1869: Christ the King Anglican Cathedral, Ballarat, Victoria.

The Chancel of the Ballarat Anglican Cathedral contains an historic three light stained glass window created by the Ferguson & Urie stained glass company of North Melbourne. The window depicts the Nativity, Crucifixion and Resurrection and was erected in the later half of October 1869.

Photos taken between: 19th Sept 2010 and 28th Sept 2013.

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Construction of the first Anglican Church in Ballarat, known as Christ Church, commenced in 1854 in Lydiard Street, a year before Ballarat was proclaimed a Municipality and in the same year as the infamous Eureka Rebellion. The first stage of the church was completed by contractors Backhouse[1] and Reynolds in 1857 at a cost of more than £2000.[2]

In a mere ten years the congregation had outgrown the church and the plans were to enlarge it by the addition of transepts. On the 20th August 1867 the building committee of Christ Church accepted the tender of Mr Jonathon Coulson for the construction of the north and south transepts for £1655 to the plans prepared by architect Edward James.[3] The construction of these extensions began a month later.[4]

As part of the extensions and the beautification of the church was the idea of placing a locally made stained glass window in the chancel and on the 19th October 1867 it was reported;

We are informed that the stained window for the chancel at Christ Church is to be the gift of Mr. E. A. Wynne[5]. Messrs Urie and Ferguson, of Melbourne, will most likely supply the glass. The subject for the window has not yet, however, been determined on.”[6]

Edward Agar Wynne (1823-1898).

Edward Agar Wynne, was a mining pioneer in the Ballarat region. He was Chairman of Directors of the Scottish and Cornish Gold Mining Company[7], a founder and director of the Ballarat Gas Company (established in 1858), and one of the first shareholders in the Black Hill mine, of which he still held 1200 shares in at the time of his death[8]. He took a leading role in the laying out of Ballarat’s botanic gardens as well as being a member of the Acclimatisation Society[9].

He married Sarah Maria Palmer in London in c.1849 and migrated to Australia with his family c.1851-54.

In the mid 1870’s he had decided to leave Ballarat and move to the Melbourne suburb of Balaclava and his substantial home on the shores of Lake Wendouree was subsequently purchased by the ‘Loreto Sisters’ for use as part of their newly formed Convent in 1875[10].

His wife Sarah died on the 15th February 1882 at their home ‘View Hill,’ Balaclava[11], and in 1884, at the age of 60, he married 26 year old Rebecca Israel Samuel[12].

Edward died at his home ‘Montacute,’ Grey Street St Kilda, on the 9th December 1898 aged 75[13]. He was buried at the St Kilda Cemetery with his first wife Sarah and two of their children[14]. One of his sons from his first marriage, Agar Wynne (1850-1934), became a prominent Victorian politician.

Edward would not end up being the benefactor of the window and the enthusiasm for its creation lost momentum. It would be a further two years before the window would actually be created and more than a year after the 1867-68 extensions of Christ Church were completed.

By April 1868 the extensions to Christ Church were nearing completion and the local tabloid, ‘The Ballarat Star’ reported;

“The alterations at Christ Church are now nearly finished. Both transepts have been erected, and the northern one has been occupied already. The south one requires some completing touches, and the chancel is also unfinished, the window not yet being glazed. We believe the organ is to be erected in the southern transept. It seems a pity the chancel could not have been deepened and widened, so as to have made it serve as for a cathedral choir, and thus have provided room there for the singers, instead of taking space for the choir out of the too small area of the church, even with its transepts added.” [15]

The 6th of May 1868 heralded the re-opening of Christ Church and a series of celebrations were organised for the dedication of the new transepts and chancel. The services were conducted by Archdeacon Stretch[16] at the morning services and the Rev Handfield [17] at the afternoon services. The decorations in the church at this point indicated that the chancel window was still in an un-glazed state.

“The opening of Christ Church is to be celebrated this day, as the first of a series of days appropriated to the solemnities in question. Our advertising columns contain particulars as to the services, from which it will be seen that the venerable Archdeacon Stretch will officiate at the dedication of the transepts and chancel this morning, and that the Rev. H. H. P. Handfield will officiate in the afternoon. Full choral services will be sung on both occasions, and we may state apropos to this matter, that, the organ has been re-erected, and is now located in the southern transept. The church has been decorated with evergreens, wreaths depending about the transept arches and the chancel, and boughs screening the unglazed chancel window.”[18]

It wasn’t until November 1869 that the creation of a stained glass window for the chancel came to fruition, but where it had been reported earlier in 1867 that the donor of the window was to be Edward Agar Wynne, it was now reported that the benefactor was William Henry Barnard, who had made the gift of the window at a cost in the vicinity of £200.

