13-08-2012: All Saints Anglican Church, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

All Saint’s Anglican Church at South Hobart is restoring the church and it’s historic stained glass windows. The restoration of the stained glass windows will be carried out by Tasmanias restoration and Conservation expert Gavin Merrington over a period of more than a year. The church contains stained glass by Ferguson & Urie of North Melbourne, William Wailes of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, London and Charles Clutterbuck, London.

ABC News, Monday 13th August 2012. Interviews include, Ray Brown, Gavin Merrington and Duncan Foster.

1. Ray Brown: 3xGreat Grandson of James Ferguson of the Colonial Victorian Stained Glass firm Ferguson & Urie. The church contains three two light stained glass windows by the firm.

2. Gavin Merrington: Tasmania’s own historical restoration and conservation expert with over 30 years experience in stained glass.

3. Duncan Foster: Tasmania’s expert heritage Stone Mason

Related posts:

1868: All Saints Anglican Church, South Hobart, Tasmania.

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1879: St Luke’s Church, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia.

The chancel of St Luke’s Church at Bothwell in Tasmania has a magnificent memorial stained glass window by Ferguson & Urie created circa 1879.

The memorial subject of the window is ‘Hunter Young’ (1823-1878) who died in his sleep at the age of 54 in the historic town of Bothwell in Tasmania on Sunday the 19th of May 1878. Hunter had the unfortunate employment title of “Scab Inspector for Bothwell.” His unenviable task was to inspect and fine any farmer found to be selling diseased sheep from the local properties. By all accounts, despite his job, he was well respected and had many friends who later subscribed for the erection of the window. His gravestone still exists at Bothwell Municipal Cemetery.
Photos taken: 12th  August 2012.

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Historic newspaper transcriptions:

Launceston Examiner, TAS, Monday 20th May 1878, page 2.

“TASMANIA (From our own correspondent) Bothwell, May 19”.

“Mr. Hunter Young, Scab Inspector for this district, was found dead in his bed this morning. An inquest will be held at noon to-morrow”

The Mercury, Hobart, TAS, Tuesday 21st May 1878, page 1.


“YOUNG.- On May 19, at Bothwell, Hunter Young, aged 54”.

Launceston Examiner, Wednesday 22 May 1878, page 3.

“DEATH OF MR. HUNTER YOUNG.- A telegram from Bothwell in yesterday’s Mercury gives additional particulars to those already published by us. It states that Mr Hunter Young, Inspector of Sheep, was found dead in his bed at his lodgings at Bothwell on Sunday morning. Mr Bumford knocked at his door a little before church time, and receiving no answer, he entered his room and found Mr. Young lying apparently asleep, but quite dead.”

Launceston Examiner, TAS, Friday 24th May 1878, page 3.

“BOTHWELL. (From our own Correspondent.)”

“An inquest was held at the Council Chambers on Monday last, before A. Reid, Esq., and a jury of seven, on the body of Hunter Young, late sheep inspector of this district, who died suddenly at his lodgings early on Sunday morning last. The principal witness examined was Mr Edward Bumford, who deposed – I am a householder residing at Bothwell; I knew the deceased Hunter Young, the subject of this enquiry; I have seen his body this morning in presence of the coroner; he lodged at my house; his duties as inspector of sheep called him from home frequently; he returned home on Saturday afternoon last, having been away since Tuesday; he appeared well and more cheerful than usual; he took a hearty supper after he came home, and went out about 5 p.m., but returned about 8 o’clock and asked if his watch had been sent home, but on being told that it had not said, that he must go and enquire about it; after I had been in bed a good while I heard Mr Young return and slam the door to, but I do not know what time it was; as he did not rise at the usual hour on Sunday morning I knocked at his bedroom door about half-past ten, and receiving no answer I opened it and went inside and found deceased apparently asleep but quite dead; I closed the door and reported the circumstance to the Superintendant of Police. The superintendant of Police and Constable Bumford were also examined, Dr Naylor having made a post mortem examination gave evidence as to the cause of death – he described in professional language the result of his examination, the purport of which was that deceased had died from natural causes, namely, cerebral apoplexy. A verdict to that effect was returned accordingly.

The remains of the deceased gentleman were interred at the Bothwell cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, when a large concourse of friends attended the funeral, Mr Young was a very old resident of the Clyde and Ouse districts and was well known and much respected by settlers generally.  May 21st.”

The Mercury, Hobart, TAS, Saturday 8th June 1878, page 2s.


