30-12-1893: St Georges Church Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia.

Charles Cheney Simpson (1835-1892) was born in Derbyshire in 1835, the son of Edward Lloyd Simpson and Maria Cade.

He arrived in Melbourne on the Angelsey in December 1856 at the age of 20. He came to Queenscliff in 1859 and in 1861 married Rebecca Jane Vary (1844-1929) at St Paul’s church in Geelong.

He established himself in Queenscliff as a Chemist opposite the current Queenscliff museum in 1862 and was an avid diarist, photographer, Mason, and treasurer of St George’s Anglican Church. He was elected Mayor of Queenscliff for the period 1882-83.

He died at Queenscliff on the 23rd of December 1892 aged 57 and was buried in the Queenscliff cemetery. In late 1893 a stained glass window to his memory was created by Ferguson & Urie Company of North Melbourne and unveiled in the St George the Martyr church in Queenscliff on Sunday 24th December 1893. Their only child Charles Edward died in September 1879 at the age of 17. His wife Rebecca died in July 1929 aged 85.

Photos were taken 25 September 2010.

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Queenscliff Sentinel, Drysdale, Portarlington & Sorrento Advertiser, Saturday 30th December 1893, page 1.

“The window representing St. John the Baptist made by Ferguson and Urie appeared in St. George’s Church on Sunday last and was much admired. Many of Mr C C Simpson’s old friends, and some of the Masonic brethren,

(un-readable line here)

preached by the Rev J H Gregory, which alluded to Mr Simpson in the following terms – “The effigy which represents the Herald of Christ appears for the first time in the window of this church today. It is put up in memory of an esteemed member of this community and of this congregation, Charles Simpson, whom I knew well. I may be permitted to say that our excellent friend resembled the Baptist in one particular, in constantly speaking the truth, and, without which speaking the truth is valueless, in doing the truth. He was for many years manager and treasurer of church affairs. In this capacity he displayed untiring industry, and he also manifested an extreme conscientiousness which would not suffer him to let the church promises and engagements remain for a single day unfulfilled. Requiescat in peace.”

 Queenscliff Sentinel, Drysdale, Portarlington & Sorrento Advertiser, Victoria, Saturday 24th December 1892, page 1.

 “Death of Mr Charles C. Simpson.

 It is with deep regret we record the death of Mr. C. C. Simpson. Although he had been ailing for some time, a fatal termination to his illness was not feared, as he had purchased tickets for trip to New Zealand. But within the past few days serious symptoms set in, and yesterday afternoon he closed a life of usefulness in connection with local affairs which will scarcely be replaced. Born in 1835, Mr Simpson was a native of Derby in England. In 1859 he came to Queenscliff, and started in business as a druggist. His ability was soon appreciated, for shortly after his arrival here he was elected a councillor of the borough, which position he held for 20 years. During that time he was made mayor, and interested himself strenuously in the improvement of the Public Reserves. Appointed Justice of the Peace, he unremittingly fulfilled his duty with care and marked intelligence. But Mr. Simpson, whose death we deplore, was an all round man. Whether as a councillor or in any other capacity, Queenscliff was his home and heart. He lived in and for Queenscliff. Whatever he undertook seemed to prosper in his hands – Library, Church, Bowling Green, and anything else, all were successful, if he gave it his attention. Whether on the magisterial bench or at local meetings, in his own business or anything which had for its end the advancement of the town, his energy was never failing. We must make special mention of the unceasing interest he took in the Public Library. In this respect we scarcely know where to look for his successor. But all the public institutions of the borough will miss his intelligent mind and marked business capacity, especially in the matters of finance. In the death of Mr. Charles C. Simpson, Queenscliff has lost an able man, and we trust that his worth may not be wanting in the younger generation”.

The Sentinel, Queenscliff, Saturday, December 31, 1892, page 1.

