27-04-1862: St Giles Presbyterian Church, Geelong, Victoria.

Situated on the west side of Gheringhap street, between Little Ryrie and Myers street in Geelong is the former St Giles Presbyterian Church, also known as the West End or High Church. Ferguson & Urie created the five light west window, which is one of a rare few that have the company name on it, as well as the Burning Bush window at the east end which includes the date “A.D. 1862”.

Geelong Advertiser, Vic, Tuesday 29th April 1862, page 3.

“…The windows in the front elevation (Gheringhap-street) will be of stained glass, five lights each and traceried; they are being prepared by Messrs Ferguson and Urie of Melbourne, a very handsome and elaborate design, and will not be ready for a few weeks…”

The designs of architect Nathaniel Billing were chosen as a result of a competition entry[1] and Boynton & Conway of Geelong were the building contractors. Although initial designs included a spire, this was never built. The foundation stone was laid on Tuesday the 9th of July 1861 by the treasurer of the new church, Thomas Brown Esq[2], and it was formally opened on Sunday 27th April 1862 [3]. By 1938 St Giles had no minister and it was suggested that it should be pulled down[4] and re-erected in place of the wooden Scots Church in Pakington street Geelong West. This never eventuated and the church continued to serve the congregation for another forty years. St Giles was last used for services in 1977 when the Uniting Church classed the building as redundant and it was sold in 1988. It was then used as an entertainment venue which hosted many live bands and performances by famous rockers such as Jimmy Barnes. How the stained glass windows survived unscathed during this period is remarkable! Photos taken 6th January 2012, except the last two photos in the slideshow which show the full perspective of the liturgical west window, and the Burning Bush window at the liturgical east end. These two photos have been contributed by Geoffrey Wallace, taken in 2006 before the internal office space construction began.

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The latest transformation of the former St Giles church was it’s conversion to offices and it now hosts a medical clinic. The liturgical west window facing Gheringhap street still exists in fairly good condition and can be seen from inside from the landing of an internal staircase. The window is also one of a very rare few early Ferguson & Urie stained glass creations that has the company name on it, located at the base of the centre light. The four lobed round window at the east end depicts the Burning Bush with the motto of the Church of Scotland, “NEC TAMEN CONSUMEBATUR” (Latin – ‘Yet it was not consumed’, an allusion to Exodus 3:1-22 and Moses and the Burning Bush), and also has the year “A:D: 1862”.

Significant newspaper transcriptions:

The Sydney Morning Herald, NSW, Monday 15th July 1861, page 3

“The foundation stone of the new Presbyterian High Church of Victoria was laid on Tuesday, at Geelong, in the presence of a numerous concourse of people. The site of the new building is adjacent to the Presbyterian school on the western side of Gheringhap-street. The ceremony was performed by Mr. Thomas Brown, treasurer to the new church, the Rev. Mr. Fraser commencing the proceedings with singing and prayer. The design of the church is early gothic; it will hold 500 persons, and the entire cost of the edifice with steeple will be £5000. – Herald”

Geelong Advertiser, Vic, Tuesday 29th April 1862, page 3.

“HIGH CHURCH, GHERINGHAP STREET. THIS handsome structure which forms such a prominent feature amongst the ecclesiastical and public edifices of the “west end” of our town may now be pronounced complete. At least, it is complete in so far that it has been devoted to the purpose of its erection, having been consecrated to Divine Worship on Sunday last in presence of a very numerous congregation. The plan comprises the nave, transepts, vaulted recess for rostrum, vestry, two porches, and a tower and spire; and the style of architecture is of the “early decorated” period of Gothic. The tower, and spire, and vestry are not yet built, which, of course, give the edifice externally an unfinished appearance; nor are the nave and transepts, which are to provide the complete seat accommodation; but these are in progress and will be finished by the original contractors. The walls are of bluestone; while the gables, window and door coigns, copings, pinnacles, and dressings to buttresses, &c, generally are of Barrabool freestone. Interiorly – the roof is open to the ridge, supported by arched trusses, the wall-pieces bearing on moulded and carved stone corbels; and all the roof timbers and boarding is stained of a uniform colour and varnished. Ventilation is amply provided by a series of perforated pinnacles and louvred openings, in addition to which the side windows are each made to open partially, and gratings in the passages and in the plinth are arranged with slides to open or shut with pleasure as the state of the weather may require. The windows in the front elevation (Gheringhap-street) will be of stained glass, five lights each and traceried; they are being prepared by Messrs Ferguson and Urie of Melbourne, a very handsome and elaborate design, and will not be ready for a few weeks. The side windows have two lights each with traceried heads, and those to the transepts three lights each. There are also two small gable windows of chaste design. The rostrum and the precentor’s desk and their enclosing railing are of Australian cedar selected with exceeding taste to show the valuable adaptability of this favorite wood for ornamental purposes; and in design the whole is in strict keeping with the other parts of the church. The benches are open, with cut and moulded ends terminating with fleur de-lis; they are all stained and varnished. The whole of the workmanship of the building and its furnishings, inside and out, is of the most creditable character. Mr. Billing, of Melbourne, is the architect, and Boynton and Conway, of Geelong, the contractors for carrying out the works. The church occupies one of the most commanding sites of the town, and, approached by land or seas it will always form a prominent object in the view. It is capable of accommodating about fifteen hundred people.             As we said above, the church was consecrated for Divine Worship on Sunday last. The “opening services” of the day were three – morning, afternoon, and evening. The first and last were conducted by the Rev William Henderson, of Ballarat, and the afternoon service by the Rev Joseph Dare. As an earnest of the interest felt by the congregation in their new church, above L60 was contributed as the customary collections. The opening services will be continued next Sunday by the Rev T. W. K. Frazer, the pastor of the church, the Rev A. J. Campbell, and the Rev A. Love.”


