1864: The Ship Inn Street Lamp, Port Albert, Victoria

The Ferguson & Urie stained glass Company crafted thousands of Ecclesiastical and Secular stained glass windows but little is known of the company’s diversity in other areas of art which extended to ornamental stained glass screens, lanterns, chancel and altar decorations and many other decorative items such as advertising signage.

In June 1864 the historical seaside town of Port Albert had a decorative gas street lamp installed outside the ‘Ship Inn’ and was reported to have had three colourful stained glass ships painted on it.

Gippsland Guardian, Vic, Friday 1st July 1864, page 2.

“The danger which existed on dark nights at the culverts at the intersection of Bay street with the main road, is much reduced by the excellent lamps at each of the hotels immediately adjoining. That at the Ship Inn deserves passing notice as a very excellent specimen of a new process of painting on glass, patented, we believe by Messrs. Ferguson and Urie of North Melbourne. The execution of the three vessels on the lamp is very good, and the colouring gay, striking and indelible.”

No extant examples of this kind of work on public street lighting by Ferguson & Urie have been found to date, although there are unconfirmed examples of lantern covers/shades at the private estates of Werribee Mansion and Rupertswood at Sunbury which are extremely likely to have been replicas of original designs by the company.

Very early Victorian street lamps were erected by private citizens and businesses and were mostly oil or candle powered. As early as 1847 gas street lighting was being erected by Innkeepers in an attempt to reduce the large number of injuries occurring to their patrons as a result of falling into ditches, gutters and culverts after leaving their establishments late at night. Call me sceptical, but I’m reasonably sure that this was not the root cause!  By the late 1850’s it became law within Victorian municipalities for Publicans and Innkeepers to keep a light burning outside their premises from dark to dawn. The city of Ballarat in Western Victoria took great pains to enforce this law and the weekly ‘cause’ list was regularly filled with publicans fronting the magistrate for “not keeping a proper light burning” outside their premises[1]. Overall public safety was the real reason for the proliferation of public lighting. The streets of early Melbourne were rife with drunkards, thieves and vandals who took every opportunity of the darkness to reap their lawless rewards. Any respectable law abiding citizen would have been taking a gamble with their lives or possessions by venturing out after dark in the early streets of Melbourne. In this day and age we’d probably call it an “Extreme Sport” which could have applied to both the victim and the perpetrator as it was a possible death or serious assault for the victim and an almost certain death sentence if you were found and convicted as the perpetrator.

[Some examples of original gas lamps used in Melbourne and country Victoria]

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The gas jets for the early street lamps were extremely inefficient and each lamp consumed up to a massive six cubic feet of gas an hour to only provide the mere equivalent light output of three candles[2]. By the late 1880’s electric light was the new up and coming invention that would eventually replace gas but the old gas lighting remained for many years past the turn of the century, thanks to the invention of the Welsbach gas mantle, which both increased light power considerably whilst reducing the amount of gas used at the same time. Many wealthy speculators re-invested heavily in the gas companies based on this new efficiency but it would inevitably succumb to electricity.

Public Street lighting had spread throughout Victoria and the other Colonies and the tiny township of Port Albert was just one of many. What is extraordinary though is that the decorated street lamp outside the ‘Ship Inn’ in Port Albert is only three and a half years after the Ferguson & Urie Company had started creating stained glass art on a commercial basis.

About Port Albert:

Port Albert is one of the earliest seaside townships in Gippsland and was discovered in 1841 as a result of the wreck of the steamer ‘Clonmel’ which struck a sandbar off Wilson Promontory, five kilometres south of Port Albert, in the early hours of January 2nd 1841[3].

Fortunately there was no loss of life but the wreck of the Clonmel is recorded as one of the events which lead to the discovery and establishment of the township of Port Albert a short time later.

When rendering assistance to the survivors, the Harbour Master, Captain Lewis, made some important observations in the vicinity of the wreck of the Clonmel and a location known as Corner Inlet which he deemed to be entirely suitable for shipping to enter[4]. This report was probably followed up via a land expedition by explorer Angus McMillan later in the same year and the first inhabitants settled in Port Albert circa May 1841.

The location where the steamer Clonmel was grounded is today called “Clonmel Island,” located about 5km south of Port Albert. A very detailed account of the grounding of the Clonmel was recorded by a Mr. D. C. Simson in early January 1841 as follows:

The Courier, Hobart, Tas, Tuesday 19th January 1841, page 2-3.

