape, but these windows were not of coloured or stained glass. A window of plain (Powell’s) glass, with lead lines forming the shape of the hexagram, recently removed (c.2011) from the clerestory of Carlisle Cathedral for restoration, revealed the following text scratched into the surface of the glass; “Scott & Drape decorated & glazed this Cathedral AD 1856.” Another window from the clerestory also included the surname of an apprentice named “Johnstone.”

In June of 1857 Scott & Drape completed a further three stained glass windows for St Paul’s Church, Holme Cultram;

“The three side windows in the chancel of St. Paul’s Church have, this week, been filled with stained glass by Messrs Scott and Drape of this city. The general design is a cross with crosslets, in a style which accords well with the architecture of the church and prevailed in the thirteenth century. The border is of azure, emerald, and ruby, and the colours are particularly brilliant. The east window also was inserted by the same artists some time ago, and is a work highly creditable to them.” [13]

In October 1857 Scott & Drape were paid a visit to their Rickersgate workshops by a reporter from the “Carlisle Journal.” The subject of their visit was to inspect a stained glass window that was nearing completion for the Cheltenham Proprietary College. The window was to be of seven lights, 25 feet high and 14 feet wide;

“The design comprises fourteen figures, representing our Saviour, the apostles, and evangelists, each about four feet high. The figures are arranged in two rows one above the other, and are surrounded by perpendicular canopies…” [14]

The tracery windows were to comprise monograms and sprigs of Ivy with the central light in the tracery to contain the armorial bearings of the principal of the College, the Rev William Dobson who had commissioned and paid for the window.

On the 24th February 1858 the Cheltenham “Proprietary College Chapel” was formally opened and their window was further described in the tabloids which also indicated that two other windows on the east side were the work of Scott & Drape, being commemorative of officers who were former pupils of the College and who had lost their lives in the Crimea and India.[15] The Cheltenham College Register of 1890 further described the window;

“The window above the altar is a large transomed composition of seven lights, and has a double row of figures. In the upper tier are St. John the Baptist and six of the Apostles in the lower, our Saviour and the other Apostles. Inscription on Brass beneath:- ‘The window over the Communion table was presented by Rev. W. Dobson, M.A., Principal of Cheltenham College. A.D. 1858.” [16]

Sadly there is no longer any trace of Rev Dobson memorial window today. The Cheltenham College Archivist provided the following correspondence in August 2015;

“A new chapel was consecrated in 1896 and the old building became the College library. The stained glass from the window above the altar was removed and replaced with plain glass to allow more light in. What happened to the original glass remains, I’m afraid, a mystery. The old chapel is now the College dining hall and retains all its stained glass except for the window you describe…” [17]

In January 1858, David Relph Drape, Painter and Glazier of Carlisle, placed an advertisement in the Carlisle Patriot giving notice that he will no longer be liable for any debts that his wife “AMELIA ARMSTRONG DRAPE” incurs. [18] Extracts from Drape’s diaries penned by his granddaughter Elizabeth Bradshaw in 1970, indicate that “Amelia” was his first wife who had suffered a mental breakdown after the birth of their son. Amelia supposedly never recovered and was eventually admitted to a Lunatic Asylum. Their son was brought up by Amelia’s parents and on completing his education, is supposed to have taken up a career in the Navy. [19]

By March1858, Drape had received a life changing letter from the Antipodes. His diary extracts record that he received a tempting offer of employment in the Colony of Victoria, Australia, from a businessman named James Ferguson from the plumbing and glazing firm Ferguson & Urie of North Melbourne. This firm was transforming their business to become the first commercial stained glass company in the Colony, and arguably the whole of Australia, and they offered Drape a contract to join the firm as a senior stained-glass artist. Ferguson & Urie promised him, that on his arrival in the colony, there would be a brand new building erected and fitted out for the purpose of stained glass production. This, in conjunction with the knowledge that they would have a local monopoly in the stained glass industry was undoubtedly tempting. His mother Catherine had died[20] the previous year, his wife was in a Lunatic Asylum and his son was in the care of his in-laws. He accepted the offer. [21]

By early April of 1858 Drape had officially dissolved his partnership with John Scott at Carlisle[22] and he departed England aboard the ship “Morning Light” on the 3rd July 1858.

