14-11-1885: Wesleyan Methodist Church, Ross, Tasmania.

The Mercury, Hobart, TAS, Saturday 14th November 1885, page 1s.

“ERECTIONS.- A church at Ross, in the Campbell Town circuit, which has been in process of erection for some time, has been finished, and may now be reported. It is a substantial structure of freestone, built in Gothic style of architecture, cruciform in shape, with gable spire. Two of the gables will contain handsome memorial windows of stained glass, one presented by Messrs. Geo. And Thos Parramore, and the other by Horton College. It occupies a commanding site, and is an ornament o the neighbourhood. The architect is Mr Percy Oakden…”

Launceston Examiner, Tasmania, Friday 1st January 1886, page 2.

“On Nov. 23 a new Wesleyan Church was opened at Ross. It is built of freestone, and cost £4241, and contains two stained glass windows, one presented by the old students of Horton College, and the other by the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Parramore.”

Both triple light windows were created by Ferguson & Urie of Melbourne.

Photos taken 6th of October 2010.

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The text and definitions of the Horton College window are as follows:

Cinqfoil light (above the three lancets):


Corrected to: “Perseverantia Palman Obtinebit”. This translates to“Perseverance yields the prize.”

For many years prior to this the school motto was “Nil sine magno labore” (Nothing without great labour)

Left light:


(1 Samuel 3-1, “puer autem Samuhel ministrabat Domino coram Heli et sermo Domini erat pretiosus in diebus illis non erat visio manifesta” – “And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision”)

Centre light:

(Luke 2-46 “et factum est post triduum invenerunt illum in templo sedentem in medio doctorum audientem illos et interrogantem” – “And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions”.)



Right light:


(2 Timothy 3-15 “et quia ab infantia sacras litteras nosti quae te possint instruere ad salutem per fidem quae est in Christo Iesu” – “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus”.)

A collection of articles and history can be found here on my Evernote account about the historical Horton College (1852-1920)

The three light Parramore window text:

Left light:

(Psalm 112-1:  Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments).

Centre light:


(Revelation 1-18:  I  am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death).

Right Light:

(Proverbs  31-30: Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised)

External links:

Obituary: Thomas Parramore (1840-1913)

Short link to this page: https://wp.me/p28nLD-CJ

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03-07-1869: St. John’s Anglican Church, Ross, Tasmania.

St John’s Anglican Church in Ross, Tasmania, was erected to the designs of architect Henry Hunter using some of the sandstone from the original church built in 1835.  The building was completed in 1868 and consecrated the following year on the 14th of May 1869  by the Bishop of Tasmania, Charles Henry Bromby (1814-1907).

Launceston Examiner, Tasmania, Saturday 3rd July 1869, page 4.

“THE NEW CHURCH AT ROSS.- From the Church News..”

 “… The nave is lighted on each side by cusped lancet windows, placed in couplets. The west end has three plain lancets, over which is a circular window filled with geometrical tracery; and a small circular window is placed in the gable of the transept. The east window is of three lights, the head being filled with rich tracery. The masonry throughout is of fine Ross free-stone. The roofs are of high pitch, finished internally with pine boarding, panelled and moulded. All the windows are filled with stained pattern-glass, manufactured by Ferguson & Urie, of Melbourne…”

 “… Everything was done by workmen employed by the chief benefactor of the church, Mr. Kermode, under the general direction of its designer and architect. Mr. Hunter…”

Photos: (updated) taken 12th August 2012. There are also some photos of restoration work, by Gavin Merrington. between June 2006 and Jan 2007. The August 2012 photos were taken during an awesome historical stained glass road trip with Gavin on the 12th Aug 2012.

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Note: Robert Quayle Kermode (1812-1870) also owned the mansion “Mona Vale” near the town of Ross in Tasmania, and it also contains stained glass windows made by Ferguson & Urie.

The Mercury. Hobart, Tas, Wednesday 12th May 1869, page 2.

“CONSECRATION OF ROSS’ CHURCH.- The Lord Bishop of Tasmania is to consecrate the new church at Ross on Friday, 14th inst., when divine service will be held at 11 o’clock. The clergy are invited to meet in the vestry at half-past ten and to bring their surplices”.

Short link to this page: http://wp.me/p28nLD-cu

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20-01-1868: Mona Vale Mansion, Ross, Tasmania, Australia.

Mona Vale mansion, at Ross in Tasmania, was built in 1868 for the wealthy land owner and Tasmanian Parliamentarian Robert Quayle Kermode and he entertained the Duke of Edinburgh there shortly after it was completed. The stained glass windows were created by the Ferguson & Urie stained glass company of North Melbourne and were selected by the architect of Mona Vale, Henry Hunter, during a visit to Victoria in 1867.