“The following is Mr. D. C. Simson’s narrative, who came up from the wreck in an open whale boat:-
On Wednesday afternoon, the 30th December, I embarked on board the team-ship Clonmel, Lieutenant Tollervey, commander, bound from Sydney to Port Phillip. The passengers and crew consisted of seventy-five individuals. At four P.M., rounded the south head of Port Jackson; wind from southward, blowing fresh. Next morning, 31st, found us off Jarvis’s Bay; wind still adverse with a strong head sea, the vessel progressing at an average of seven knots an hour. At daylight, the 1st January, Cape Howe bore W.S.W. of us; in the course of the morning sighted Ram Head, and took a fresh departure, steering for Wilson’s Promontory. The wind was now fair with smooth sea, and our course S.W. ½ W.; the wind and weather continuing favourable during the day and night. A little after 3 A.M., of 2nd January, all the passengers were startled by the ship striking heavily. On reaching the deck I discovered breakers a-head; the captain, who had been on deck during the whole of the middle watch, giving orders to back astern, and doing all in his power to rescue the ship from her perilous situation. Finding that the engines were of no avail in backing her off the bank on which we now found she had struck, orders were given to lighten her by throwing overboard cargo, &c., but without desired effect, the vessel still surging higher upon the reef. The anchors were then let go, when, after a few more bumps, she swung head to wind, taking the ground with her stern, and bedding herself, with the fall of the tide, upon the sand, rolling hard and striking occasionally. During the whole of this trying scene the most exemplary conduct was shown by the crew in obeying the orders of the captain and officers. Daylight had now made its appearance, and we found ourselves on shore on a sand spit, at the entrance of Corn Inlet, about half a mile from the beach, between which and vessel a heavy surf was rolling. It is necessary here to remark, that the course steered and the distance run, would not have warranted any person in believing us so near the shore as we actually found ourselves. The sea was smooth, the wind fair, and the vessel going at the rate of at least 10 knots an hour, and it was impossible for any navigator to have calculated upon such an inset carrying a vessel, under the circumstances above alluded to, 30 to 40 miles to leeward of her course, in eighteen hours. Captain Tollervey’s conduct had hitherto been that of a careful and watchful commander; he was on deck during the whole of the middle watch, which he himself kept, anxiously on the lookout, and was on the paddle box at the time the vessel struck, but the night proving misty, nothing could be seen beyond the length of the vessel. Had it pleased Providence to have retarded our voyage by half an hour, the calamitous event would have been avoided; but it was otherwise ordained.
Captain T., on finding all attempts to get the vessel off, by running kedges and warps out, throwing overboard cargo, &c., unavailing, and a strong sea rising with the flood tide, turned his attention to the safety of the passengers and crew. After several trips by the whale-boats first, and assisted by the quarter-boats afterwards, every soul was landed in safety by 2 p.m., the captain being the last to leave the vessel. A sufficiency of sails, awnings, and lumber, was brought on shore to rig out tents for all hands; and everybody set to work to form an encampment. In a short time the ladies and females were comfortably housed, having beds placed for them in a weatherproof tent; the male passengers and crew were equally accommodated by means of spair [sic] sails and awnings brought from the ship, and we found ourselves at sundown as well provided for as we under the circumstances could desire. A sufficiency of provisions, consisting of live stock, hams, bread, flour, biscuit, rice, tea, sugar, wines, and beer, had been landed during the forenoon, to keep the whole party for about ten days; water was found in abundance by digging, but was rather brackish to the taste. Captain T. now brought order into the chaotic mass, by establishing watches, previously haranguing the passengers and crew, explaining to them the stronger necessity which existed under their unfortunate circumstances for discipline and punctual obedience of orders, than would have been deemed necessary on board of his noble vessel had she been afloat. Universal assent was given to his exhortation, proper watches appointed, provisions, &c., stowed under a boat turned upside down, to guard them as well from petty depredations as from the weather, sentinels being posted in all directions round the encampment, who were relieved every two hours. When order was thus established and provisions distributed for supper, Captain T. and myself laid down in the tent and talked the events of the day over. The anxiety of mind and fatigue of body which our worthy commander must have undergone during that eventful day, were scarcely visible, either in his manner or appearance, whilst we were now quietly discussing the means of getting assistance brought to us. He agreed with me that is would be desirable for a boat to be sent to Melbourne for relief, and having obtained his consent to head the party, I had no trouble in finding a crew of five volunteers to join me in the undertaking. One of my fellow passengers, Mr. Edwards, of the firm of Messrs Edwards and Hunter, also volunteered to join us, and the next morning, amidst the cheers of our fellow sufferers, we were launched from the beach by them in a whale boat. We proceeded in the first instance to the vessel to lay in a store of provisions, not wishing to deprive those on shore of any portion of their scanty stock. Owing to the very heavy surf which was rolling on the beach, we were nearly two hours before we reached our ill-starred ship, being every moment in danger of swamping. The scene which now opened on ascending the deck, was harassing in the extreme; a few hours before, this stately vessel had been cleaving the waters, buoyant, like its living inmates, with life and hope – now an immovable wreck; her cabins that had a short time before been the picture of cleanliness and order, now one mass of confusion, and strewed with luggage and lumber of all descriptions; however, as our time was short, we supplied ourselves with such provisions as came within our reach, and after hoisting the Union Jack to the main-mast upside down we shoved off an committed ourselves to the care of a merciful Providence. At eight a.m., the 3rd instant, we took our departure outside the bank, steering for Sealer’s Cove. Our boat was manner by five seamen, and besides oars we had a small lug-sail made out of the awning; Mr. Edwards and myself made up the number to seven. Our provisions consisted of biscuit, a ham, a breaker of water, three bottles of wine, 12 of beer, and one of brandy; of the latter article I would not take more, dreading its effects upon the crew; the small quantity I took, however, I found very beneficial administered to them in minute portions.
Shortly after leaving the Clonmel the wind came from the westward; we were obliged to down sail and pull, and after six hours’ vain struggling against the wind to reach the mainland, we were under the necessity of running for one of the seal islands, where we found a snug little cove, which we entered, and after refreshing the crew by a three hours’ rest and hearty meal, we once more pulled for the mainland and reached Sealer’s Cove about midnight, where we landed, cooked our supper, and passed the remainder of the night in the boat which we anchored in deep water. We closed our eyes grateful to the Providence which had that day watched over us. At half past three a.m. on the 4th instant, I started three men on shore to get the breaker filled with water; they had scarcely filled them and brought them down to the beach, when I observed the natives coming down upon us; I hurried them on board and got under weigh, the wind blowing hard from the eastward at the time. After a severe pull of four hours we were at last enabled to weather the southern point of the cove to hoist sail and run for Wilson’s Promontory, which we rounded at 10 a.m., the sea running very high. The crew ever since we left the scene of our shipwreck behaved remarkably well, being perfectly satisfied with the scanty allowance which I put them as well as myself and fellow passenger upon, who in this trying time kept up spirits and assisted me in cheering on the men. At 8 p.m. we brought up in a small bay at the eastern entrance of Western Port; we were glad to get on shore to stretch our wearied limbs. After a refreshing night’s repose on the sandy beach we started the next morning at the break of day, happy in finding ourselves so near the end of our voyage. Having a strong and steady breeze from the eastward we sailed along very fast before it, although we were in imminent danger of being swamped, the sea having risen very considerably and breaking over us repeatedly. At 2 p.m. we were abreast of the Port Phillip Heads, but to our extreme mortification when within a mile of being in a secure harbour we found the strong ebb tide created such a ripple and so much broken water that I did not consider it prudent to run over it. We were, therefore, obliged to keep the boat’s head to winward from that time until the flood-tide would make; we were in this tantalizing situation for four hours, when to our inexpressible relief and joy we saw a cutter making for the heads, and bearing down upon her, found her to be Sisters, Captain Mulhall, to whose hospitable reception I cannot do sufficient justice. He took our boat in tow and ourselves on board, and landed us at William’s Town at 11 p.m.; having thus 63 hours from the time we left the ship to the time we landed at the beach. I cannot conclude this narrative without expressing my high sense of the extreme good conduct of the men who accompanied me on this voyage. Not a murmur escaped them, though continually wet and working hard during the whole passage.
Mr. Edwards, on finding himself in safety, was attacked by a spasmodic affection of the heart, which gave me much uneasiness, but from which I hope, by the kind treatment of his Melbourne friends, he will soon recover. The crew suffered much from over exertion and wet, occasioning in some cases dysentery. I suffered much in my eyes and face from constant exposure to the sun and salt water.
It was so early in the morning when I started, and I was so much hurried in making my arrangement, that I could not bring with me a correct list of the passengers on board; it is, however, satisfactory to know that no lives were lost, or bodily injury sustained whilst I was there. The mails were landed in safety, but I did not consider it prudent to bring them away with me.