“Mr. Hunter Young died suddenly at Bothwell on the 18th may. He was a son of the late Captain Young, formerly of the Ouse, and brother-in-law to William Tarleton, Esquire, the present Police Magistrate of Hobart Town. He held the office of Inspector of Sheep for the Western portion of Tasmania for many years, and not withstanding the disagreeable duties pertaining to his office, which he had occasionally to carry out, it is not known that he ever made and enemy. He will be much missed in the Bothwell district, and, in fact, everywhere else where he was known, which was everywhere on the south side of the island”.

This Ferguson & Urie window underwent restoration and conservation work by Tasmania’s stained glass expert, Gavin Merrington of ‘Original Stained Glass’, Hobart. Tasmania, in June 2004.


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1868: All Saints Anglican Church, South Hobart, Tasmania.

The Colonial Victorian Stained Glass firm, Ferguson & Urie created the John Henry Foster Memorial Window, and the ‘St Matthew & St Luke’ and ‘St Mark & St Peter’ windows at All Saints Anglican Church, South Hobart, Tasmania.

The vast majority of our historical stained glass memorial windows have an element of tragedy and mystery surrounding them, but over the course of more than a century the story behind who they were memorials to has long faded from memory.

In August 1867, James Urie, a principal partner in the Colonial Victorian Stained Glass firm, Ferguson & Urie, was travelling Tasmania with a portfolio of the companies secular and ecclesiastical stained glass designs. Amongst the many commissions he had received for stained glass windows, was one for Mr John Foster Esq, to be erected as a memorial to his eldest son, John Henry Foster[1].

 “DECORATIVE ART– The admirers of art workmanship will be glad to hear that there has for the last couple of weeks been sojourning in Tasmania, a partner of the Victorian firm of Ferguson, Urie, and Lyon, to whom many ecclesiastical and private edifices in this and the neighbouring colonies are indebted for some of the finest specimens of pictorial decoration on glass, of which they have yet become the possessors…”[2]

“…the firm are in receipt of commissions from John Foster, Esq, for a memorial window to be placed in All Saints’ church, Hobart Town, in remembrance of the donor’s deceased son, and from A. Kennerley Esq[3], for other decorated windows for the same church…” 

Photos taken 8th October 2010.

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The two light Foster memorial window for All Saints Anglican Church in Hobart was created by Ferguson & Urie and erected circa 1868.

A trefoil above both lights depicts the Lamb of God (Latin ‘Anus Dei”) carrying the Christian banner.

The central figures in each light depict beautifully coloured and intricately designed figures that correspond with verses from Mark 11:22, with the text below: “HAVE FAITH IN GOD” and Luke 18:16 with the text, “SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME UNTO ME”.

Above each figure is an angel carrying a ribbon with text from Revelations 14:13 “Blessed are the dead” and “Which die in the lord”

The bottom edge of the window has the memorial text:


The memorial text on the window doesn’t reveal much information, but the prominent Tasmanian newspapers of the time reveal the sad story of the boys demise.

On the evening of the 3rd of December 1866 a tragic accident occurred near the Foster family home at 94 Davey street Hobart. In the vicinity of the barrack gates in Davey street, the young John Henry Foster was knocked from his pony by a coach and subsequently run over by its wheels and he died shortly after.

“DISTRESSING AND FATAL ACCIDENT.- One of the most distressing and fatal accidents, which it has for some time past been our lot to record, occurred in Davey-street at about half past four o’clock yesterday afternoon. It appears that Master Foster, son of John Foster, Esq., of Davey-street, a promising little lad between six and seven years of age, was riding on his piebald pony along Barrack-street, being accompanied by Master Hinsby, who was also on horseback. When nearing the corner opposite the barrack gate a cab was observed coming down Davey-street at full speed. Master Hinsby kept his right side, taking a full sweep, and passing the cab. He was closely followed by Master Foster, but the cab took rather a wide sweep in turning the corner and ran right into the poor lad, who was struck it is believed by the pole, knocked off his pony and the wheels of the cab passing over him. He was at once picked up, and under the direction of the Hon. R. Q. Kermode, Esq., and Dr. Benson, who were passing at the time, he was conveyed into a cottage near the residence of Captain Clinch…”[4]

Young John Henry Foster was subsequently dispatched to hospital and Dr Bright was in attendance within half an hour but “…on his arrival the poor little fellow had breathed his last.”[5] Equally tragic was the fact that the boys parents were away in Melbourne at the time and it was left to the Hon R. Q. Kermode to contact them and advise of the tragedy.