On the 30th of October 1869 ‘The Ballarat Star’, gave an in-depth description of the window. Where it had been intimated earlier in 1867 that the Ferguson & Urie stained glass company were likely to supply the window, it was eventually created by them and depicts the Nativity, Crucifixion and Resurrection;

“A very beautiful stained glass window has this week been erected in the east or chancel end of Christ Church. Mr. W. H. Barnard has made a gift of the window to the church, and the munificent donation is a rich and very appropriate adornment of the sacred edifice. The design includes the three leading events in our Lord’s life, the middle compartment figuring the crucifixion, the two sides the nativity and resurrection respectively, each grouping, and especially that of the nativity, displaying fair accuracy in drawing, and a glorious wealth of colour. At the bottom is a half length figure of Christ giving thanks, and at the top is a dove, the symbol of the Holy Spirit. The subsidiary details, such as borderings, geometrical figures, and florials are in excellent keeping. Messrs Urie and Ferguson, of Melbourne, supplied and erected the window at a cost of some £200, and we have heard an opinion freely expressed, that though there may be larger there are no better windows than this one anywhere in the colony.”[19]

A week later it was further reported;

“A very beautiful stained glass window has been erected in the east or chancel end of Christ Church, Ballarat. Mr W. H. Barnard has made a gift of the window to the church, and the munificent donation is a rich and very appropriate adornment of the sacred edifice. Messrs Urie and Ferguson, of Melbourne, supplied and erected the window at a cost of some £200.”[20]

William Henry Barnard (1830-1900)

The donor of the stained glass window, William Henry Barnard, was born in Surrey, England 1830, the son of John Barnard and Harriet Burrows.

On the 4th February 1859 he married Caroline Lawrence at St John’s Church in Launceston, at which time he was employed by the colonial treasury as the Receiver and Paymaster at Portland in Western Victoria[21].

In February 1865 he was appointed receiver and paymaster, land officer, and gold receiver at Ballarat[22]. His wife Caroline died only a few weeks later aged 28 on the 25th February 1865[23].

On the 23rd April 1867, at Christ Church at Ballarat, he married Bessie Lynn, sixth daughter of local solicitor Adam Loftus Lynn[24]. Bessie died on the 3rd of September 1881 aged 36 at Ballarat giving birth to a daughter, the new born did not survive either[25].

He married a third time to Ellen Barnard, his first cousin and fifth daughter of his uncle George William Barnard of Landfall, Tasmania. They married at  St Peter’s Church in Sturt Street Ballarat on the 29th August 1883.

On the 28th May 1886, at St Paul’s Church Melbourne, he married a fourth time, to Flora who was again a first cousin and younger sister of his third wife Ellen [26].

Barnard resigned from the Government Treasury positions in 1878 to become Secretary-treasurer of the Ballarat Cemetery Trust and he retained that position until his death in 1900. He was also registrar of the Ballarat School of Mines[27].

He died on the 12th January 1900 at his Errard-street home at Ballarat West aged 70 and was buried in the Ballarat old cemetery[28].

An original engraving depicting the chancel of Christ Church, circa 1874, shows the three light chancel window, and in the engraving are painted the words around the chancel arch:


Text surrounding the arch around the top of the Ferguson & Urie stained glass window reads:


(From the Book of Common Prayer).

None of this original text around the arches exists anymore.

By 1886 the idea of erecting an Anglican Cathedral in Ballarat had gained momentum with the Rev Samuel Thornton[29] (the first Bishop of Ballarat) as lead instigator. On the 18th March 1886 it was resolved to erect a Cathedral to the rear of the site of the current church;

“At a meeting of the Church of England Assembly in Ballarat on Thursday, it was resolved to build a cathedral on the church site in Lydiard-street. A resolution was also carried that the building should be of stone, and the cost was limited to £35,000, exclusive of the tower and spire.”[30]

“The Right Rev. Dr. Thornton has for some time been actively promoting the erection of a cathedral in the chief town of his diocese. At the suggestion of the bishop, the vestry of Christ Church consented to unite cordially with the diocese in the erection of a cathedral upon the site of their present parish church in Lydiard-street…”[31]

The laying of the foundation stone of the new cathedral was performed on St Andrews day[32] by the Governor of Victoria, Sir Henry Brougham Loch[33]. Sir Henry and Lady Lock arrived by special train at Ballarat on Thursday 29th of November[34] and the following day, St Andrew’s Day, he laid the foundation stone of the new cathedral in the presence of the Bishops of Sydney, Melbourne, Bathurst and the Riverina[35] and a large assembly of the Ballarat Anglicans. Contributions exceeding £540 were placed on the foundation stone on the day[36].