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21-06-1871: Roman Catholic Mortuary Chapel at the Melbourne General Cemetery.

The Argus, Melbourne, Wednesday 21st June 1871, page 5.

 “The Melbourne Cemetery has received another adornment, now that the new mortuary chapel in the Roman Catholic portion of the ground has been completed. This elegant structure, of which the sanctuary only is wanting, is of bluestone, with windows and exterior ornaments of Tasmanian freestone, from Kangaroo Point. It consists of a pointed porch, enriched with carved finials, which leads into a lofty open-roofed chapel, lighted by four trefoil-pattern windows, and paved with encaustic tiles, and two crypts beneath. The style is Gothic, and the dimensions are – length 60ft.,width 22ft., while the slated roof reaches a height of 50ft from the ground. The Belfry is not yet finished. The crypts are solidly floored with concrete, and are provided with sufficient means of ventilation. They are intended as a final receptacle for the remains of deceased priests, which are to be placed there in leaden coffins. The bodies of about 10 deceased clergymen await their transit to this repository, which will take place contemporaneously with the solemn dedication of the building to the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph by the bishop. This will be celebrated in a few weeks, and the Rev. G. V. Barry will preach a special sermon on the occasion. This mortuary chapel is, we believe, the only one worthy the name in Australia; at least such was the opinion of Archbishop Polding, who visited it the other day, and whose knowledge on the subject is doubtless considerable. The entire edifice, which has cost over £1,000 is due to the Rev. W. M. Finn, who, with the permission of the bishop, initiated the movement which has resulted so successfully at the time that he was appointed to his present cure at Heidelberg. Since then the rev, gentleman has been unremitting in his exertions to obtain subscription, and when the money was forthcoming extended his careful supervision to every detail of the construction. The architect of the chapel is Mr. J. B. Denney, and the work was done in two contracts, the superstructure being erected by Messrs. J. Young and Co.”

The dedication ceremony of the chapel was to have taken place on Sunday 20th August 1871 but was postponed due to heavy rain. The service finally took place in the presence of a crowd of 10 to 15 thousand people on Sunday 10th September 1871.

Geoffrey Wallace Stained Glass Studio at Caulfield restored the windows after they were vandalised in 2008.

Four saints are depicted in individual lancets being:

  1. Saint Brigitta of Sweden, holding a candle,
  2. Saint Patrick of Ireland holding the staff with the snake at his feet,
  3. Saint Joseph holding a stalk of Lily flowers,
  4. Saint Maria with her hands folded in prayer.

Each window has the Latin Motto “ORA PRO NOBIS” (Pray for us) at the bottom.

All the photos of the windows have been kindly contributed by Geoffrey Wallace . The images show the remarkable transformation before and after the restoration by Geoff’s Studio.

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12-07-1862: The Shakespeare window at the Haymarket Theatre, Melbourne.

The history of one of Ferguson & Urie’s most famous stained glass windows can only be surmised by the following article:

The Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser, Saturday 12th July 1862, page 2.

“I have just received per mail, a photograph of a splendid piece of work – in the shape of a magnificent stained glass window, it is equal to anything of the kind produced in the old country, and is a credit to the colony. This splendid piece of work has just been completed for the new theatre now about opening in Melbourne, and has been manufactured at the works of Messrs. Ferguson and Urie, of Curzon-street, Melbourne, its designers and the artists to whom it will testify for years to come; they have successfully carried out a specimen of the fine arts, such as could not be excelled in any part of the Queen’s dominions. It consists of three separate parts a central and two wings – the central part has a fine life sized portrait of the immortal Will. Shakespeare, surrounded by a border of scroll and arabesque work, with flowers intermixed of the richest colours; over the poets head is a coat of arms, in a kind of oriel – under his feet is a device, emblematic of the profession – a lyre, masque, &c, &c, this as well as the oriel is likewise surrounded by borderings of quaint and original design and the whole window had a border edged each side with a narrower one – of the most chaste and beautiful description. The Poet stands in a leaning attitude, pen in hand dressed in the handsome costume of Queen Elizabeth’s time. The two side departments each contain two full length portraits of the most prominent characters, such as the Jolly Old Knight, “Sir John Falstaff,” Macbeth’s guilty Queen and other two. The whole of this beautiful work is formed of Stained Glass of the richest transparent colours and is the first thing of the kind on so large a scale, executed in Victoria.”

The Shakespeare window is now on display at the top of the dome in the La Trobe reading room. It was restored by Geoffrey Wallace stained glass studio in 2005. Originally it included two narrow side windows devoted to the Shakespearean characters, Hamlet and Lady Macbeth and Beatrice but what became of those is unknown.

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05-07-1862 > 06-08-1862

18-11-1876: St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Richmond, Melbourne, Victoria.

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01-07-1862: The opening of Coppins Apollo Music Hall.

The Argus, Melbourne, Tuesday 1st July 1862, page 8.

Entertainer and Politician, George Coppin, opens his ‘Apollo Music Hall’ on the 5th of July 1862. The stained glass windows were crafted by Ferguson & Urie of North Melbourne. One of the windows depicting the stage image of Shakespeare was restored by Geoffrey Wallace Studios in 2005 and now appears at the top of the dome in the Latrobe Reading Room at the State Library of Victoria.

Photo taken 16th January 2011.

Related posts:

22-04-1870: The Haymarket Theatre Dispute. Melbourne, Victoria.