The Mercury, Hobart, Monday 20th January 1868, page 3.

“THE JOURNEY TO THE NORTH. (From our Special Reporter)


 “In my last article I concluded my description of the trip of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh to the northern side of the island, and landed him safely once again at the threshold of Government House. The narrative would, however, be very incomplete unless accompanied by some kind of description of the mansion at Mona Vale, where His Royal Highness stayed on his upward and downward journey, and where every provision was made for his comfort, which the real genuine hospitality of an English gentleman could devise, or Princely munificence accomplish. The mansion of Mona Vale is, I have no hesitation in saying, one of the most splendid and magnificently furnished residences in the whole of the Australian colonies, and it is replete with every comfort and conveniences that modern art has yet suggested.…”

 “… Retreating to the main corridor we arrive at its junction with the main hall, and here for the first time I observed the beautiful windows of stained glass, which surround the front door. The fanlight is especially worth mention, having in the centre Mr. Kermode’s crest, an arm and dagger surrounded by a handsome design. The side lights have a stained glass bordering, with centre pieces in frosted glass of floral design. Arrived at the foot of the grand staircase, I observed that the whole of the windows by which it is lighted were also of stained glass, showing groups of flowers most tastefully arranged. The whole of these windows are in the style known as enamel painting, and were executed by Messrs. Ferguson and Urie, of Melbourne, some of them being selected for Mr. Kermode by Mr. Henry Hunter, during a late visit to Victoria…”.

Unfortunately I don’t have any photos of the stained glass windows. Only copyright images exist in a handful of publications. The property is now owned by the Cameron family.

Mona Vale, Ross, Tasmania,c,1880’s In-line image from: http://www.utas.edu.au

Robert Quayle Kermode was also a substantial benefactor and instrumental in the erection of St John’s Church in Ross which also has a complete cycle of Ferguson & Urie stained glass windows.

Related posts:

1869: St John’s Anglican Church, Ross, Tasmania.

External Links:

Biography – Robert Quayle Kermode (1812-1870)

Obituary – Robert Quayle Kermode (19 May 1870)

Article – ‘Fine Old Country Residence is Landmark in Northern Tasmania’

Obituary – Robert Crelin Kermode (1847-1927) [son of R. Q. Kermode]

Short link to this page: https://wp.me/p28nLD-a2

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13-08-1867: James Urie visits Tasmania on Ferguson and Urie business.

In August 1867, James Urie of the Melbourne stained glass firm ‘Ferguson & Urie’, traveled to Tasmania with a portfolio of the companies designs for ecclesiastical and secular stained glass. As of May 2013, over twenty-five Tasmanian buildings have been identified as having one or more extant stained glass windows by the firm. The newspaper article below contains a gold mine of clues for Ferguson & Urie windows erected in Tasmania and in Victoria and I have included my comments as to what have found on each clue.

The Mercury, Hobart Tasmania, Tuesday 13th August 1867, page 5.

 “STAINED WINDOWS – A few days since we stated that Mr. Urie of the firm of Ferguson, Urie, and Lyon, glass stainers, &c, Melbourne, was on a professional visit to Hobart Town. This gentleman is now in Launceston, and we were much gratified yesterday by inspecting a large portfolio of designs for church and other windows which his firm has executed or has in hand. Amongst the most elegant we may mention the chancel window of St. George’s Church, Queenscliff, the subject being taken from the Litany, whilst the side lights represent the twelve Apostles and the west window other emblems; chancel window of St. Peter’s, Wooloomooloo (Sydney), embracing nine events in the life of St. Peter; Roman Catholic Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Geelong; St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, Collingwood; St. Patrick’s Church, Duneed; the Melbourne Convent; the Presbyterian Churches at West Melbourne and Ballan; the Wesleyan Churches at Daylesford and Kent Town (S. Australia). They have also erected some very elegant memorial windows including one for the late Prince Consort at Kew; Rev. R. W. Needham, at Mount Gambier; Dr. Peck, at Sale; Judge Pohlman’s wife, and wife of Mr Stoddart both in Melbourne. We have already referred to Dr. Moore’s at New Norfolk, and the two windows in St. John’s, Launceston. One of the most elegant windows is in the house of Mr. George Stevenson, at Toorak; it represents the four seasons with figures of Art, Science, Agriculture, and Commerce, with Faith and Hope, coat of arms, and crest. This window cost £250. This firm also supplied a staircase window for the new mansion of the Hon. R. Q. Kermode at Mona Vale, but it has been decided to substitute one much more elaborate. They are also to fit up two windows for the new Wesleyan Church of this town – one at either end, which will be very handsome. Several private homes in this town, and a large number in Victoria, have been ornamented in this way, and no doubt the practice will extend when it is known how skilfully the art is carried out by Messrs. Ferguson & Co.”