The plan for the cathedral was that its construction would begin on the lower east side of the current church and the current church would then eventually form one of the transepts of the cathedral when completed.

By April 1890 construction of the cathedral had stalled. Unforeseen circumstances occurred with the foundations at the eastern end because of the steep slope and the lack of funds to rectify it had halted further work. In Bishop Thornton’s address to the Annual Church Assembly at the Ballarat City Hall on the 6th May 1890 he outlined his concerns and the expenditure to-date[37]

Sadly, nothing further transpired. The desire for an Anglican Cathedral in Ballarat did not gain the support it required and in 1931, forty years later, the Melbourne ‘Argus’ reported;

“…The ambition of Bishop Thornton was to see the Ballarat cathedral completed. The foundation-stone was laid by Sir Henry – afterwards Lord – Loch, when he was Governor of Victoria. It has not yet been finished, but cathedrals grow with the centuries rather than with the years. Some day it will be completed and an enthusiastic vicar may address his mind to the task of writing its history. In that history should be reserved and honoured place for the name of Dr. Thornton. He died in Lancashire, still in the service of his Church…”[38]

The cathedral would never be completed. Bishop Thornton died in England in 1917 and all that exists to recognise his efforts is a memorial brass tablet erected in the liturgical south west corner of the church which reads;


It is now more than 125 years since the then Governor Sir Henry Lock laid the foundation stone for the cathedral and evidence still remains of it to this day at the rear of the original bluestone church in Lydiard Street.

The lower basement of the cathedral which had been constructed before works were halted was known as the ‘Chapter House’ and was used as the Diocesan office for many years and later sold to private enterprise circa 1980’s. It was later used as a night club and is now a private residence.

The original church building facing Lydiard Street became the Anglican Cathedral of Ballarat and carries the title of the Church of ‘Christ the King’.

The historic Ferguson & Urie stained glass window still exists in the chancel of the church in the exact same position it was erected in 1869.

As at 2016 the cathedral and associated buildings have been advertised for sale by the Anglican authorities.


[5] Edward Agar Wynne (1823-1898).

[8] Edgar Agar Wynne, Vic Probate record 75/159, dated 17th May 1900.

[12] Vic BDM: 284/1884.

[14] St Kilda Cemetery, CofE, Compartment A-327.

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08-12-1883: St Paul’s, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia.

The Capricornian, Rockhampton, QLD, Saturday 8th December 1883, page 13.

“The stained glass window for St. Paul’s Church, towards which the officers and work men of the Central Railway subscribed to liberally, has been set in position, and is a great ornament to the interior of the building. It forms the centre of the five windows facing William-street. In the centre is a figure of the Saviour, 6 ft. 3 in. high, clad in robes of varied hues, holding in one hand a ball, representing the world, while the other points up ward to a descending dove, in the centre of a number of rolling spheres of a silvery and golden tinge. Under the figure is the motto, ‘ I am the law, the word, the truth, and the life.’ Immediately below is an Agnus Dei in the centre of a sphere. The window, which is 13 ft- 7½ in. high and 2 ft. 8½ in. wide, was formally handed over on Saturday by Mr. I Linthwaite on behalf of the officers and work men on the Central Railway. The cost of it was about £130, and was made by Messrs. Ferguson and Urie of Melbourne, at a cost of  £2 2s. per superficial foot. It will always be a memento of the liberality of the men working on the railway, who subscribed freely when requested to do so by Mr. F. Linthwaite. All paid up well what they promised, a fact pleasingly commented on by Mr. Linthwaite. He stated that when the list was returned to him £120 15s. was written down, whilst the cash forwarded was £120 13s. 6d”.

Photos taken: September 2012. Thanks to Mr Mark Spearing, Gladstone, Qld.

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The text in the lower region of the window reads:



Note: This article also appeared in the Morning Bulletin, Rockhampton, QLD, Monday 3rd December 1883, page 2.

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13-05-1885: St. Paul’s Cathedral, Sale, Gippsland, Victoria

The Edward Crooke stained glass memorial window at St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, Sale, Victoria.

Edward Crooke was born in Liverpool, Lancashire in 1810 and arrived in Sydney in 1837. In the 1840’s he ran cattle and sheep in the Holey Plains area near Rosedale in Gippsland. He married Maria Matilda Jamison in 1860 and moved to Melbourne with his family in 1870. His son E.J. Crook later took over the Holey Plains station. Edward Crook died at his home “Rockley” in South Yarra on the 7th November 1873 and in 1885 his wife Maria initiated the erection of a stained glass memorial to him in the chancel of St Paul’s Church of England in Sale, Gippsland. The window was created by Ferguson & Urie and was erected in September 1886 beside the Dr. Floyd Minter Peck window that Ferguson & Urie had created two decades earlier in 1867.