Since the above was in type we have ascertained the following additional particulars:- Amongst the passengers were Mr. and Mrs. Walker, (Mrs. W. is daughter of Mr. Blaxland, M.L.C., and the present is the second ship wreck she has suffered;) Mr. Goodwin, (of the firm of Hamilton and Goodwin of this town,) to whom one-half of the cargo belonged; Mr. Robinson, of the Union Bank, having in his charge £3,000 of the banks notes, received at Sydney. The whole has been lost and is supposed to have been stolen – the Bank of course will sustain the loss; Mr. and Mrs. Cashmore, newly married, and bringing a large quantity of goods for the new establishment intended to be immediately opened at the corner of Collins and Elizabeth-streets. There were on board 300 tons of coals and 200 tons general cargo. At the time Mr. Simson [sic] left, her false keel and part of the sheathing was floating about the vessel, but she was not making any water, and he is of the opinion that should the weather continue moderate, she would be got off. When she first struck her rate of speed was upwards of 10 miles an hour. We are very sorry to have to add that the firemen, and some others, acted in a most disgraceful manner. – Port Phillip Herald, Jan 8.”

The Sydney Monitor & Commercial Advertiser, NSW, Monday 25th January 1841, page 2.

“The Revenue Cutter ‘Prince George,’ was dispatched on Friday, to the scene of the ‘Clonmel’s’ disaster, to render assistance towards saving that noble vessel.”

The Sydney Monitor & Commercial Advertiser, NSW, Wednesday 3rd February 1841, page 2.

“THE CLONMEL.- The ‘Sisters’ and ‘Will Watch’ have both returned from the ‘Clonmel’ with the passengers and part of the crew of that ill-fated vessel…”

External Links (about the wreck of the Clonmel):

History of the Clonmel:


Artefacts recovered from the Clonmel:



[1] The Star, Ballarat, Vic, Wednesday 6th April 1859, page 2.

1884: St John’s Anglican Church, Bairnsdale, Victoria.

St John’s Anglican Church in Bairnsdale contains a stained glass window dedicated to the memory of Bairnsdale solicitor, Edward George Gregory Sandford (c.1852-1882), who died of Tuberculosis aged 30 at Albury on the New South Wales Border, 16th of May 1882[1].

The window was erected at the east end of St John’s behind the altar and was presented by his wife Florence (nee Kirkpatrick)[2] in June 1884. St John’s Church was officially opened in the same month, on the feast day of St John the Baptist, 24th of June 1884[3].

The window is attributed to the Ferguson & Urie stained glass company of North Melbourne and depicts Christ as “The Good Shepherd” and has the inscription at the base; “In Memoriam – Edward George Gregory Sandford, Obit, May 16th, 1882”. [4]

In 1980 the window was restored by Philip Handel of Sydney in 1980 and now has an additional memorial which appears below the original inscription:


Photos taken: 24th April 2011. (historic B/W images from State Library Victoria Collections)

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Edward George Gregory Sandford (1852-1882) was the son of Edward Sandford, a former barrister of the Supreme Court of NSW, and Eliza Catherine Gregory. His parents married in Sydney in 1849[5] and circa 1852 they moved to Newtown (Melbourne’s first suburb, now known as Fitzroy) where Edward was born in 1852, and then later moved to St Kilda. Edward followed his father in the legal profession and on the 20th January 1880 he married Florence Kirkpartick (1855-1945) at All Saints Church in St Kilda[6]. Edward and Florence then returned to Bairnsdale where he had been practicing as a solicitor since circa 1877. A daughter, Mary Maitland, was born at Bairnsdale on the 3rd of November 1880[7], and a son, Edward Herbert, born 3rd January 1882[8]. In circumstance of his failing health from Tuberculosis, they traveled to Albury shortly after his son’s birth, where he died five months later on the 16th of May 1882 aged 30. Florence never remarried and she died on the 8th June 1945[9] aged 90. She was buried with Edward in the St Kilda cemetery[10] 63 years after Edwards death.

Gippsland Times, Vic, Friday 21st December 1883, page 3.

“The foundation stone of the above church was laid on Wednesday last, in the presence of a large concourse of people, by the Rev. W. G. Hindley, Incumbent of the parish. Copies of the local and town papers, current coins, and a parchment document, were placed in the cavity of the stone. During the ceremony W. A. L. Elston, Esq., read a copy of the document as follows:-

In Nomine Dei, Amen.
Colony of Victoria, Australia.
Diocese of Melbourne, Archdeaconry of Melbourne.
Parish of St. John’s, Bairnsdale, County of Tanjil, North Gippsland.
Being the 47th year of the Reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria.
Bishop of Melbourne, Right Rev. J. Moorehouse, D.D.
Archdeacon Very Rev. H. B. Macartney D.D.
Incumbent of St. John’s, Rev. W. G. Hindley.
Board of Guardians:
H. Besley, M. W. Bower, E. Bull, B. Johnson, W. L. A. Elston, H. Goodenough, J. Jackson, J. Tipping.
C. C. Greene, Alex Smith, J. D. Smith.

The first foundation stone of this church was laid by John Davidson Smith on the 8th October, 1866, but the design was never completed, and the building being inadequate for the growth of the district, it was decided to erect the present more commodious structure in its place. Architect, J. Ibler; contractor, W. J. Yates.

The Rev. W. G. Hindley laid the stone and briefly alluded to the history, present position, and future prospects, of the church in Bairnsdale. The old church, which was a monument of their earlier struggles, had been pulled down, and the one of which they had laid the foundation stone would meet the wants of their growing town, and be a memorial of a most prosperous season, and an acknowledgement that God is the giver of all good. He hoped soon to see the church completed and out of debt.

The Rev. Canon Watson congratulated the people of Bairnsdale on their bright church prospects, and said how gratifying it was to see such evidence of success in church and other work. In Sale, he could tell them, they were doing a similar work, and were preaching what he, as a Sale man, hoped would be the Cathedral Church of the future. There was a great deal of rivalry among the towns of Gippsland, and this provided a wholesome emulation in church matters, which was productive of good.

The Rev. J. Hollis followed, and said he was glad the old church had been demolished, it was like our ambition too narrow and too high, he trusted that the new church would be broad in the test, and every sense of the word, but thoroughly evangelical. Referring to what Canon Watson had said he humorously said that the Bairnsdale Church would be finished and paid for before the Sale church.

The Rev. T. Walker spoke of foundations from from [sic]an architectural and spiritual point of view.

About £20, 10s was laid on the stone. The building is cruciform with nave, transepts, chancel, vestry and organ chamber, and will when completed, be an ornament to the town.”

The Argus, Melbourne, Vic, Tuesday 20th January 1880, page 1.