The ship arrived in Hobson’s Bay, Victoria, on the 20th of September 1858, and Drape’s greeting by James Ferguson and James Urie was undoubtedly less promising than he had anticipated. The stained glass workshops had not been built and there was no work for him. The gold rush had caused a massive downturn in building and construction in Melbourne. Every able-bodied tradesman had left the city high on the prospects of making their fortune on the gold fields. Drape is supposed to have torn up his contract with Ferguson & Urie, but, resigned to the fact that the economic circumstances and the gold rush was the root cause of the situation, he decided to set out for the gold fields himself. [23]

Drape remained in the vicinity of the central Victorian town of Maldon for the next four years making a meager living as an Architect, during which time he designed many buildings, including the historical Beehive Mine Chimney, the Holy Trinity Church, and the Maldon Hospital, all of which still exist today.

In 1860 and 1861 he was appointed secretary of the Concord Quartz Mining Association in Maldon.[24] Other minor pursuits included writing poems for the Tarrangower Times, sketching, painting, illuminated testimonials and parchments, and even an occurrence of designing the gravestone of Maldon resident John Bentley in 1864.

By 1860-62, thousands of tradesmen and failed gold miners had flocked back to the city eager to find employment. This meant that Ferguson & Urie could resurrect their plans for the stained glass workshop in Curzon Street, North Melbourne and in 1863 they enticed Drape back to Melbourne where he took position as one of the firm’s senior stained glass artists alongside John Lamb Lyon. Drape’s diary extracts record: “Com. work at Messrs Ferguson & Uries Nov. 8th/63…” [25]

By this time Drape had received correspondence from England that his mentally ill wife Amelia had died. This undoubtedly released a huge burden from him and his vision for the future with Ferguson & Urie in North Melbourne became much clearer.

One of the earliest stained glass windows that Drape is likely to have been involved with before starting with Ferguson & Urie in late 1863, was for the Holy Trinity Church at Maldon which he had designed and supervised the construction of in 1861. Coincidentally, when Drape had been living in Maldon from late 1858, a Scottish stained glass artist named John Lamb Lyon was also in the area of Tarrengower and Maldon and it’s highly likely that they may have collaborated together on the design of the window, which Lyon is likely to have executed at the Ferguson & Urie glass workshop in Curzon Street North Melbourne. This window is extant in the west wall above the entrance to Holy Trinity.[26] Lyon had joined the firm in late 1861 and Drape had commenced with the firm on the precise date of 8th November 1863.

On the 27th of August 1864, Drape married Jane Selby, whose family he had known back in Carlisle. Jane had emigrated to Australia earlier to care for her younger brother Joseph who had emigrated for the sake of his health.

David designed his modest cottage to be built in Chapman Street, North Melbourne, within walking distance of the stained glass workshops at Curzon Street. Between 1866 and 1873 they had four sons, Isaac Selby, John Campbell, David Saul, and Horace. [27]

When Lyon departed Ferguson & Urie in 1873 the firm decided that they needed to foster and encourage the young men of Melbourne to attain the skills required for the stained glass business. They established the Hotham School of Art expressly for the purpose and Drape played a part as a teacher in the field of Ornamental shading and Landscape. Drape was also one of the founding members of the Victorian Academy of Arts and an active committee member of the Hotham School of Art from 1873 [28].

During Drape’s nineteen years with the firm, he painted many landscape and portrait scenes in ecclesiastical and secular windows. Many of the scenes depicted in the roundels and other intricate parts of secular stained glass windows have his name almost invisibly hidden within the pictures, such as the hunting scenes in the extant windows of Rupertswood Mansion in Sunbury and the garden with creek scene at Mandeville Hall in Toorak.

The Maldon Museum in Victoria also has a number of paintings and pencil drawings by Drape and the State Library at Melbourne has a folio in their manuscripts collection that contain some of his original pencil sketches and designs for ecclesiastical and secular windows. Of his sketches and fragments of drawings held at the library, a number have now been positively identified and matched to extant stained glass windows in Victoria and New Zealand. There is also a complete design of the window for the chapel of Sacred Heart Girls School in Newtown, Geelong, the James Maitland memorial window at St Matthews Anglican Church in Dunedin, New Zealand, and numerous partial sketches for elements of the “Season’s” window located in the stairwell and hallway of Mandeville Hall in Toorak.