1. Queenscliff, Victoria, St Georges, All windows extant.
Related posts: 22-02-186429-01-1866 > 12-02-1881 07-04-188230-12-1893

2. Wooloomooloo, Sydney, NSW, St Peter’s (Darlinghurst), now part of Sydney Church of England Girls Grammar School.
Related posts: 1867: St Peter’s Anglican Church, Woolloomooloo, Sydney, New South Wales.

3. Geelong, Victoria, St Peter & Paul Catholic. Three light principal east window.
Related post: 13-08-1867: St Peter & St Paul, Geelong, Victoria.

4. Collingwood, Melbourne, Roman Catholic (St Joseph’s) destroyed by fire in 2007.
See: 1863: St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Collingwood, Victoria.

5. Duneed, Victoria, St Patrick’s (Mt Moriac) foundation laid in 1858. Ferguson & Urie east window erected in 1866 but was destroyed my a massive hail storm in 1887. The church was rebuilt in 1950’s and sold at auction in February 2017..

6. Melbourne, Victoria, the “Melbourne Convent”. This is likely to be the “Convent of Our Immaculate Lady of Mercy” in Nicholson street Fitzroy. My correspondence with the Convent has revealed nothing.

7. West Melbourne, Presbyterian. Dismantled in 1935 and re-erected as St Andrews at Box Hill in 1936. It contains the original F&U windows except for one which went to the Camberwell Church on Riversdale Road.
Related posts: 27-04-1935

8. Ballan, Victoria, Presbyterian (St Paul’s). All windows are extant.
Related posts: > 22-07-1866 > 28-07-1866 > 13-08-1867

9. Daylesford, Victoria, Wesleyan. Only small ‘stock’ windows in the porch exist in poor condition. See photos <here>

10. Kent Town, South Australia, Wesleyan. Nothing further known.
Related posts: 26-10-1864

11. Kew, Melbourne. The Prince Consort window at Holy Trinity is extant and recently restored.
Related posts: 08-06-1881

12. Mount Gambier, Christ Church, Rev Needham memorial window and others are extant.
Related posts: 02-11-1867

13. Sale, Victoria, St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral. Dr. Peck memorial window is extant.
Related post: 29-01-1867

14. Melbourne, Pohlman and Stoddart memorial windows.
Nothing found in regards to the Pohlman window but the Stoddart window exists.
Related post: South Yarra Presbyterian 1867


Judge Robert Williams Pohlman (1811-1877): Biography | Obit 1877 | Funeral | Obit 1878 His funeral was in St Stephen’s in Richmond and he was buried in the Melbourne General Cemetery on the 8th Dec 1877. He was married twice. His second wife, Mercy Clifton Bachelor died of an embolism at age 26 on the 21st January 1876 only a couple of weeks after giving birth to a stillborn daughter on the 5th of January 1876. He only had one daughter to his second wife named Annie who married Navy Commander Frederick Owen Pike at St John’s in Toorak on the 27th December 1893.

This would mean that the stained glass window would have been a memorial to his first wife “Eliza” who died at Richmond on the 11th Feb 1856.


This is James Dickson Stodart (c1825-1867), Mayor of Prahran 1864/65 and councilor 1858/59-1859/60, 1863/64-1864/65.

Arrived from Edinburgh in 1853. Was later a financial agent for Cornish & Bruce railway contractors. See: Yarra Presbyterian 1867

An active member of the Scotch Presbyterian Church in Punt Road South Yarra, where his memorial stained glass window resides.

He died on Wednesday 12th June 1867. The window has been found at the South Yarra Presbyterian Church See: http://wp.me/p28nLD-2I3.

15. New Norfolk, Tasmania, St Matthew’s, Dr. Moore memorial window is extant.
Related posts: 04-03-1882

16. Launceston, St John’s: The window is extant but no longer in its original position. The canopy glass above the main three lights no longer exists but an original design for the window shows that it contained the descending Dove and the symbols for Alpha and Omega.
Full details see  post: 25-09-1866

17. George Stevenson’s house at Toorak was named “Trawalla” and is located at 22 Lascelles Avenue Toorak. Window is extant.

18. Ross, Tasmania, Kermode’s Mona Vale Mansion. This window still exists. Images are shown in various historical books written in the last 30 years.

19. Launceston, Wesleyan, (Pilgrims Uniting), window facing Patterson street is extant but nothing seen in the opposite end. Gavin Merrington from Hobart has confirmed that a wheel window exists above the organ loft.

Also see: 07-08-1867: Decorative Art. James Urie sojourning in Tasmania.

Other related posts: 03-03-1868 , 29-01-1866, 20-06-1867, 29-04-1864,

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