“Mr. Kermode has, we believe, written to the bereaved gentleman informing him of his terrible loss.” [6]

An inquest was held in the absence of the boys parents, at the Greyhound Inn on Wednesday the 5th of December 1866 [7] before A. B. Jones, Esq,. and a jury of seven. The jury foreman was none other than the long time friend of John Foster, the Hon Alfred Kennerley, Esq.

The inquest found that the cab was not speeding as previously reported and that the pole brace attached to the collar of the cabs outside horse had bumped the rear of the boys pony causing the boy to fall off and go under the wheels. No blame was attributed to any anyone for the accident.

“…The jury would not call upon the coroner to go through the evidence, and returned a verdict that deceased had been accidentally killed, requesting that it might be noticed by the press that no blame was attached to John Newhey, the driver of the cab, nor did the jury attribute any blame to Mr. Hinsby, junior. The inquest was then closed.” [8]

The funeral of Master John Henry Foster didn’t occur until his parents had arrived back from Melbourne some twelve days later and was interred in the Foster family vault at Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart, on the 15th of December 1866 [9].

 Over 144 years has passed since the tragic event and the windows creation by Ferguson & Urie. The newspaper article from 1867 also mentioned that Alfred Kennerley had also commissioned Ferguson & Urie for other decorative windows:

“…and from A. Kennerley Esq[10], for other decorated windows for the same church…”

The windows donated by Alfred Kennerly are the ‘St Matthew & St Luke’ and ‘St Mark & St Peter’ windows. None of these windows appear to be memorials as such and are likely to have been erected at the same time as the Foster memorial window.


John Foster (1792-1875)

Alfred Kennerley (1810-1897)

End Notes:

[1] John Henry Foster, born 27th January 1860. (date as per memorial at Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart)

[2] The Mercury, Hobart Tasmania, Wednesday 7th August 1867, page 2.

[3] The Hon. Alfred Kennerley. Alfred Kennerley (1810-1897)

[4] The Mercury, Hobart, Tasmania, Tuesday 4th December 1866, page 2.

[5] ibid

[6] ibid

[7] The Mercury, Hobart, Tasmania, Thursday 6th December 1866, page 3.

[8] Ibid

[9] The Mercury, Hobart, Tasmania, Saturday 15th December 1866, page 1.

[10] The Hon. Alfred Kennerley.


The Ferguson & Urie windows are undergoing restoration in 2013 by Gavin Merrington. The Foster memorial is the first in the series to be restored and has been removed as at May 2013.

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03-07-1869: St. John’s Anglican Church, Ross, Tasmania.

St John’s Anglican Church in Ross, Tasmania, was erected to the designs of architect Henry Hunter using some of the sandstone from the original church built in 1835.  The building was completed in 1868 and consecrated the following year on the 14th of May 1869  by the Bishop of Tasmania, Charles Henry Bromby (1814-1907).

Launceston Examiner, Tasmania, Saturday 3rd July 1869, page 4.

“THE NEW CHURCH AT ROSS.- From the Church News..”

 “… The nave is lighted on each side by cusped lancet windows, placed in couplets. The west end has three plain lancets, over which is a circular window filled with geometrical tracery; and a small circular window is placed in the gable of the transept. The east window is of three lights, the head being filled with rich tracery. The masonry throughout is of fine Ross free-stone. The roofs are of high pitch, finished internally with pine boarding, panelled and moulded. All the windows are filled with stained pattern-glass, manufactured by Ferguson & Urie, of Melbourne…”

 “… Everything was done by workmen employed by the chief benefactor of the church, Mr. Kermode, under the general direction of its designer and architect. Mr. Hunter…”

Photos: (updated) taken 12th August 2012. There are also some photos of restoration work, by Gavin Merrington. between June 2006 and Jan 2007. The August 2012 photos were taken during an awesome historical stained glass road trip with Gavin on the 12th Aug 2012.

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Note: Robert Quayle Kermode (1812-1870) also owned the mansion “Mona Vale” near the town of Ross in Tasmania, and it also contains stained glass windows made by Ferguson & Urie.

The Mercury. Hobart, Tas, Wednesday 12th May 1869, page 2.

“CONSECRATION OF ROSS’ CHURCH.- The Lord Bishop of Tasmania is to consecrate the new church at Ross on Friday, 14th inst., when divine service will be held at 11 o’clock. The clergy are invited to meet in the vestry at half-past ten and to bring their surplices”.

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