Photos dated: 23 April 2011.

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The left light in the group of three is the Edward Crooke memorial window described in the articles below. The centre light is a memorial to Dr. Floyd Minter Peck which was also created by Ferguson & Urie some twenty years earlier in 1867 and originally installed in the previous church building. The right light, ‘Good Shepherd’, window was made by William Montgomery, Melbourne; “The right hand light was by William Montgomery c.1888.  It was one of the first group he made for the Anglicans after he arrived in Melbourne in December 1886”.- (Dr. Bronwyn Hughes, Stained Glass Historian, email, 25 Sept 2012).

Gippsland Times, Vic, Wednesday 13th May 1885, page 3.

“Our readers will no doubt remember that when the Church of England in Cunningham-street was built, the stained glass window that had been put in the old church to the memory of the late Dr. Peck was removed and placed in the central light in the chancel of the new church. We are now pleased to learn that Mrs Crooke, of Holey Plains, is about to fill one of the side lights with a similar window in memory of the late Mr Crooke. The subject chosen will be one that will harmonise with the present window, and will greatly improve that end of the church. It will, however, to complete it, need the other side light filling, and perhaps some member of the church will consider the propriety of doing this. We are sure that no more suitable memorial of departed friends than one of this kind can be found.”

Gippsland Times, Vic, Monday 20th September 1886, page 3.

“In our columns some months ago we mentioned that Mrs Crooke, of Holey Plain, had intimated her intention of putting a stained glass window in St. Paul’s, in memory of her late husband. This has been done, and a rich and beautiful work now adorns the left opening of the chancel window. The central panel is a life-size figure representing the Saviour as the Light of the World. The outer flowing robe around the body is of rich antique ruby, the folds fall gracefully round, while the inner garment has a cream-like tinge. Over the head there is a canopy of blue. Under the figure are the words, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life.” In the top panel appears the sacred monogram I.H.S., surrounded by a Crown. On the lower panel there is a medallion exhibiting a lamb with a banner and cross, and on either side are the words “Agnus Dei.” We need scarcely say that the window was very much admired by the congregation yesterday. The third light should now be filled in, and then the large window at the eastern end would be complete. Perhaps the good example set by Mrs Crooke will be followed by some other members of he community. The work was done by Messrs Fergusson [sic] and Urie, of Melbourne.”

Gippsland Times, Vic, Wednesday 2nd February 1887, page 3.


“The yearly meeting of the congregation of St. Paul’s Church of England was held in the old church building on Monday evening. There was a moderate attendance, and the Rev. Canon Watson occupied the chair. The following report was read:-…”

“…The board are glad to report that during the year a very handsome stained glass window was placed in the chancel by Mrs Crooke, of Holey Plain, to the memory of her late husband…”

Gippsland Times, Vic, Tuesday 11th November 1873, page 3.

“CROOKE.- On the 7th inst., at Rockley, Toorak, Edward Crooke, of Holey Plain, Gippsland.”

Related posts:

21-09-1867: St Paul’s Cathedral, Sale, Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.

External links:

Biography: Edward Crooke (1810-1873)

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19-06-1873: St. Andrew’s Church of England Cathedral, Sydney, New South Wales.

On the 12th and 19th of June 1873, the Sydney tabloids reported that a Ferguson & Urie window had been made for the Sydney Cathedral. The window depicted ‘Faith, Hope & Charity’ and was to be placed in the clerestory of St Andrew’s Church of England Cathedral in Sydney. The window was erected to the memory of Mary Ann Stephen (nee Pasmore), the widow of Judge John Stephen, the first puisne Judge appointed to the Supreme Court in the Colony of New South Wales. The window was subscribed for by her surviving children and was erected in the clerestory of St Andrew’s in 1873, ten years after her death in 1863 at the age of 89.

The memorial text on the window reads: “In memory of Mary Ann Stephen, The widow of John Stephen Esq., First Puisne Judge of this colony, Died in Sydney 1st January 1863, Aged 89 years”.

Photos of St Andrews Church were taken 8th May 2011. Photos of the stained glass window were taken by Ken Burke (via historian Karla Whitmore, 6th May 2013).

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The Argus, Melbourne, Vic, Saturday 7th June 1873, page 5. 

