26-10-1864: Wesleyan Church, Kent Town, South Australia.

There has only been a minor reference to Stained Glass windows made by Ferguson and Urie at the Wesleyan Church at  Kent Town, South Australia. The following articles and references aim to add context.

The South Australian Register, Adelaide, Wednesday 26th October 1864, page 5


“…The foundation-stone of a new church in connection with the Wesleyan body was laid on on Monday afternoon, October 10, at Kent Town…”

“…The Rev. Mr. Ironside having pronounced the stone duly laid, made a short address, in the course of which he observed that it was with great pleasure that he accepted the wish of the trustees of the new building to lay the foudnation stone  and said there was nothing which he had done since his connection with the province that he should look upon with greater gratification…”.

“…The design is transition gothic, lighted by six lancet windows on one side and five on the other, and by two small windows and one large tracery window in front. The former are so arranged that one-half of each window will open, but the latter is to be filled with stained glass…”

The South Australian Register, Adelaide, Saturday 26th August 1865, page 6.

“The services in connection with the opening of the Kent Town Wesleyan Jubilee Church were continued on Thursday, August 10…”

The Mercury, Hobart Tasmania, Tuesday 13th August 1867, page 5.

The actual article that mentions Ferguson & Urie was in the Hobart Mercury that had a detailed account of James Urie’s business  trip around Tasmania and the article mentioned many locations that Ferguson & Urie had completed commissions for stained glass windows including:  …the Wesleyan Churches at Daylesford and Kent Town (S. Australia).”

Photos from the Wesleyan Church, Kent Town,  kindly contributed by Mrs Dianne Tucker via Mrs Noelle Nathan, 28th Apr 2012.

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Related post: 13-08-1867: James Urie visits Tasmania on Ferguson and Urie business.

02-11-1867: Christ Church, Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia.

The Rev. R. W. Needham memorial window.

 South Australian Register, Adelaide, Saturday 2nd November 1867, page 3.


 “NEEDHAM MEMORIAL WINDOW.- Some time ago it was proposed to fill in with stained glass the chancel window of Christchurch, as a memorial of the late Rev. Mr. Needham; but owing to the want of funds the centre light as yet has only been completed. The subject chosen was that of the Ascension, which has been artistically carried out in the ‘atelier’of Messrs. Ferguson, Urie, and Lyon, of Melbourne, to whom too much praise cannot be awarded for their masterly rendering of the subject. The grouping and drawing of the figures are in excellent taste, and the principal figure – that of our Saviour – is a glorious conception, and stands out from the background with a relieve almost stereoscopic. The purple drapery of this figure is one of the most magnificent pieces of colouring we have ever seen. On a hand under the figure of the Saviour is His promise:-“I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am ye may be also;” and in the lower part of the window, under the group of Apostles, &c., is a shield with the following inscription:- “In memoriam R. W. Needham, died 3rd Decr., 1865. First incumbent of this Church.”

 Note: Christ Church Mount Gambier also has many other Ferguson & Urie stained glass windows. All are displayed in this slide show along with the east ‘Needham’ memorial window.

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Border Watch, Mount Gambier, SA, Saturday 19th October 1867, page 2.

“MEMORIAL WINDOW CHRIST CHURCH.-We were yesterday permitted to inspect a memorial window which has been placed in the east front of the Church of England over the Communion table, in memory of the Rev. R. W. Needham. The work which is of a very high is in the medieval style and the colored glasses of which the window is composed are so admirably matched and graduated in shade that the whole might very readily be taken for a painting by an artist of no mean attainments. The upper portion of the window is descriptive of teh ascension. Between these compartments are two angels bearing a scroll on which is inscribed the words, “Jesus shal so come as ye have seen him go into heaven.” Beneath the lower compartment are the words, “I go to prepare a place for you that where I am ye may be also.” At the base of the window, the object of the memorial is expressed by the words “In memory of the Rev. R. W. Needham who died December 3rd, 1866, first Incumbant [sic] of this Church.” The memorial window is alike creditable to those who subscribed the fund for its erection, the designer, Mr. T. W. Gore, and the artists who executed the work in Melbourne.”

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