“The funeral of Mr C. C. Simpson took place on Sunday and was largely attended. A Masonic service was held in the Lodge room, and then the brethren adjourned to St. George’s, where the coffin was laid in the chancel. Here and at the grave the Rev. H. J. Wilkinson conducted the services. As the procession left the church the sight was a very impressive one, the Masons heading the cortege. A large number of Freemasons belonging to Geelong Lodges were present. The funeral procession was one of the largest ever seen on Queenscliff”.

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07-04-1882: St George’s Church, Queenscliff, Victoria.

Launceston Examiner, Tasmania, Friday 7th April 1882, page 3.

“A good story is told me of the late Judge Fellows. The deceased gentleman always took a warm interest in the Anglican Church at Queenscliff, and he sat there one Sunday listening to a long and prosy sermon. A gentleman sitting in a pew behind the great lawyer noted that His Honor was glancing round at the windows, after which he heard him mutter “Twelve, twelve, oh, twelve Apostles, by Jove!” Not long afterwards Mr. Fellows presented a dozen stained glass windows to the little church.”

Photos taken: 6th Jan 2012.

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Photos of the twelve Apostles are shown first, being: ST BARTHOLEMEW, ST THOMAS, ST JAMES THE LESS, ST PHILIP, ST SIMON, ST JUDE, ST ANDREW, ST JAMES THE ELDER, ST PAUL, ST PETER, ST JOHN, ST MATTHEW. Then photos of all the other Ferguson & Urie windows are shown.

The Church of England Messenger, 2nd December 1878, page 5.

QUEENSCLIFF,- The tablet in memory of the late Mr. Justice Fellows has, during the last week, been erected in St. George’s Church, Queenscliff, to the left of the pulpit, and over the seat he formerly occupied. Mr. Clement Nash, of Geelong, is the sculptor. The tablet is of white marble, with St. George’s Cross in the apex of the arch, and has a margin of black slate 1-in. in width, and bears the following inscription:- “In memory of Thomas Howard Fellows, born October 21st. 1822; died April 8th, 1878. If you seek his memorial, look around.” The letters are black and red, with the exception of the name, which is in gold. The cost of the tablet is about £40, and has been defrayed by subscriptions from inhabitants of Queenscliff and visiting members of the church.”

"In Memory of Thomas Howard Fellows Born 21st October 1822, Died 8th April 1878. If you seek his Memorial, Look around".

“In Memory of Thomas Howard Fellows Born 21st October 1822, Died 8th April 1878. If you seek his Memorial, Look around”.

Despite Justice Fellows donating the great east window and the Twelve Apostle windows in the nave of St George’s, there is no stained glass window in the church as a memorial to him.

In 1881 a window was erected in his memory in Christ Church South Yarra.

Related posts:
22-02-186429-01-186613-08-186712-02-1881 07-04-1882 >18-10-1884 > 30-12-1893

External links:

Biography: Thomas Howard Fellows (1822-1878)

Obituary: Justice Fellows. The Argus, 9th April 1878, page 5

Conservation: The majority of the Ferguson & Urie windows at St George’s Church at Queenscliff were restored or have had conservation work by Bruce Hutton of Almond Glass between 2006-2012.

Below is my rudimentary YouTube video of St George’s windows taken with an iPhone 3GS on 6th January 2012.


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12-02-1881: St George’s Church, Queenscliff, Victoria.

The Australasian Sketcher, Melbourne, Saturday 12th February 1881, page 54.


“THE church of St. George, Queenscliff, was begun to be built at the end of 1862 through the energy of Dr. Williams, the recent Government health officer at Queenscliff. It was completed in 1863, and opened for divine worship in January, 1864, by the Rev. R. Cummins, of St. Paul’s, Ballarat […]”

“[…] The chancel window is of stained glass, and is illustrative of a portion of the Litany, each pane bearing underneath it the words of some appropriate quotation. It consists of 15 panes […]”

“[…] There are 12 stained glass windows dedicated to the Twelve Apostles, with suitable texts from the Epistles over each […].”

All the stained glass windows in St. Georges were made by Ferguson & Urie between 1864 and 1892. Two windows in the vestry built in 1958 has Derek Pearse windows installed in 1995.

The related posts links below show many of the Ferguson & Urie windows.