David Relph Drape died at his Chapman Street cottage on the 30th March 1882 [29] and was buried in the Melbourne General Cemetery the following day[30]. His wife Jane died at her son David’s residence at Neerim Junction on the 8th of November 1920, aged 92.

The slide show images below depict a number of Drape’s original drawings that have been matched to existing stained glass windows known of to date. There are many other sketches that have not been identified and these obviously leave scope for continued research. Other photos show examples of his initials deliberately hidden within some of the secular stained glass windows.

The photo of David Relph Drape was kindly contributed by Drape’s descendant, Mrs Val Goller (nee Woolstencroft) in 2010. Other images from the State Library of Victoria and personal research data & photos.

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Related posts:

1875: Rupertswood Mansion, Sunbury, Victoria.

19-02-1874: The Hotham (North Melbourne) School of Art.


[1] Carlisle Patriot, Cumbria, England, Saturday 25th February 1854, page 1.
[2] Carlisle Patriot, Cumbria, England, Saturday 16th May 1857, page 4.
[3] John Saul (1804-1853), Davids’s 1st cousin 1x removed.
[4] John Saul (1804-1853), Headmaster of Greenrow Academy 1842-1853)
[5] Latin: “In this sign shalt thou conquer”.
[6] Carlisle Patriot, Cumbria, England, Saturday 10th November 1855, page 5.
[7] Chronicle, London, England, Monday 21st January 1856, page 3.
[8] Chronicle, London, England, Monday 21st January 1856, page 3.
[9] Carlisle Journal, Cumbria, England, Friday 25th April 1856, page 4.
[10] Carlisle Patriot, Cumbria, England, Friday 26th April 1856, page 5.
[11] Carlisle Patriot, Cumbria, England, Saturday 12th July 1856, page 5.
[12] Carlisle Patriot, Cumbria, England, Saturday 31st January 1857, page 7.
[13] Carlisle Patriot, Cumbria, England, Saturday 20th June 1857, p5.
[14] Carlisle Journal, Cumbria, England, Friday 23rd October 1857, page 5.
[15] Cheltenham Chronicle, Gloucestershire, England, Tuesday 23rd February 1858, p 5.
[16] The Cheltenham College Register, 1841-1889, Bell & Sons, Covent Garden, London 1890, page 15.
[17] Jill Barlow, Cheltenham College Archives, Gloucestershire, England 25 Aug 2015.
[18] Carlisle Patriot, Cumbria, England, Saturday 16th January 1858, page 4.
[19] David Relph Drape, Architect and Glass Stainer; E.M. Bradshaw 1970; Unpublished Manuscript, State Library of Victoria.
[20] Catherine Drape (nee Relph) died 2 Sep 1857, aged 67. She had re-married to Edward Richard in 1828.
[21] David Relph Drape, Architect and Glass Stainer; E.M. Bradshaw 1970; Unpublished Manuscript, State Library of Victoria.
[22] Carlisle Patriot, Cumbria, England, 3rd April 1858, page 4
[23] David Relph Drape, Architect and Glass Stainer; E.M. Bradshaw 1970; Unpublished Manuscript, State Library of Victoria.
[24] The Argus, Melbourne, Vic, Tuesday 9th October 1860, page 8.
[25] David Relph Drape, Architect and Glass Stainer; E.M. Bradshaw 1970; Unpublished Manuscript, State Library of Victoria.
[26] The Holy Trinity window includes the date 1863 on it: “PRESENTED A.D MDCCCLXIII BY W.S.T”
[27] Ferguson & Urie Employees; Family Tree research; Ancestry.com.au, Ray Brown 2015.
[28] The Argus, Melbourne, Vic, Tuesday 2nd May 1882, page 9.
[29] The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil, Melbourne, Saturday 22 April 1882, page 126.
[30] The Argus, Melbourne, Friday 31st March 1882, page 8.

Short link: http://wp.me/p28nLD-zl

Last edited: 02 Sept 2015 – This is a complete re-write from new research.

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