“SANDFORD-KIKPATRICK.- On the 13th inst, at All Saints’ Church, St. Kilda, by the Rev. J. H. Gregory, Edward George Gregory Sandford, of Bairnsdale, solicitor, eldest son of Edward Sandford, of Alma-road, St Kilda, solicitor, examiner of titles, to Florence, only daughter of the late William Maitland Kirkpatrick, formerly of Caulfield, Victoria.”

Bairnsdale Advertiser & Tambo & Omeo Chronicle, Vic Thursday 18th May 1882, page 2.

“The painful news was received in Bairnsdale by wire on Tuesday, stating that Mr. E. G. G. Sandford, who has been practicing in this town between four and five years as a solicitor, had died at Albury that morning. The event was not unexpected, as it was generally known that the deceased gentleman had been ailing from pulmonary consumption for a long time past, and had removed to Albury for the benefit of his health, and the news lately received from him was such as to induce his friends to be prepared at any moment to hear of the sorrowful event of which they were informed on Tuesday. During his residence in Bairnsdale the late Mr. Sandford married Miss Kirkpatrick, and during his sojourn here he took an active part in all social and religious movements, and in public matters, and was respected and esteemed by all. He leaves a widow and two young children to mourn his loss.”

Bairnsdale Advertiser & Tambo & Omeo Chronicle, Vic Thursday 18th May 1882, page 2.

(Before His Honor Judge Nolan.)


When the General Sessions Court was opened, Mr. Kelleher, who was greatly affected, and who spoke very feelingly, observed that he had been requested by his brethren in both branches of the profession, and he spoke for himself, to refer sorrowfully to the absence of a young solicitor who had been practicing before the court during the last four or five years, and whose absence was occasioned by death. He (Mr. Kelleher) knows that the late Mr. Sandford was esteemed by the public of Bairnsdale, and was respected by his brother professionals: he was a good citizen, a good husband, and a good father, and his demise was generally regretted. He (Mr. Kelleher) did not apply to his Honor for an adjournment of the court, but on behalf of the professional gentlemen – and he spoke for himself – he solicited and expression from his Honor touching the painful circumstance.

His Honor feelingly remarked that he had heard a few minutes previously of the death of Mr. Sandford, and he felt very much shocked. The deceased gentleman had practiced before him for years, and his conduct in court had been most exemplary and courteous. He (his Honor) had known of he late Mr. Sandford’s illness some time ago, and had frequently inquired of he deceased gentleman’s father concerning his health. The court expressed deep sorrow at the loss of so esteemed a gentleman who had practiced before it.”

Bairnsdale Advertiser & Tambo & Omeo Chronicle, Vic, Saturday 20th May 1884, p2.

“SANDFORD.- On the 16th inst., at Albury, N.S.W., Edward George Gregory Sandford, of Bairnsdale, solicitor, in his 30th year.”

The Argus, Melbourne, Vic, Monday 22nd May 1882, page 1.

“SANDFORD.- On the 16th inst., at Albury, New South Wales, Edward George Gregory Sandford, late of Bairnsdale, solicitor, examiner of titles, in his 30th year.”

Gippsland Times, Vic, Monday 16th June 1884, page 3.

“A handsome In Memoriam window has just been erected in the new Church of England, Bairnsdale. It is the gift of Mrs Sandford, and is in memory of her late husband, formerly a solicitor, practicing in Bairnsdale. The subject is “The Good Shepherd,” representing Christ carrying a lamb in his arms, and is very beautifully finished, reflecting great credit on the firm by whom the order was executed. The window bears the following inscription:-

In Memoriam – Edward George Gregory Sandford, Obit, May 16th, 1882”.

Bairnsdale Advertiser & Tambo & Omeo Chronicle, Vic, Thursday 26th June 1884, p2.


On Tuesday last the new Church of England, which has been erected by the Episcopalians of Bairnsdale, was opened for divine worship, special services being conducted on the occasion. There was a very large congregation both morning and evening, and not withstanding that the edifice has been constructed to seat 400 persons, chairs and forms had to be placed in all available places, in the morning and in the evening every nook and corner of the building was densely crowded, and may persons being desirous of gaining admittance were unable to do so. The guardians of the church had evidently been busy for some days past, as all arrangements for the services were most complete, and the large congregation were seated without the slightest confusion. A musical treat was provided for the occasion, the choir being of unusual strength as their ranks were augmented by several well known amateurs, and Mr. Plaisted, the talented and well-known organist of Melbourne presiding at the organ, the splendid instrument belonging to the Catholic Church having been kindly lent for the occasion by the Rev. Father O’Donohoe. Bridgewater’s morning and evening services were rendered by the choir, the anthem in the morning being “Rejoice in the Lord,” and in the evening “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,” both being from the Campbell’s selection of anthems. The solos were contributed by Mrs. Cole and Messrs. Bower and Winkelmann, all of whom are to be complimented on their efforts, as also must be the choir generally, for the musical portion of the service has never been excelled in Bairnsdale. Before, however, proceeding to notice the other features of the opening ceremony, we must refer to the appearance of the church, more especially during the time the rite of confirmation was being administered. The bright sunlight streaming in through the many colored windows, cast a varied tint over the whole edifice, and falling on the white apparel of the ladies presented to the Bishop for confirmation, was most impressive in effect, and when combined with the solemn supplication of his Lordship as each couple took their kneeling positions before the communion rails, could not fail to produce an impression on the congregation present which will last for many a day. The magnificent altar cloth was presented to the church by Mrs. Moorehouse, wife of the bishop, and was much admired by all present, and the stained window facing the east, as has previously been mentioned by us, is the gift of Mrs. Sandford, in memory of the late Mr. E. G. G. Sandford, who during his life in Bairnsdale was a prominent member of the congregation. At the conclusion of each service a collection was taken up in aid of the building fund of the church, the result in the morning being £14,10s,9d. and in the evening £22. At each service the officiating clergymen were the Bishop, Dr. Moorehouse, The Rev. Canon Watson, of sale, and the rev. W. G. Hindley, the incumbent of St. John’s, Mr. H. R. Kelsall, the lay reader, also being present. The opening ceremony was appropriately fixed for the day set apart by the Anglican Church for the feast of St. John the Baptist, to whom the church is dedicated, and this fact was referred to by the young people before proceeding to administer the rite of confirmation, as his Lordship remarked that there some significance in the fact that the church dedicated to St. John should be opened on the feast day of that saint. His lordship referred to the teachings of St. John in the wilderness to the Israelites to repent, and as that saint taught in the olden times, so did the ministers at the present time. He charged them to repent – to change their lives – in order to be prepared to receive the rite of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, and in a most eloquent address, admonished those about to receive the rite of Confirmation that they were to ask themselves whether they were prepared to crucify the lusts of the flesh, to renounce the evil influences of the world. He asked them if they were so prepared, and if so, he invited them to accept the full privilege of the blessings bestowed, and to be constant attendants at the Communion table. The rite of confirmation was administered to over thirty candidates. The evening discourse delivered by the bishop was an earnest and eloquent one, and was listened to with wrapt attention by the large congregation.