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22-02-186429-01-186613-08-186712-02-1881 07-04-1882 >18-10-1884 > 30-12-1893

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07-05-1880: St. George’s Presbyterian Church, St. Kilda East, Victoria.

St George’s Presbyterian East St Kilda opened for divine service on Sunday 3rd October. This was the second opening of the church after extensions. It includes the burning bush window in the north transept. All other windows were also made by Ferguson & Urie.

The Argus, Melbourne, Friday 7th May 1880, page 5.

“The foundation-stone of the enlargement of St. George’s Presbyterian Church, St Kilda East, will be laid at 4 o’clock this afternoon by Sir James McCulloch, in presence of the moderator and other leading clergy of the General Assembly. This church is little more than three years old. Since the arrival from England of its first clergyman, the Rev. J.L. Rentoul, M.A., in June of last year, the building has become overcrowded, and it is now to be enlarged to twice its present size. The nave is to be extended, and chancel and transepts added. The organ chamber will be at the end of the south transept. The chancel will have a beautiful stained-glass memorial window, the gift of lady McCulloch.”

The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil, Melbourne, Saturday 23 October 1880, page 278.

“… All the windows are filled with stained glass by Ferguson & Urie, the principal windows being gifts from friends of the church…”
“…This church was commenced in 1877, the memorial stone being laid by Sir James McCulloch on 21st April in that year…”

A considerable number of the original Ferguson & Urie windows still exist in St George’s and these are all included in the slideshow.

Photos taken: 6th March 2011.

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An interesting coincidental note:

The son of the Rev John Laurence Rentoul, John Noel Rentoul, married James Ferguson’s granddaughter, Elsie May Auld, in 1911. Elsie was my Great Grandmothers sister.

RENTOUL Elsie May Auld - John Noel Rentoul 01a

RENTOUL:  Elsie May Auld &  John Noel Rentoul, married Melbourne 1911

External links:

Biography: Sir James McCulloch (1819-1893)

Biography: Rev John Laurence Rentoul (1846-1926)

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11-06-1877: St. George’s Anglican Church, Gawler, South Australia.

The first St Georges Church was built in 1847. In 1857 it was rebuilt, the foundation stone having been laid by Mrs. Short, wife of the Bishop. In 1909 the tower was completed.

Dr William Hull Lewis 1806-1875, died age 68 at “Yenda”, Gawler, South Australia on the 1st of June 1875. He was memorialised by a stained glass window erected in his memory at St. George’s Church in Gawler, South Australia. The window was crafted by the Melbourne stained glass firm of Ferguson & Urie in 1877.

The South Australian Register, Monday 11th June 1877, page 5.

 “MEMORIAL WINDOW, – We have inspected (states the Bunyip) a very beautiful stained glass window, raised by subscription and just erected in St. George’s Church, Gawler, in affectionate memory of the late Dr. Lewis, J.P. The central figure illustrates the Good Samaritan ministering to the wounded traveller. It is the work of Messrs. Ferguson & Urie, of Melbourne, church decorators, and is an artistic and admirable specimen of the stained-glass painter’s art. It seems to embody in measure Ruskin’s idea – “The true perfection of a painted window is to be serene, intense, brilliant, like flaming jewellery, full of easy, legible, and quaint subjects, and exquisitely subtle, yet simple in its harmonies.” The inscription beneath is – “In memoriam William Hull Lewis, J.P., surgeon, Gawler, Synodsman St. George’s Church 21 years. June 1, 1875.” It is placed next the window bearing Colonel Gawler’s crest and arms.”

The Lewis memorial window depicts “The Good Samaritan” and was restored in 1999. The memorial text at the bottom of the window reads:


Photos courtesy of Kerry Kroehn 19th May 2011.

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The South Australian Advertiser, Adelaide, Saturday 5th June 1875, page 2.