“A stained glass window, which has many elegant features, has been made by Messrs Ferguson and Urie, of Hotham for the Church of England Cathedral of Sydney. The window is to be placed in the clerestory as a memorial of the widow of the late Mr Justice Stephen. The principal figures represented are Faith, Hope, and Charity, with the last in the middle. Hope has her hand upon the anchor, and Faith carries the Bible and the Cross. The tracery of the window shows the lamb, and the pelican feeding its young. The window is most to be admired for the harmony of the colouring and the softness of the tone. A good general effect has been produced. The drapery on the figures has been exceedingly well done, and is somewhat in advance of the expression upon the faces. The letters underneath the figures state that the window is erected in memory of Mary Ann Stephen, widow of John Stephen, puisne Judge, who died in Sydney on the 1st of January, 1863, at the age of eighty-nine years. It is erected by her children. The height of it is 12 feet.”

The Sydney Morning Herald, NSW, Friday 2nd January 1863, page 1.

“On 1st January, at Eveleigh House, the residence of her son-in-law, Mary Anne Stephen, widow of John Stephen Esquire, first judge of this colony, and mother of Sir Alfred Stephen, in her eighty-ninth year.”

Judge John Stephen died on Saturday, 21st December 1833, his wife Mary Ann (nee Pasmore), survived him by a further thirty years.

The Sydney Gazette & New South Wales Advertiser, Tuesday 24th December 1833, page 3.

DIED, At Clairville, on Saturday last, JOHN STEPHEN, Esq., late Judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales. The funeral of this respected gentleman is intended to be public, and will take place on Thursday next.”

The SydneyMonitor, NSW, Wednesday 25th December 1833, page 2.


Mr Justice Stephen endeared himself to the people of New South Wales, by his unflinching consistent integrity, in irving times.When the public press was assailed, he ever stood up for its independence. His views of the law were in its favour, and he did not shrink from expressing his views, in the worst of times; and when his office depended, in a measure, on his silence. When the Editors were under prosecution, and demanded a common Jury, according to the common law, under the plea, that the Act of Parliament could not set aside the common Law and natural justice, by its not permitting the prosecutor (Darling) to appoint the Jury. Judge Stephen was the only Judge who maintained the inviolability of this axiom of common sense and common justice.”

The Australian, Sydney, NSW, Friday 27th December 1833, page 2.

“Funeral of John Stephen, Esq. Late Judge of the Supreme Court.

The body of the above respected individual was brought ito town, from his country house at Clareville, accompanied by some members of his family, at 1 o’clock yesterday morning, and deposited in St. James’ Church, preparatory to its being interred in the new burying ground. About half past seven o’clock the gentlemen who attended the funderal having previously assembled in the Court House were summoned by the tolling of the bell into St. James’s Church, where the Rev. Mr. Hill read the first portion of the funderal service:- Precisely at eight o’clock the procession began to move in the following order. The Band of the 4th regiment, playing the Masonic March of Burn’s Fare-well. Members of the bar, two and two. A number of Civil Officers, Magistrates, Merchants, and private friends of the deceased followed. The procession was closed by about twenty carriages. The procession moved along George street, followed by a very considerable crowd, the band playing until they reached the burying ground.- On arriving there the Body was taken from the Hearse and carried to the grave by six of the Masonic Brethren, who were desirious of performing this last sad ceremony themselves. The funeral service having been read and the body lowered into the grave, the members of the Masonic Lodges proceeded to perform the ceremonies of their order, in compliance with a wish, expressed by the deceased a short time before his death, of being buried with the honours bestowed upon its members, by an institution to which he had in earlier life been attached. From the church to the grave, the procession was accompanied by a numerous concourse of spectators, who thus testified the respect with which the character of the deceased was held in the public estimation.”

Two and a half months after the reports of this windows creation, Ferguson & Urie stained glass artist and partner, John Lamb Lyon, prepared the final stages for his move to Sydney to start the Lyon & Cottier stained glass firm. On the 27th August 1873 advertisements appear in the Melbourne tabloids for the sale of his Dudley Street cottage and furnishings. On the 29th of August 1873 the Govt Gazette published the official dissolution of his partnership with Ferguson & Urie.


John Stephen (1771-1833). (first puisne judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales).

Sir Alfred Stephen (1802-1894). (son of Judge John Stephen)

Other references:

The Sydney Morning Herald, NSW, Thursday 12th June 1873, page 5.
Queanbeyan Age, NSW, Thursday 19th June 1873, page 4.
The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser, NSW, Thursday 12th June 1873, page 3.
The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, Saturday 14th June 1873, page 753.

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