The ceremony of Tuesday marks an epoch in the history of Bairnsdale which must have an interest for all in the community, marking as it does the rise and progress of the town. The highly esteemed and much respected incumbent, the rev. W.G. Hindley, has taken a very active and earnest interest in having a church erected adequate to the requirements of the congregation, and being ably supported by the guardians the present building stands as a very substantial proof of their labours. They have taken a great responsibility upon themselves, taking upon their own shoulders the burden of seeing debt on the building paid off, and in this the congregation should join heartly in seeing the building unencumbered. We may be pardoned for throwing out one suggestion, and that is, having a fine edifice in which to assemble for public worship, they should not rest content until all their appointments are complete, and such cannot be the case until they have an organ suitable for the building, for it must be apparent to all that the little musical instrument which has hitherto done service will not be adequate to the requirements of the new church.”

Bairnsdale Advertiser & Tambo & Omeo Chronicle, Vic, Tuesday 1st July 1884, p 2.

“…The building was designed by Mr. J. Ibler, lately and architect practicing in Bairnsdale, and the contract for the erection of eh church was let to Mr. W. J. Yates, builder of Bairnsdale, and it is very evident that he has discharged his duties in a most faithful manner, the entire building being a masterpiece of the builder’s and decorator’s art; and while eulogising Mr. Yates and the workmen engaged by him, we must congratulate the congregation on the substantial and artistic manner in which their church has been erected, and the appreciable addition it forms to the architecture of Bairnsdale.”

Ellen Maria Watts Jones [nee Kemp] (1887-1979)

The east window was restored in 1980 in memory of Ellen Maria Watts Jones.

Ellen was the daughter of Arthur Kemp and Harriet Elizabeth Watts and was born in 1887. She married John Jones (c.1884 – 1961) and she died on the 2nd May 1979 at Clifton Waters Village at Bairnsdale aged 92.

Ellen left a bequest to St John’s church, part of which was used for the restoration of the historic east stained glass window created by the Ferguson & Urie stained glass company of North Melbourne. The dedication of the restored window and other items purchased via the bequest was planned for 25th May 1980 by Bishop Graham Richard Delbridge.

Records from Parish Council minutes revealed the following information:

4th February 1980:

“A bequest from Mrs Jones, late of C.W.V., is considered being used in part to restore the east window”.

17th February 1980:

“East window which is unique will be restored by bequest for $1,000”

The restoration work on the Ferguson & Urie stained glass window was completed by Philip Handel (1931-2009) of Sydney, in 1980. [11]


[10] St Kilda Cemetery, CofE, Compartment C, Grave 764A.

[11] Research by Archdeacon Ted Gibson. (email via Mrs Judi Hogan 24 Sep 2013).

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1878: St John’s Aboriginal Mission Church, Lake Tyers, Victoria.

St John’s Anglican Church at the Lake Tyers Aboriginal Mission was built in 1878 to the designs of architects Terry and Oakden and formally opened on Sunday 26th October 1878[1].

Photo of the chancel window was taken 17th Dec 2012 and kindly contributed by Bruce Hutton of Almond Glass, Oakleigh.

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The first minister of the Aboriginal Mission at Lake Tyers was John Bulmer (1833-1913). Bulmer arrived in Australia aboard the ‘Emigrant’ on the 12th Jan 1853 with his employer John Eggars and his family (Eggars died on the voyage)[2] For the first three years in the colony Bulmer worked as a carpenter to repay his passage and assist the Eggars family to return to England.

In 1855, having witnessed the maltreatment of the Aborigines, Bulmer offered himself for the Church of England Aboriginal mission being planned for Yelta near the Murray River. He was accepted by the Church, despite his Methodist background, and in 1858, with the assistance of the Rev Friedrich Hagenauer, was invited to open a mission in the South Gippsland region and in 1862 he and his second wife Caroline began the Lake Tyers Aboriginal Mission[3].

Eighteen years later Bulmer sought to have a suitable house of god on the mission estate and in 1878 a wooden church was “erected by the blacks under the able superintendence of Mr Bulmer”[4]

In the presence of the Rev. Canon Stuart Lloyd Chase, who was the donor of the stained glass windows, the church was formally opened on the 26th October 1878.

Amongst the description of the building and its furnishings was the mention of the stained glass windows:-

“…painted glass in the three light window of chancel (presents by the Rev. Cannon Chase), as well as that of all other windows, were sent up from Melbourne…”

The three light chancel window is identified as the work of the Ferguson & Urie stained glass company of Curzon Street, North Melbourne. It has the typical Ferguson & Urie stained glass border design of alternating red and blue, but in this window it has a small depiction of a majestic crown separating each colour instead of the usual yellow or white flower.  In the left light is the Greek symbol of Alpha (the beginning) and in the right light the symbol of Omega (the end). The diamond in-fill quarries in each light are of a repeat depiction of the passion flower in grey, gold and pink. The centre light comprises a scrolling ribbon on a crimson background with biblical text:

(John 10-11, – King James Bible).

The three light chancel window has recently undergone restoration and conservation by Bruce Hutton of Almond Glass, Oakleigh, Victoria, in 2012.