“During the past week,” writes the Bunyip of June 4. “a severe double bereavement has fallen upon Mr. W.R. Lewis, solicitor, whose wife died on Sunday morning, after a very short illness, and whose father expired only two days after. Both the deceased were most highly esteemed in Gawler, and the deepest sympathy is everywhere expressed for the bereaved husband and son. The remains were interred in the Church of England cemetery – those of Mrs. Lewis on Monday, and Dr. Lewis on Wednesday. In each case there was a very large attendance, although, doubtless, a great many who would have been present were prevented by the bad weather which prevailed. Canon Coombs officiated at each interment, and spoke highly of the virtues of the departed. In consequence of his long membership, the Gawler Lodge of Freemasons followed the remains of Dr. Lewis in procession. Dr. Lewis was born in the city of Cork, Ireland, in 1806, and having decided to follow the medical profession he commenced his studies at Dublin, and completed them in London. In 1830 he went to Queen’s County, where he followed his profession for many years. In 1851, about the time of the great gold discoveries in Victoria, he emigrated to South Australia, and finally settled near Gawler, where he purchased land built Baroma Lodge, so long known as his residence. After his settlement at Gawler Dr. Lewis practised his profession, and also devoted a portion of his time to agricultural pursuits, but his delicate health prevented him from answering all the numerous calls on his professional skill and care. In the comparatively small circle in which he ministered to the sick and needy, he was most highly esteemed, and was constantly called in consultation with professional brethren, both in the town and from Adelaide. His name is fondly cherished as a household word in many homes, the scenes of his skill, where he was truly esteemed as the ‘beloved physician.’ As a magistrate, a gentleman, and a public man, he was a foremost citizen of Gawler, where to the last he always exercised a powerful influence for good, and his high character and thorough conscientiousness always added weight to any course he took.” 

(This transcription above was submitted by me to Obituaries Australia 14/03/2012)

Note: According to information on the web site http://www.gawler.nowandthen.net.au the Ferguson & Urie window was restored in 1999 to the memory of George Alexander Weaver, by his wife Betty and Family.

External Links:

National Library Australia photo c.1995: St Georges Anglican Church, Gawler, SA

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29-01-1866: St George’s Anglican Church, Queenscliff, Victoria. Australia.

The Anglican Church of St George at Queenscliff contains a magnificent chancel window made by Ferguson & Urie that was installed in early 1866. The original design for this window was also found amongst the State Library collections and images of it are included in this article.

The Australasian, Melbourne, Vic, Saturday 3rd February 1866, page 6.

“A stained-glass window, admittedly the handsomest ever manufactured in the colony, has just been placed in the Anglican church of St. George, at Queenscliff. It is a three-light window, and contains illustrations of some fifteen different subjects, all memorable passages in the life of Christ, arranged in the order in which they are mentioned in the Litany of the Church of England; the sentences from which, together with the prayer, “Good Lord deliver us.” being included in the design. It is the work of Messrs. Urie and Co., of North Melbourne. The window cost about 300, and was presented to the church by the Hon. T. H. Fellows, M.L.C.”

This is undoubtedly my favorite window of all Ferguson & Urie windows. It’s also the only stained glass window I have seen, so far, that depicts the ‘Devil’ in a modern recognizable form in fiery red with wings resembling the prehistoric Pterodactyl.  The window has fifteen scenes from the litany starting from the immaculate conception to the Holy Ghost coming down.

The entire window is displayed in the slideshow below with detailed photos of each element of the fifteen scenes from the litany displayed in order as they appear in the window. The order of each appears to be correct but there are doubts about the ‘Bloody Sweat” being after the “Agony in the garden” scene.

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The newspaper article was also published in;

The Argus, Melbourne, Monday 29th January 1866, page 4.
The Sydney Morning Herald, Friday 2nd February 1866, page 2.

Related posts about the Ferguson & Urie windows at St George’s:
22-02-186429-01-186613-08-186712-02-1881 07-04-1882 >18-10-1884 > 30-12-1893

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22-02-1864: St George’s Anglican Church, Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia.

