21-11-1873: St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Robe, South Australia.

South Australia Register, Adelaide, Friday 21st November 1873, page 6.

“ROBE, November 18. A movement is on foot in this district for placing a window in St. Peter’s Church in memory of the late George Ormerod. About £100 will be required for the purpose.”

This stained glass window was eventually created. The two light window dedicated to the memory of George Ormerod was created by the Ferguson & Urie stained glass company of Melbourne circa 1874 and depicts the Nativity, Baptism, Resurrection and Ascension.

The Robe church history book supposedly has reference to this window being made by “Ferguson Will and Nyon” which is incorrect from two facets. It obviously should read “Ferguson, Urie and Lyon” but this would also be technically incorrect as the partner in the firm, John Lamb Lyon, officially dissolved his interest in the business with James Ferguson & James Urie on the 29th August 1873 and left for Sydney shortly afterwards. The date of the article above, 21 Nov 1873, is nearly three months after Lyon left the business so the window that was eventually made for Ormerod would have technically been “Ferguson & Urie” and the artist being David Relph Drape.

The former business partner John Lamb Lyon went to Sydney to take up partnership with Daniel Cottier to become Sydney’s premier stained glass studio “Lyon & Cottier”.

Photos kindly contributed by Liz Harfull 19/02/2012.

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The Overland Telegraph, South Australia, 20th April 1872, page 5.

THE LATE MR. ORMEROD.- Our Guichen Bay correspondent writes:- “As announced previously by telegram, Mr. George Ormerod, of Ormerod & Co., died at his Robe residence on the 10th inst. The death of one so long and intimately connected with this district could not but cause the most painful sensation. For some years past Mr. Ormerod has suffered from general debility and mental malady, the result of an overwrought brain. Frequent rallies had given hope that he might yet live many years; but during the last fortnight alarming symptoms showed themselves. Many far and near have watched anxiously the fluctuations of this last attack, still hoping his great vitality would carry him through; but he expired on the evening of the 10th. Mr Ormerod was a member of a very old Lancashire family, and was born at Rochdale in 1822. He came out to Victoria in 1842, and amongst the pioneer squatters settled at Naracoorte, about 1845 to 1846, on the station known as the Naracoorte Station. About 18 years ago he settled at Guichen Bay, opening up a large business there, which has aided greatly in the development of the South East. Mr. Ormerod shrunk from a public career, and the only public positions he held were those of J.P. and Chairman of the Local Road Board. These were retained as long as health permitted. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon, the body being interred in the Robe Cemetery. The procession was largely attended, some coming over 50 miles to be present. Many residents from Kingston testified their regard by following the remains to the grave. The Rev. H. Howitt, of St. Peter’s, preached a funeral sermon last Sunday, in which Mr. Ormerod’s many good qualities were appropriately alluded to. Mr. Ormerod has made a will, and it is understood that the business will be continued as heretofore for the benefit of his widow and family.”

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