Gippsland Times, Vic, Friday 1st November 1878, page 3


The ceremony of opening a new church in connection with the Church of England Missions to the natives at Lake Tyers’ Aboriginal Station was celebrated on Sunday with unusual éclat. On Saturday, the Tanjil conveyed to the Lakes Entrance a party of visitors, among whom were the Rev. Canon Chase, W. E. Morris, Esq., Deputy Registrar of the Diocese, and hon. Sec. of the Mission, H. Henty, Esq., and other gentlemen, who were joined at Sale by the Rev. Canon Watson, the Rev. Mr. Hagenauer, and other friends. Several ladies were of the party. Bairnsdale was reached in the afternoon, and the steamer then went on to the Entrance, the party walking to the station, where they found accommodation. On Sunday, after a preliminary service conducted by the Rev. Mr. Hagenauer in the school-room, the congregation assembled in the new church. The opening sermon was preached by the Rev. Canon Chase. During the afternoon a missionary meeting was held, Mr. Henty in the chair, at which addresses were delivered, service in the evening being conducted by the Rev. Mr. Hagenauer. On Monday the programme was diversified by a most enjoyable pic-nic. During the evening several aboriginals were baptized. On Tuesday, the Rev. Canon Watson delivered an address in the Church, and on Wednesday morning the party left in the Tanjil, reaching Sale in time for the afternoon train for Melbourne, all exceedingly delighted with the excursion, and loud in their praises of the Tanjil. The occasion was one of great delight among the 120 natives at the station, the arrangements of which were the theme of general commendation. The following is a description of the new building:-
The Mission Church has a nave 40 feet long by 20 feet wide and about 16 feet high from floor to roof, which has a Gothic pitch. The chancel is 12 feet by 10 feet deep. The tower is square, rising well above the Church roof, is terminated by a stunted spire, crowned by a gilt weathercock vane. The lower stage of the tower forms a spacious porch, with double doors at each side window in front; above the porch is a ringing chamber, and over it a belfry, with lowered lights. The structure is of hardwood, and erected by the blacks under the able superintendence of Mr Bulmer. It is covered with painted weatherboarding outside, and lined inside, including also the roof, with slightly stained and well-varnished boarding. The roofs of nave, chancel, and spire, are covered with galvanised corrugated iron. The doors, windows, painted glass in the three light window of chancel (presents by the Rev. Cannon Chase), as well as that of all other windows, were sent up from Melbourne. The chancel arch is the full width of the Church, and is to have illuminated text round it. The Church ceiling is of a neat pierced wood-work executed on the station; the pulpit was a present from Melbourne; the pews of good solid character of polished deal, made in Melbourne. The plan was furnished gratuitously by Messrs Terry and Oakden, architects, Melbourne.”

Gippsland Times, Vic, Friday 12th March 1880, page 4

“…If the exterior of the Church pleased us, we were more than delighted with the interior. As the doors swung back, the glories of a large stained glass window, placed over the chancel, burst suddenly upon us…”

 ATNS – Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements Project   (Accessed 04/06/2013)

“The Lake Tyers Mission Station was established in 1861 by the Church of England Mission. In 1863, the Victorian Colonial Government set aside 2000 acres of land as the Lake Tyers Reserve. In the early 1900’s, residents from Ramahyuck moved to Lake Tyers as did those from Lake Condah and Coranderk after these stations were closed. By 1962 the State Government had announced plans to close Lake Tyers. In 1971, the Government returned the Lake Tyers Reserve, including 4000 acres, to the local Aboriginal community under the Aboriginal Lands Act 1970.”

“…In 1858, Bulmer married a young school teacher, Miss Stocks, and shortly afterwards was invited to open a mission in Gippsland. Mrs Bulmer died in Melbourne in 1861. Bulmer went to Gippsland where, with the help of local Aboriginal people, he chose a mission site on Lake Tyers. Returning to Melbourne Bulmer married Caroline Blay. Together they commenced the Lake Tyers Mission in 1862, with both church and government support…”

Traralgon Record, Vic, Tuesday 19th August 1913, page 2

“The Rev. John Bulmer, associated with the Lake Tyers Mission Station for over 50 years, died last Wednesday, in his 81st year.”

The Bairnsdale Advertiser, Friday 15th August 1913, page 3.

“BULMER.- The friends of the late Rev. John Bulmer are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON. The funeral is appointed to leave St. Nicholas’s Church, Cuninghame, at 2 o’clock for the Cuninghame Cemetery. W.SHARROW, Funeral Director, Phone 27.”

The Argus, Melbourne, Vic, Wednesday 10th July 1918, page 1.

“BULMER.- On the 2nd July, at Lakes Entrance, Caroline, widow of the late Rev. John Bulmer, formerly of the Lake Tyers Mission Station, in her 80th year.”

After John Bulmer’s death in 1913 the Victorian Board for the Protection of Aborigines sought to have his wife Caroline and his daughter Ethel evicted from the Lake Tyers station. With the support of the Aboriginals, she petitioned the board to be allowed to stay on the station but after numerous failed attempts, she and her daughter were forced to leave[5]. Caroline Bulmer died five years later at Cunninghame near Lakes Entrance aged 80.


[1] Gippsland Times, Vic, Friday 1st November 1878, page 3

[2] ‘Aboriginal Mission Stations in Victoria’, Aldo Massola, Hawthorn Press, 1970

[5] The Journal of the Public Records Office Victoria, September 2008, Number 7


Many thanks to Bruce Hutton of Almond Glass for the correspondence, his contribution to the preservation of the historical stained glass, and for contributing the photo of the chancel window.

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13-05-1885: St. Paul’s Cathedral, Sale, Gippsland, Victoria

The Edward Crooke stained glass memorial window at St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, Sale, Victoria.

Edward Crooke was born in Liverpool, Lancashire in 1810 and arrived in Sydney in 1837. In the 1840’s he ran cattle and sheep in the Holey Plains area near Rosedale in Gippsland. He married Maria Matilda Jamison in 1860 and moved to Melbourne with his family in 1870. His son E.J. Crook later took over the Holey Plains station. Edward Crook died at his home “Rockley” in South Yarra on the 7th November 1873 and in 1885 his wife Maria initiated the erection of a stained glass memorial to him in the chancel of St Paul’s Church of England in Sale, Gippsland. The window was created by Ferguson & Urie and was erected in September 1886 beside the Dr. Floyd Minter Peck window that Ferguson & Urie had created two decades earlier in 1867.

Photos dated: 23 April 2011.

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The left light in the group of three is the Edward Crooke memorial window described in the articles below. The centre light is a memorial to Dr. Floyd Minter Peck which was also created by Ferguson & Urie some twenty years earlier in 1867 and originally installed in the previous church building. The right light, ‘Good Shepherd’, window was made by William Montgomery, Melbourne; “The right hand light was by William Montgomery c.1888.  It was one of the first group he made for the Anglicans after he arrived in Melbourne in December 1886”.- (Dr. Bronwyn Hughes, Stained Glass Historian, email, 25 Sept 2012).

Gippsland Times, Vic, Wednesday 13th May 1885, page 3.

“Our readers will no doubt remember that when the Church of England in Cunningham-street was built, the stained glass window that had been put in the old church to the memory of the late Dr. Peck was removed and placed in the central light in the chancel of the new church. We are now pleased to learn that Mrs Crooke, of Holey Plains, is about to fill one of the side lights with a similar window in memory of the late Mr Crooke. The subject chosen will be one that will harmonise with the present window, and will greatly improve that end of the church. It will, however, to complete it, need the other side light filling, and perhaps some member of the church will consider the propriety of doing this. We are sure that no more suitable memorial of departed friends than one of this kind can be found.”