In 1864 the liturgical west three light stained glass window of St George’s Anglican Church at Queenscliff was donated by Dr. David John Williams (1819-1902). He was Trustee and Vestryman of St George’s Church and the first Mayor of the Borough of Queenscliffe in 1863-64. He had served in Russia as part of the English Medical Service and was appointed personal medical officer to Czar Nicholas 1st who awarded him the order of St Ann in 1842. The Czar presented him with an engraved jewel encrusted ring (which sold at auction in 1951 for £270 and at auction in 2012 for $51,000).  Dr Williams also had a lead medical role at the Eureka Stockade at Ballarat in 1854 as well as other government appointed medical positions.

All the Ferguson & Urie stained glass windows were installed  in St. George’s Church at Queenscliff between 1864 and 1892. The window described in this article is the liturgical ‘West’ window which fronts the street and was the first to be erected in the Church and donated by Dr. Williams. The window depicts the Evangelists. Matthew, Mark. Luke and John and the Shield of the Trinity or Apostles Creed.

Photos taken 25th September 2010.

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The Argus, Melbourne, Monday 22nd February 1864, page 5.


 ST.GEORGE’S CHURCH. – A large proportion of the visitors to Queenscliff will be well pleased to hear that the episcopal church is completed, and open for public worship. It has been erected – after the designs of Mr. Albert Purchas, of Melbourne – on the summit of Swan-hill, the highest part of the borough …”

 “…At the west end is a three light window, filled with stained glass, designed and executed by Messrs. Ferguson and Urie of North Melbourne…”.

The Australasian Sketcher, Melbourne, Saturday 12th February 1881, page 54.


“THE church of St. George, Queenscliff, was begun to be built at the end of 1862 through the energy of Dr. Williams, the recent Government health officer at Queenscliff. It was completed in 1863, and opened for divine worship in January, 1864, by the Rev. R. Cummins, of St. Paul’s, Ballarat. In May of the same year the Rev. H. J. Wilkinson, the present incumbent, was appointed. It was consecrated by Bishop Perry in January, 1868. Its length is 67ft., and its breadth 36ft. 3in.; its height from apex of roof about 40ft. Mr. Purchas, of Melbourne, is the architect. Soon after the commencement of the church the late Judge Fellows took an active interest in it, and continued his liberal help until his death. An Estey organ has just been procured from Messrs, Glen and Co., and is at the entrance of the church. The description of the interior was recently given in a Melbourne daily journal in the following terms:- In Queenscliff itself the principal object is, undoubtedly, St. George’s Church of England, not alone from its internal beauty and perfection of arrangement, but from its being the “outward and visible sign” of the charity of one who was never weary in well doing – the late Judge fellows. The chancel window is of stained glass, and is illustrative of a portion of the Litany, each pane bearing underneath it the words of some appropriate quotation. It consists of 15 panes. The reredos is beautifully coloured, and the whole of the floor of the sanctuary is tiled. There is a marbled credence table, and the sacramental and offertory vessels are of silver, appropriately engraved. There are seats for the assistant priests within the sanctuary, one on the Episcopal, and one on the decanal side. The reading-desk, pulpit, and altar rails are all of polished oak. Over the reading-desk is painted “Pray now unto the Lord,” and over the pulpit, “Preach the Kingdom of God.” There are twelve stained glass windows dedicated to the Twelve Apostles, with suitable texts from the Epistles over each. The pews are slightly raised, as in All Saints’ Church, East St. Kilda, and are arranged so as to leave a centre aisle from the altar gate. Almost immediately over the pulpit is a plain white marble slab, bearing the inscription, “In Memory of Thomas Howard Fellows, Born 21st October 1822 Died 8th April 1878. If you seek his memorial look around.”

The Argus, Melbourne, Vic, Monday 20th January 1902, page 1.

“WILLIAMS.- On the 18th January, at Queenscliff, David John Williams, M.D., F.R.C.S., aged 84.”

The Argus, Melbourne, Vic, Tuesday 19th June 1951, page 3.