Gippsland Times, Vic, Monday 20th September 1886, page 3.

“In our columns some months ago we mentioned that Mrs Crooke, of Holey Plain, had intimated her intention of putting a stained glass window in St. Paul’s, in memory of her late husband. This has been done, and a rich and beautiful work now adorns the left opening of the chancel window. The central panel is a life-size figure representing the Saviour as the Light of the World. The outer flowing robe around the body is of rich antique ruby, the folds fall gracefully round, while the inner garment has a cream-like tinge. Over the head there is a canopy of blue. Under the figure are the words, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life.” In the top panel appears the sacred monogram I.H.S., surrounded by a Crown. On the lower panel there is a medallion exhibiting a lamb with a banner and cross, and on either side are the words “Agnus Dei.” We need scarcely say that the window was very much admired by the congregation yesterday. The third light should now be filled in, and then the large window at the eastern end would be complete. Perhaps the good example set by Mrs Crooke will be followed by some other members of he community. The work was done by Messrs Fergusson [sic] and Urie, of Melbourne.”

Gippsland Times, Vic, Wednesday 2nd February 1887, page 3.


“The yearly meeting of the congregation of St. Paul’s Church of England was held in the old church building on Monday evening. There was a moderate attendance, and the Rev. Canon Watson occupied the chair. The following report was read:-…”

“…The board are glad to report that during the year a very handsome stained glass window was placed in the chancel by Mrs Crooke, of Holey Plain, to the memory of her late husband…”

Gippsland Times, Vic, Tuesday 11th November 1873, page 3.

“CROOKE.- On the 7th inst., at Rockley, Toorak, Edward Crooke, of Holey Plain, Gippsland.”

Related posts:

21-09-1867: St Paul’s Cathedral, Sale, Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.

External links:

Biography: Edward Crooke (1810-1873)

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26-07-1885: St John’s Anglican Church, Port Albert, Victoria.

On the 14th of January 1884 the tiny wooden church of St John’s at Port Albert was burnt to the ground as a result of a bushfire. Less than a month later a tender of £262 was accepted for its re-construction with the official opening ceremony taking place on the 26th of July 1884.

The Ferguson & Urie three light stained glass window in the chancel is dedicated to Foster Griffiths, the infant son of Griffith Griffiths and Charlotte McCall, who died in October 1872. Griffith commissioned Ferguson & Urie of Melbourne to create a memorial window to his son with the intention of it being installed at a church in the nearby town of Foster but at that time a church had not yet been built at the town. After many years had passed without any action to have one erected it was eventually passed to the Reverend Betts who had it installed in the new St John’s Church at Port Albert in 1885. As at 2012 this is the only Ferguson & Urie window known to still exist in a wooden building.

Photos taken 24th April 2011.

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The text in the ribbons of the central window reads: “I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVETH Job 19-25”.

The scene depicting the empty tomb has the text below: “HE IS NOT HERE”. The scene does not specify a particular verse and could be one of four accounts of the resurrection written by Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.

Church Booklet – St John’s Anglican Church Port Albert – Melva F. James, Yarram & District Historical Society 2011, page 20.

“Stained Glass Window – In the Chancel of the Church is a magnificent stained glass window, the principal subject of which is the Saviour’s Resurrection.  The inscription on the bottom states “In Memory of Foster Griffith, died October 5th 1872.” Foster Griffiths was the infant son of Griffith Griffiths who was a prospector at Foster. On the death of his son at the age of six months, Griffiths obtained this window for the nearby town of Foster, but as there was no church in Foster, it was given to Rev. Betts, (who conducted services in the Foster Mechanic’s Hall), and was placed in the Port Albert Church when it was re-built after the fire.”

The window was restored in 1999 and a brass plaque to the left of the window reads:

“This window was restored in memory of Maud Robinson by the ladies guild and her family, in recognition of her service to this church”.

After the restoration of the windows, the memorial text at the bottom of the left lancet no longer has the first few words “In Memory of”, and instead, a duplication of the windows border colours were filled in its place which leads me to assume that this was not any kind of professional restoration but more like a local lead light enthusiast who merely filled the broken gap.

If Griffith had possibly commissioned Ferguson & Urie to create the window in 1873, but not installed until 1885, there would appear to be a 12+ year gap missing in the windows history. The design and grisaille pattern work employed in the window is typical of Ferguson & Urie’s early 1870’s work with the floriated cross. Other extant examples of the floriated cross in Ferguson & Urie windows can be seen at St Luke’s at Yea, St Barnabas at Balwyn, St John’s at Port Fairy, and St James at Drysdale.

Gippsland Times, Vic, Wednesday 29th July 1885. Page 3

“The opening of the new Church of England at Port Albert, which was built to replace the structure that was destroyed by fire in January, 1884, took place on Sunday last, when sermons were preached morning and evening by the Rev. C. P. Thomas, of Rosedale. The choir sang Jackson’s service and hymns appropriate to the occasion in a highly finished manner. There was a large congregation, filling the church both morning and evening to its utmost capacity. Next Sunday the Rev. Mr Groundwater will preach”.

Gippsland Times, Vic, Wednesday 16th January 1884, page 3.


“PORT ALBERT, Tuesday Evening.

The most destructive fire that has ever occurred in this district was burning from about ten o’clock until sundown yesterday. The fierce north wind commenced to blow early in the morning, and a small fire that sprung up early in the day in the vicinity of the Old Port, increased in power, and came rushing madly on towards Port Albert, sweeping over many miles of country. Mr George Hastings and Mr John Rossiter, of the Standard office, had narrow escapes of losing their houses, situated on the Alberton road, as the wind kept veering round at intervals. However, owing to the timely assistance of a number of residents who turned out, the only loss sustained there was that of a fence enclosing one of Mr Rossiter’s paddocks, the fire being prevented from reaching a stack of hay and house close at hand. From here the fire crossed a metal road, destroying a wooden culvert, and making towards the township. The bells of the English Church were rung as an alarm, but a spark caught the wooden blocks and then the shingle roof, and in less than half an hour the church was completely demolished. The harmonium and seats were saved. The police buildings at Palmerston also caught fire, but they were with great difficulty saved. The escape of the township and the residences in the vicinity of Palmerston is hard to be accounted for”.

South Australian Register, Adelaide, Tuesday 15th January 1884, page 5.

“A destructive bush fire is now raging in the neighbourhood of Port Albert, South Gippsland. The English Church, a wooden building, was seized by the flames and burned to the ground in spite of the great exertions made to save it by the inhabitants.”

The Maffra Spectator, Vic, Thursday 7th February 1884, page 3.

“A special collection will be made at St. John’s, on Sunday evening, to assist in the rebuilding of the church burnt at Port Albert.”