THIS jewel of Russia’s Czarist days will be auctioned in Melbourne on Thursday. Czar Nicholas I gave it to Dr. David John Williams, a Victorian surgeon, for service aboard the Imperial yact Queen Victoria in 1847. It is set in gold and diamonds, with an amethyst centre. Dr. Williams, born in Glamorganshire in 1816, came to Australia in 1844 as surgeon-superintendent on the Templar. Two years later he was appointed to the Queen Victoria, which Nicholas had built in England. Dr. Williams returned to Melbourne in 1852. He attended wounded men at Eureka Stockade. Leonard Joel Pty. Ltd. will conduct the auction”.

The Argus, Melbourne, Vic, Friday 22nd June 1951, page 5.

“Czar’s relic for £270.”
“A jewelled order presented to a Victorian surgeon in 1847 by Czar Nicholas I yesterday passed into the keeping of a Malvern art dealer for £ 270.
For the buyer, Mr. John A. Hogan, the value of the order lies in its historic interest. Set in diamonds, with an amethyst centrepiece, it is faced with green enamel. At the base is a double-headed eagle holding a sceptre. “If I break it up the jewels will probably bring only from £10 to £20 each,” Mr. Hogan said. I would have done that a few years ago, but now historic pieces like this find New Australian buyers. They are far keener on them than old Australians.” The inscription on the red leather case reads “Presented by His Majesty, the Emperor of All the Russians, to Dr. J. Williams. MD, surgeon on His Majesty’s yacht, Queen Victoria.” Dr Williams came to Australia in 1844. Two years later he was appointed ship’s surgeon on Czar Nicholas’ yacht. He returned to Melbourne in 1852.”

Fifty seven years later, in July 2008, the Dr D. J. Williams ring, the gift from Czar Nicholas the 1st, again went up for auction. This time it sold for a staggering $51,000.

Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd, Sale 88, Lot 741. 22-24 Jul 2008, Dallas Brooks Centre Melbourne.

“Provenance: The current owner acquired this piece in the late 1950s from a direct descendant of Dr D.J.Williams. David John Williams (1819-1902) Born in Glamorganshire, Wales, in 1819, he studied medicine in England and Scotland, graduating M.R.C.S. Eng., 1841; L.S.A. Lond., 1845; M.D. St Andrews, 1848; F.R.C.S. Eng., 1861. In 1844 he sailed aboard the `Templar’ as Surgeon-Superintendent arriving in Sydney in August of that year. On his return to England he served in Russia as part of the English Medical Service. He was appointed personal medical officer to Czar Nicholas I and spent the summer sailing with the Czar aboard his yacht `Queen Victoria’, and the winter serving in hospitals in St Petersburg. On leaving Russia Dr Williams was presented with the Order of St Anne by Czar Nicholas. Arriving in Melbourne aboard the `Bride’ in May 1853 Williams went first into private practice, then Government service before being posted to the Quarantine Station at Point Nepean in September 1853. Williams was transferred to Ballarat as District Surgeon, whilst there he conducted the inquest into the death of James Scobie on 7 October 1854 and, later that of Henry Powell on 9 December 1854 (who was wounded during the Eureka rebellion). As Camp Doctor Williams attended to the wounded from the Eureka rebellion. Dr Williams remained in Ballarat as coroner when the position of District Surgeon was abolished. He resigned in March 1855, visited England and on his return settled in Queenscliffe serving first as Assistant Health Officer at the Heads in 1858, then as Health Officer in 1867. Whilst in Queenscliffe he took an active part in civic and church affairs, being elected to the Council and becoming the first Mayor of the Borough of Queenscliffe in 1863. Williams died in 1902 and was buried in Queenscliffe. St George’s Church vestry erected a rear window as a memorial to Dr Williams in recognition of his long and invaluable contribution to the church. (References: `Goldrush Doctors at Ballarat’ by Keith Macrae Bowden, Mulgrave, 1977; `Great News Stories of Queenscliff’)”.

(in-line image from noble.com.au)

(in-line image from noble.com.au)

Related posts:
22-02-186429-01-186613-08-186712-02-1881 07-04-1882 >18-10-1884 > 30-12-1893

External Links:

Noble Numismatics:  On leaving Russia Dr Williams was presented with the Order of St Anne by Czar Nicholas.

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