Gippsland Times, Vic, Friday 13th February 1885, page 3.

“The tender of Mr. J. Avery, jun, has been accepted for the erection of the new church of England at Port Albert, the price being £262”.

Gippsland Times, Vic, Friday 29th February 1884, page 3.

“It will be very gratifying to our readers (says the Standard) to learn that the Rev Canon Chase, incumbent of St John’s Church, Melbourne, (acting of course in conjunction with the committee) has paid a very graceful compliment to the Rev. H. A. Betts, who formerly filled the office of curate at St. John’s. Since the destruction of the Port Albert Church by fire Mr Betts has exerted himself in various ways to aid the building fund, and he wrote to some old friends who attended St. John’s Church in Latrobe street during his curacy, asking them for a little private help. But this request appears to have been the signal for combined action, and on Sunday evening last, at a full choral service and harvest thanks-giving, a special collection was made “in aid of the building fund of the rev. H. A. Betts Church at Port Albert,” and the sum of £12 2s was the result. This agreeable surprise comes to us all the more acceptably on account of it’s warm-hearted and spontaneous mode of inception and consummation, and a word of commendation is due to the rev. Canon Chase and his committee (as also to the congregation as a whole) for this proof of good fellowship and kind remembrance towards their late curate, in the practical step they have taken to help a small congregation in the country to erect a building to take the place of that which was reduced to ashes by a bush fire on the 14th ultimo.”

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21-09-1867: St Paul’s Cathedral, Sale, Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.

The Dr. Floyd Minter Peck memorial stained glass window was created by the Ferguson & Urie stained glass company of North Melbourne and was erected in St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, Sale, Victoria, in September 1867.

Gippsland Times, Saturday September 21st 1867, page 2.

“During the past week the central lights of the east window in the chancel of St. Paul’s has been filled with stained glass. The window, which is sixteen feet high and three feet wide, has been erected by a few friends as a memorial to Dr. Peck, one of the earliest trustees and an earnest supporter and benefactor of the church. The painful circumstances of his death, in the prime of his manhood, are still fresh in the recollections of the inhabitants of the district. His death was caused by disease in conducting a post-mortem examination, and was justly regarded as a public misfortune. A subscription was initiated to erect a tablet to his memory, but it was afterwards resolved that a testimonial to his worth would be most appropriately placed in the new church, for which he had worked so long and zealously in raising funds; the present form of memorial was then wisely determined on. The general effect is extremely pleasing; the hues are clear, brilliant, and admirably arranged, and give to the church the colour so much needed. It is lancet shaped; the border is of green leaves; the lancet contains a fine scroll, with the words “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.” The centre is filled with a large figure of Christ as the Saviour of the world, with a nimbus round the head, and holding and orb typical of sovereignty; underneath are the words “Salvator mundi;” the lower part is filled with grisaille, enclosing a shield with the following inscriptions, in early English characters:- “Erected by subscription, in pious memory of Floyd Minter Peck, surgeon of this town, who died January 17 [sic], 1864.” A bright monogram of the Alpha and Omega shine at the apex of the window. The diapering and tracery generally are, very light and effective, and reflect great credit on the artists who executed them. It is a further subject of congratulation that this splendid window has been designed and chiefly manufactured in the colony by Messrs. Ferguson, Urie, and Lyon, of North Melbourne, who have been for some time past actively engaged on the work, which they have now brought to such a creditable conclusion.”

The centre light of the three windows in the chancel is the Dr. Floyd Minter Peck memorial window by Ferguson & Urie. It originally came from the first church built in Raymond Street Sale. The article above has the date he died incorrect and so does the memorial text on the window. He actually died on the 7th of January 1863. The left light is also by Ferguson & Urie and is a memorial to Edward Crooke, but was created nearly two decades later and erected in September 1886. In 1887 Melbourne stained glass craftsman William Montgomery created the right light depicting the Good Shepherd and is a memorial to Menie Peck, the second wife of Dr. Ffloyd Minter Peck.

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Geelong Advertiser, Vic, Thursday 26th September 1867, page 2.

“During the past week the central light of the east window in the chancel of St. Paul’s Church, Sale, has been filled with stained glass. A local contemporary explains that the window, which is nineteen feet high and and three feet wide, has been erected by a few friends as a memorial to Dr Peck, one of the earliest trustees and earnest supporter and benefactor of the church, and whose death was caused by disease incurred by conducting a post mortem examination, and was justly regarded as a public misfortune. The general effect of the work is said to be extremely pleasing; the hues are clear, brilliant, and admirably arranged, and give to the church the colour so much needed. It is lancet shaped; the border is of green leaves; the lancet contains a fine scroll, with the words, “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.” The centre is filled with a large picture of Christ as the Saviour of the world, with a nimbus round the head, and holding an orb typical of sovereignty; underneath are the words “Salvator maudi;” [sic] the lower part is filled with grisaille, enclosing a shield with the following inscription in early English characters:- “Erected by subscription, in pious memory of Floyd Minter Peck, surgeon, of this town, who died January 17, 1864.” It is a subject of congratulation, as our contemporary remarks, that this splendid window has been designed and chiefly manufactured in the colony by Messrs Ferguson, Urie and Lyon, of North Melbourne.”

Monumental memories : Sale Cemetery / by Glenys Wain, Kylie Rhodes, Linda Barraclough:

"Dr. Floyd Minter Peck (c1818-1861) was the son of a doctor from Newmarket, England. He came to Australia with his brother in law Dr. Hedley, Dr. Reeve of Snakes Ridge and his brother James Peck. Dr. Peck married Anna Maria Robertson (1823-1859) who died in Sale soon after her arrival there, following the birth of her sixth child. Dr. Peck then married Menie Campbell (1820-1884), a sister in law of Robert Thomson. However shortly after their wedding Dr. Peck contacted an infection while performing an autopsy, and died five days later. Dr. Hedley took over his practice afte his sudden death. James Peck (c. 1833-1884) was the younger brother of Dr. Floyd Minter Peck, and lived at "Bowerette" near "Grassdale". He married Ada Minter (C.1846-1918), the daughter of a doctor from Mount Moriac, and became a successful stock agent. Near these two family plots are family plots for the Smith and Minters, who are related. All plots have similar fences, with gateways."

Related posts:

The 1885 Edward Crooke memorial window at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Sale by Ferguson & Urie.

External links:

Paul Saban: “The Medical History of Newmarket”, Ffloyd Minter Peck (1820-1867)

The 1887 Menie Peck memorial window at St Paul’s Cathedral, Sale, by William Montgomery.

Homestead: Grassdale. Home of Floyd Minter Peck

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